You think weirdos like Bruce Jenner knows, they can never actually really change genders?

Can a male transgender play a woman's sport?

For example, if a man cuts off his schmendrick and he is now a she (only in the eyes of the morons on the left of course) can that he/she then play on the LPGA tour?

Oh fuck it. I hate liberals. Fucking liberals.
I'll let you try out for the lgbt tour. So many trannies are gonna come out now they can have their own. Wear really short skirts with their balls hanging down. Oh wait, they won't have balls anymore.

What kind of rights do bisexuals not have?

Why is it so important for people who claim it is none of our business what someone does with their genitals in private always need to be so public about what they do with their genitals in private?

Because they crave validation.
Can a male transgender play a woman's sport?

For example, if a man cuts off his schmendrick and he is now a she (only in the eyes of the morons on the left of course) can that he/she then play on the LPGA tour?

Oh fuck it. I hate liberals. Fucking liberals.
I'll let you try out for the lgbt tour. So many trannies are gonna come out now they can have their own. Wear really short skirts with their balls hanging down. Oh wait, they won't have balls anymore.

What kind of rights do bisexuals not have?

Why is it so important for people who claim it is none of our business what someone does with their genitals in private always need to be so public about what they do with their genitals in private?
Do you miss shows like Oprah telling you why?
How can anyone who believes in god not think god created that perfect human specimen. Let's not forget he's an Olympic champion. Greatst athlete in the world. Never forget that.
Can a male transgender play a woman's sport?

For example, if a man cuts off his schmendrick and he is now a she (only in the eyes of the morons on the left of course) can that he/she then play on the LPGA tour?

Oh fuck it. I hate liberals. Fucking liberals.
I'll let you try out for the lgbt tour. So many trannies are gonna come out now they can have their own. Wear really short skirts with their balls hanging down. Oh wait, they won't have balls anymore.

What kind of rights do bisexuals not have?

Why is it so important for people who claim it is none of our business what someone does with their genitals in private always need to be so public about what they do with their genitals in private?

Because they crave validation.
We all do.
Can a male transgender play a woman's sport?

For example, if a man cuts off his schmendrick and he is now a she (only in the eyes of the morons on the left of course) can that he/she then play on the LPGA tour?

Oh fuck it. I hate liberals. Fucking liberals.
I'll let you try out for the lgbt tour. So many trannies are gonna come out now they can have their own. Wear really short skirts with their balls hanging down. Oh wait, they won't have balls anymore.

What kind of rights do bisexuals not have?

Why is it so important for people who claim it is none of our business what someone does with their genitals in private always need to be so public about what they do with their genitals in private?

Because they crave validation.
We all do.

Some more than others...
Wow great point. He cheated. Lol

If nothing else he lied about his gender.
He said he knew from a very young age. That's why its amazing he won. Being girly and all. Now gays have another Olympic hero. Like Greg luganis.

I think he had a penis so he keeps his metals. He would have killed the women too. If anything he should get their metals too. Or a rematch.
CAN change your genders being simply how you feel or identify.

CANNOT change your sex. Only your appearence.

This idea of gender as a feeling is utter bullshit, and is purely a creation of individuals being poorly adjusted to a sexist world. There is no such thing as "feeling" male or female. That's like saying you "feel" like a dolphin when you are a human. The only reason people "feel" like they are the wrong gender is because society is hell bend on defining a person's quality in terms of their gender.

I am a man. I'm nice. I'm sensitive. Hell, I'm sometimes moody a fuck and every time some new blurb floats around on facebook about how to translate what a woman really means when she says such and such, I usually find myself thinking "well shit, that describes me pretty damn well too." But I don't "feel" like a woman. I am not a woman. I am a man. I have a certain personality. My personality is equally valid for a male or a female.

The only reason why personality leads people to "feel" like they are in the "wrong" body is because they are poorly adjusted to coping with the social injustices related to measuring human individual worth in terms of personality being adequately male or female.

I really do feel sorry for Bruce. He's had to live with those stupid twats the Kardashians for so long, watch them obsess for years over the most inane and superficial qualities, and undoubtedly endure all kinds of abuse. His wretched family has driven him crazy, and now his mind and heart are broken to the point where the only way he can figure to get himself fixed is to get an operation so that he can spend the rest of his life living a lie. It's his life, and his body, so he can do whatever he wants with it. But let's not make any mistake about this. The transgender "phenomenon" is nothing more than an escape into a fantasy world, caused by an abhorrently violent sexism that runs so deep that the "advocates" can't see that they are in fact the biggest proliferators.
Can a male transgender play a woman's sport?

