You Reap What You Sow

They're not afraid of the word any more.

If this concerns the GOP, they'll need to come up with a good, reasonable, calm argument.
DemRino have messed things up so badly for 30-50 years I am not surprised they begin to want to try something else.

Besides the 12 year brainwashing in schools, the TV hits them constantly with commee socialist leftisi pablum. A man is a woman, whites are bad, evil is good, homos are special.....on and on. Some even hear of the $22T debt DemRino ran up, yet refuse to address.

They dont like to work to pay SS to old rich evil whitey. They dont hear much truth.
The glory of the modern American public education system. Action is necessary.

Exclusive poll: Young Americans are embracing socialism
Maybe you kids should have quit messing with their budget.

The go-to commee leftist answer "more spending". No mention education spending already off the charts spending per student "forever". How the money is spent is the issue. $400K CA bureacrats eat uo the money then carry on into massive retirements.
They're not afraid of the word any more.

If this concerns the GOP, they'll need to come up with a good, reasonable, calm argument.
Mac, I asked a poster yesterday for their definition of socialism, but got no answer. You are right that our youth do not relate to the terrors of the old USSR, and many who do remember, as you say, are scared of the word. They point to the disaster of Venezuela while the kids point to the benefits of Scandinavia. We need to work on our semantics and get on the same page, then take it from there.
Mac, I asked a poster yesterday for their definition of socialism, but got no answer. You are right that our youth do not relate to the terrors of the old USSR, and many who do remember, as you say, are scared of the word. They point to the disaster of Venezuela while the kids point to the benefits of Scandinavia. We need to work on our semantics and get on the same page, then take it from there.
Bingo, yes.

The problem for the Right is that screaming SOCIALIST NAZI VENEZUELA AAUUUGHHH simply no longer works, and it appears they're just not currently equipped to offer anything else. That's all they know.

Much the same happened with the Left, which has found out that just screaming RACIST AAUUUGHHHH no longer puts people on the defensive. So they just keep screaming because that's all they know.

The words are so diluted at this point that they can mean anything. Or nothing. You can't have a constructive conversation with that as a starting point.
They're not afraid of the word any more.

If this concerns the GOP, they'll need to come up with a good, reasonable, calm argument.
They already have. No socialism. Spare me Mac. So aoc comes up with a reasonable calm argument. The world will end in 12 years and we need to pay people who refuse to work. Do you even understand how irrational your statements are?
They're not afraid of the word any more.

If this concerns the GOP, they'll need to come up with a good, reasonable, calm argument.
They already have. No socialism. Spare me Mac. So aoc comes up with a reasonable calm argument. The world will end in 12 years and we need to pay people who refuse to work. Do you even understand how irrational your statements are?
Then you have nothing to worry about.
The government doing things for the people

What a concept
Gee,someone on this board who doesn't know the definition of Socialism

The US is not close to being socialist
But get accused of it every time we do things for the public

Government helping business is Patriotism
Government helping people is Socialism

Wow yet another person here who can't use a dictionary but makes up definitions instead

Government welfare is not socialism

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