You think weirdos like Bruce Jenner knows, they can never actually really change genders?

doesn't really matter to me but man , yeah , just keeps getting weirder and weirder . All I can say is that I'm glad that I'm an older guy with kids that are in their 40s !!
"You think weirdos like Bruce Jenner knows, they can never actually really change genders?"

This is a non-issue, like every other American Jenner's at liberty to express himself as he sees fit.

The only 'weirdos' are you and other authoritarian rightists who fear diversity and expressions of individual liberty, and seek to demonize those whom you perceive to be 'different.'
"You think weirdos like Bruce Jenner knows, they can never actually really change genders?"

This is a non-issue, like every other American Jenner's at liberty to express himself as he sees fit.

The only 'weirdos' are you and other authoritarian rightists who fear diversity and expressions of individual liberty, and seek to demonize those whom you perceive to be 'different.'
I don't fear what I think is sick. He can do whatever, just keep it to yourself.
What trial? He hasn't been charged with a crime.

He needs,money. Making a spectacle of himself is the only thing he can think of to get it.
That or just be the greatest athlete in the world at one time.

I wish more gays in highschool would wrestle and beat the shit out of homophone kids. Earn some respect.
doesn't really matter to me but man , yeah , just keeps getting weirder and weirder . All I can say is that I'm glad that I'm an older guy with kids that are in their 40s !!

I always thought if I was gay I'd have to wait till my dad died before I could come out. Now imagine you are Bruce. You can't wait for ten kids to die.

Every day there are more reasons to hate liberals. (Left wing godless sacks of shit who shout from moral hypocritical platitudes, who truly are not liberals at all.)
Quit feeling personally insulted by things that do not directly impact your life.

If they limited their concern to themselves they'd kill themselves in no time. When you suck, focusing your attention on others is better than on yourself.

Sounds just like libs. Gotta love the reality TV generation.

Every day there are more reasons to hate liberals. (Left wing godless sacks of shit who shout from moral hypocritical platitudes, who truly are not liberals at all.)

You need to get a life. Unless you are a member of Jenner's family. Then I feel your pain. There REALLY must be something more important to fret over. Unless you are considering a gender change.. In that case I encourage you to follow Jenner's journey. Good luck.

...from being on a box to having one of his own!!!!!
I hope he keeps his penis. He said he likes women but he also said he has all male body parts "for now at least". I hope he doesnt get a vagina but he wants to be a woman.

This family is captivating.
He's a Republican.

That apparently means conservative to you.

Fucking idiots everywhere.
It tells me gays blacks women Jews Mexicans Arabs and god are all just issues the rich use to divide us sheep. Fact is all that matters is how much you got.

All they are, are a shitbag of cliches. That is all and that is it.


Dedicated left wing liberals.




All while liberal occupy wall street socialists organized by Saul Alinsky disciples, using Saul Alinsky tactics.



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