For example, if a man cuts off his schmendrick and he is now a she (only in the eyes of the morons on the left of course) can that he/she then play on the LPGA tour?

Oh fuck it. I hate liberals. Fucking liberals.
I'll let you try out for the lgbt tour. So many trannies are gonna come out now they can have their own. Wear really short skirts with their balls hanging down. Oh wait, they won't have balls anymore.

What kind of rights do bisexuals not have?

Why is it so important for people who claim it is none of our business what someone does with their genitals in private always need to be so public about what they do with their genitals in private?

Because they crave validation.
We all do.

Some more than others...

Says the person who clearly gets enoug of it. If we all picked on little pee pee guys you wouldnt like it. Maybe instead of judging based on who you stick your dick in lets just go by size and pick on anyone with your size penis or smaller.
CAN change your genders being simply how you feel or identify.

CANNOT change your sex. Only your appearence.

This idea of gender as a feeling is utter bullshit, and is purely a creation of individuals being poorly adjusted to a sexist world. There is no such thing as "feeling" male or female. That's like saying you "feel" like a dolphin when you are a human. The only reason people "feel" like they are the wrong gender is because society is hell bend on defining a person's quality in terms of their gender.

I am a man. I'm nice. I'm sensitive. Hell, I'm sometimes moody a fuck and every time some new blurb floats around on facebook about how to translate what a woman really means when she says such and such, I usually find myself thinking "well shit, that describes me pretty damn well too." But I don't "feel" like a woman. I am not a woman. I am a man. I have a certain personality. My personality is equally valid for a male or a female.

The only reason why personality leads people to "feel" like they are in the "wrong" body is because they are poorly adjusted to coping with the social injustices related to measuring human individual worth in terms of personality being adequately male or female.

I really do feel sorry for Bruce. He's had to live with those stupid twats the Kardashians for so long, watch them obsess for years over the most inane and superficial qualities, and undoubtedly endure all kinds of abuse. His wretched family has driven him crazy, and now his mind and heart are broken to the point where the only way he can figure to get himself fixed is to get an operation so that he can spend the rest of his life living a lie. It's his life, and his body, so he can do whatever he wants with it. But let's not make any mistake about this. The transgender "phenomenon" is nothing more than an escape into a fantasy world, caused by an abhorrently violent sexism that runs so deep that the "advocates" can't see that they are in fact the biggest proliferators.
That's how you feel. Not everyone feels the way you feel. Feelings are personal.
so is brucy going to move next door to richard simmons?
Daddy's girls been a bad girl. Remember that's what richard had his male prostitutes say as they spanked him.
they should use brucy as an example in the driving school business. like, one of the things you should never do when driving as a female.
You know he was listening to beyonces who rules the world girls or something like that talking on the phone taking a selfie. Poor dear.
so now that bruce is a confused female man bear pig, who would wanna date&sleep with him (besides dennis roddman).
so is brucy going to move next door to richard simmons?
Daddy's girls been a bad girl. Remember that's what richard had his male prostitutes say as they spanked him.
they should use brucy as an example in the driving school business. like, one of the things you should never do when driving as a female.
You know he was listening to beyonces who rules the world girls or something like that talking on the phone taking a selfie. Poor dear.
so now that bruce is a confused female man bear pig, who would wanna date&sleep with him (besides dennis roddman).
You dont think there are women who would date woman Bruce? Chris couldn't do it but eventually he will bang those girlfriends he has. Dont forget he's still a dude and with us dudes its all about getting pussy. Lok
That's how you feel. Not everyone feels the way you feel. Feelings are personal.

Congratulations. That was so vague and so base, it's completely pointless!

Obviously feelings are personal. You won't experience my feeling, nor I yours. So what?

Oh, you think that what I posted was just a "feeling"? No, what I posted was fact. There is no such thing as a male or female "feeling." Aside from their actual biological differences, the only differences between men and women are social constructs, and nothing more. A person cannot actually "feel" male or female. They can only feel a sense of inadequacy and lack of self esteem based on socially enforced perceptions of self worth defined in terms of gender.

