You think weirdos like Bruce Jenner knows, they can never actually really change genders?


Every day there are more reasons to hate liberals. (Left wing godless sacks of shit who shout from moral hypocritical platitudes, who truly are not liberals at all.)
Bruce said last night he's a republican! Probably believes in god too.

He can't actually become a woman with a real vagina but you can't change how he feels inside no matter how guilty you try to make him feel.

Anti gay people are the godless ones. Hopefully one day we view people with your opinion as the "weirdos".

What is gay about a sex change?
Seems like a gay thing to do. What's gay about me liking to wear high heals? Everything.
Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner came out as transgender in a Friday interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC's "20/20."

He also came out as a conservative.

Sawyer, after highlighting issues of unemployment and workplace discrimination faced by the transgender community, asked Jenner if he cheered on Obama earlier this year when the president became the first to use the word "transgender" as he called for action on these issues during his State of the Union Address.

"He actually was the first one to say the actual word transgender, I will certainly give him credit for that," Jenner replied. "But not to get political, I've just never been a big fan -- I'm kind of more on the conservative side."

"Are you a Republican?" Sawyer asked.

"Yeah! Is that a bad thing? I believe in the Constitution."

Sawyer wondered whether a transgender individual affiliating with the Republican Party might be "an unsettling thing" for conservative Republicans, but Jenner told her neither party "has a monopoly on understanding." Sawyer asked Jenner whether he would ask Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) or House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) to "help champion this cause."

"I would do that, yeah, in a heartbeat," Jenner said. "Why not? And I think they'd be very receptive to it."

More: Bruce Jenner, After Coming Out As Transgender, Says He's A Conservative

Well, good for Brucie. I'm sure that makes Conservatives proud. Would they bake him a gay wedding cake?
I'll let you try out for the lgbt tour. So many trannies are gonna come out now they can have their own. Wear really short skirts with their balls hanging down. Oh wait, they won't have balls anymore.

What kind of rights do bisexuals not have?

Why is it so important for people who claim it is none of our business what someone does with their genitals in private always need to be so public about what they do with their genitals in private?

Because they crave validation.
We all do.

Some more than others...

Says the person who clearly gets enoug of it. If we all picked on little pee pee guys you wouldnt like it. Maybe instead of judging based on who you stick your dick in lets just go by size and pick on anyone with your size penis or smaller.

Enough of what?
What? You think there are no gay conservatives?
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What? You think their are no gay conservatives?

No, I don't. However, what would draw sane LGBTs to the Republican Party?

From the OP:

Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director Gregory T. Angelo issued a statement of support for Jenner following the special, applauding Jenner for "being true to himself":

As the nation's only organization representing LGBT conservatives and straight allies, Log Cabin Republicans congratulates Bruce Jenner in the tremendous courage he demonstrated tonight, being true to himself both in terms of his personal identity as well as his political identity. There is a home for you in Log Cabin Republicans -- as there is for all lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgender conservatives and straight allies.​
Jenner: I'm a woman...
Conservatives: Ok.
Liberals: YOU GO GIRL!

Jenner: I'm also a republican.
Conservatives: Ok.
Liberals: DIE IN A FIRE!
Maybe they don't vote based on their sexual orientation. Just like not all women vote based on their vagina.

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