You think weirdos like Bruce Jenner knows, they can never actually really change genders?

Jenner: I'm a woman...
Conservatives: Ok.
Liberals: YOU GO GIRL!

Jenner: I'm also a republican.
Conservatives: Ok.
Liberals: DIE IN A FIRE!
Jenner: I'm a woman...
Conservatives: What a diseased freak, clearly a sign of the end times. May Jesus come kill us all for our depravity.
Liberals: Whatevs

Jenner: I'm also a republican.
Conservatives: you're a freak who will burn in hell
Liberals: well that's mighty stupid of you.
I watched the entire 2 hours last night and if Jenner feels that getting his Adam's apple shaved, hormone therapy among other physical attributes to ENHANCING his physical attributes to do what? Attract a man? He said he had no interest in men.
So why then does he have to wear a dress? Pluck his eyebrows? All the actions taken by the majority of women for attracting men!
He said he had to be true to his feminine self. I understand that. It's just why can't it be done in private?
And those 700,000 kids battling their "transgender" issues... why do they have to wear the clothes,etc. unless it is to attract the opposite sex and Jenner then is lying.

Every day there are more reasons to hate liberals. (Left wing godless sacks of shit who shout from moral hypocritical platitudes, who truly are not liberals at all.)
Bruce said last night he's a republican! Probably believes in god too.

He can't actually become a woman with a real vagina but you can't change how he feels inside no matter how guilty you try to make him feel.

Anti gay people are the godless ones. Hopefully one day we view people with your opinion as the "weirdos".

What is gay about a sex change?
Seems like a gay thing to do. What's gay about me liking to wear high heals? Everything.

What? You think there are no gay conservatives?
Silly you. Bruce (perfect name) was "chosen" to prove that "gay is a choice".

See, Bruce likes girls, NOT boys. That makes him straight. So once he becomes a woman, he becomes a lesbian, that will make him gay. It's his "choice".

It's all part of a vast right wing conspiracy. At least he wasn't born in Kenya.
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