The very existence of the transgender phenomenon in society is due to society attempting to define sexual orientation in terms of gender. If you were male you had sex with women. If you were a woman you had sex with men. When homosexuality people couldn't cope with the negative stigma assigned to homosexuality they began rationalizing their sexual orientation with the idea that they were born in the "wrong" body. When the reality is that they were gay and they could not cope with an abusive society who demonized them based on the notion that they were "supposed" to be something based on their gender.
so is brucy going to move next door to richard simmons?
Daddy's girls been a bad girl. Remember that's what richard had his male prostitutes say as they spanked him.
they should use brucy as an example in the driving school business. like, one of the things you should never do when driving as a female.
You know he was listening to beyonces who rules the world girls or something like that talking on the phone taking a selfie. Poor dear.
so now that bruce is a confused female man bear pig, who would wanna date&sleep with him (besides dennis roddman).
You dont think there are women who would date woman Bruce? Chris couldn't do it but eventually he will bang those girlfriends he has. Dont forget he's still a dude and with us dudes its all about getting pussy. Lok
i am really going to feel sorry for all of those male dogs who will assume that bruce is a woman.
CAN change your genders being simply how you feel or identify.

CANNOT change your sex. Only your appearence.

This idea of gender as a feeling is utter bullshit, and is purely a creation of individuals being poorly adjusted to a sexist world. There is no such thing as "feeling" male or female. That's like saying you "feel" like a dolphin when you are a human. The only reason people "feel" like they are the wrong gender is because society is hell bend on defining a person's quality in terms of their gender.

I am a man. I'm nice. I'm sensitive. Hell, I'm sometimes moody a fuck and every time some new blurb floats around on facebook about how to translate what a woman really means when she says such and such, I usually find myself thinking "well shit, that describes me pretty damn well too." But I don't "feel" like a woman. I am not a woman. I am a man. I have a certain personality. My personality is equally valid for a male or a female.

The only reason why personality leads people to "feel" like they are in the "wrong" body is because they are poorly adjusted to coping with the social injustices related to measuring human individual worth in terms of personality being adequately male or female.

I really do feel sorry for Bruce. He's had to live with those stupid twats the Kardashians for so long, watch them obsess for years over the most inane and superficial qualities, and undoubtedly endure all kinds of abuse. His wretched family has driven him crazy, and now his mind and heart are broken to the point where the only way he can figure to get himself fixed is to get an operation so that he can spend the rest of his life living a lie. It's his life, and his body, so he can do whatever he wants with it. But let's not make any mistake about this. The transgender "phenomenon" is nothing more than an escape into a fantasy world, caused by an abhorrently violent sexism that runs so deep that the "advocates" can't see that they are in fact the biggest proliferators.
Gender is exactly a feeling. It's a social construct.

Sex is a biological fact.
Daddy's girls been a bad girl. Remember that's what richard had his male prostitutes say as they spanked him.
they should use brucy as an example in the driving school business. like, one of the things you should never do when driving as a female.
You know he was listening to beyonces who rules the world girls or something like that talking on the phone taking a selfie. Poor dear.
so now that bruce is a confused female man bear pig, who would wanna date&sleep with him (besides dennis roddman).
You dont think there are women who would date woman Bruce? Chris couldn't do it but eventually he will bang those girlfriends he has. Dont forget he's still a dude and with us dudes its all about getting pussy. Lok
i am really going to feel sorry for all of those male dogs who will assume that bruce is a woman.
Remember jack tripper on 3s company dressed as a woman and chrissys boss hit on him?
If you can afford it you can probably get enough plastic surgery to make you look like a freaking zombie but it doesn't mean you are actually a zombie and your DNA stays the same no matter how much you mutilate your body. It's a free Country and you can do what you want to yourself but we are also free to laugh at you.

Every day there are more reasons to hate liberals. (Left wing godless sacks of shit who shout from moral hypocritical platitudes, who truly are not liberals at all.)
Bruce said last night he's a republican! Probably believes in god too.

He can't actually become a woman with a real vagina but you can't change how he feels inside no matter how guilty you try to make him feel.

Anti gay people are the godless ones. Hopefully one day we view people with your opinion as the "weirdos".

What is gay about a sex change?

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