You Tube hits infowars with third as free speech purge goes nuclear

I understand the private business concept, and they can do as they please, the question isn't can, the question is "why"? There is an extreme bias, on twitter, FB, youtube, everywhere. It's PC, in an unbalanced element of power. The world has changed dramatically.

Why not a disclaimer, you can even say "we at youtube think this guy is full of shyte, useless and doesn't speak a word of truth. Watch this garbage at your own risk"

This will not end well, and I worry about the future. America is our last hope for individual liberty, the internet is an extremely important, if not THE most important platform, with social media on the forefront of this.
I understand the private business concept, and they can do as they please, the question isn't can, the question is "why"? There is an extreme bias, on twitter, FB, youtube, everywhere. It's PC, in an unbalanced element of power. The world has changed dramatically.

Why not a disclaimer, you can even say "we at youtube think this guy is full of shyte, useless and doesn't speak a word of truth. Watch this garbage at your own risk"

This will not end well, and I worry about the future. America is our last hope for individual and liberty, the internet is an extremely important, if not THE most important platform, with social media on the forefront of this.
I already explained why. There is a difference between differing opinions and random idiot ramblings.
Youtube is a private business.
...pretending to offer unbiased access to publication of videos. Youtube is run by a bunch of goddamned liberal asswipes who are deathly afraid that conservative messages may sway useful idiots away from the clan.

Fuck Youtube!

Fuck Twitter!
Dont melt snowflake. Get your own video hosting service.
I have no desire to host videos. Since there is nothing you brain dead liberals can do to surprise me, I am no where near a melt down. I just cuss a lot. So fuckin' what!?
If you have no desire to host videos stop your pathetic whining. :rolleyes:
I'm not whining at all....just posting my opinions. If people don't like my opinions....fuck 'em!
Youtube is a private business.
...pretending to offer unbiased access to publication of videos. Youtube is run by a bunch of goddamned liberal asswipes who are deathly afraid that conservative messages may sway useful idiots away from the clan.

Fuck Youtube!

Fuck Twitter!
Dont melt snowflake. Get your own video hosting service.
I have no desire to host videos. Since there is nothing you brain dead liberals can do to surprise me, I am no where near a melt down. I just cuss a lot. So fuckin' what!?
If you have no desire to host videos stop your pathetic whining. :rolleyes:
I'm not whining at all....just posting my opinions. If people don't like my opinions....fuck 'em!
Yes youre whining. You forgot everyone can see your posts. :rolleyes:
I understand the private business concept, and they can do as they please, the question isn't can, the question is "why"? There is an extreme bias, on twitter, FB, youtube, everywhere. It's PC, in an unbalanced element of power. The world has changed dramatically.

Why not a disclaimer, you can even say "we at youtube think this guy is full of shyte, useless and doesn't speak a word of truth. Watch this garbage at your own risk"

This will not end well, and I worry about the future. America is our last hope for individual and liberty, the internet is an extremely important, if not THE most important platform, with social media on the forefront of this.
I already explained why. There is a difference between differing opinions and random idiot ramblings.

So how about the other side of the coin then? If he is such a rambling idiot, which I am sure he is; why is he so popular? You are saying to youtube, you have to police what someone like myself and MANY others already avoid. I haven't seen even one of his videos, that's truth. I've seen a few seconds of clip or two connected on twitter as I have auto-play when it scrolls and I've sen some headlines, and I know he wasn't for me. So why does youtube need to police this for me? I don't watch it, can't people just not watch it?

Just as I thought Honey Boo Boo was the worst show in history, some fools watched it and the ratings were huge. I didn't want watch Honey Boo Boo, and I was surprised anyone would, but that's their right. Let people decide what to watch why should others decide for the "safety" or some other reason?

Watch where this goes. The complete silencing and censoring of social media will be the start, soon it will be "national security" to "temporarily censor the internet", then you will see that the internet is now similar to China.
...pretending to offer unbiased access to publication of videos. Youtube is run by a bunch of goddamned liberal asswipes who are deathly afraid that conservative messages may sway useful idiots away from the clan.

Fuck Youtube!

Fuck Twitter!
Dont melt snowflake. Get your own video hosting service.
I have no desire to host videos. Since there is nothing you brain dead liberals can do to surprise me, I am no where near a melt down. I just cuss a lot. So fuckin' what!?
If you have no desire to host videos stop your pathetic whining. :rolleyes:
I'm not whining at all....just posting my opinions. If people don't like my opinions....fuck 'em!
Yes youre whining. You forgot everyone can see your posts. :rolleyes:
I hope they do. The purpose of posting here is so that others can see my posts. Anyone that thinks I'm whining is a fucking idiot. That obviously includes you.:ahole-1:

I understand the private business concept, and they can do as they please, the question isn't can, the question is "why"? There is an extreme bias, on twitter, FB, youtube, everywhere. It's PC, in an unbalanced element of power. The world has changed dramatically.

Why not a disclaimer, you can even say "we at youtube think this guy is full of shyte, useless and doesn't speak a word of truth. Watch this garbage at your own risk"

This will not end well, and I worry about the future. America is our last hope for individual and liberty, the internet is an extremely important, if not THE most important platform, with social media on the forefront of this.
I already explained why. There is a difference between differing opinions and random idiot ramblings.

So how about the other side of the coin then? If he is such a rambling idiot, which I am sure he is; why is he so popular? You are saying to youtube, you have to police what someone like myself and MANY others already avoid. I haven't seen even one of his videos, that's truth. I've seen a few seconds of clip or two connected on twitter as I have auto-play when it scrolls and I've sen some headlines, and I know he wasn't for me. So why does youtube need to police this for me? I don't watch it, can't people just not watch it?

Just as I thought Honey Boo Boo was the worst show in history, some fools watched it and the ratings were huge. Let people decide what to watch why should others decide for the "safety" or some other reason?

Watch where this goes. The complete silencing and censoring of social media will be the start, soon it will be "national security" to "temporarily censor the internet", then you will see that the internet is now similar to China.
I dont think your logic is as damning as your question implies. Just because someone is an idiot doesnt make them not popular. Case in point. Drumpf had millions of votes. Personally I've never heard of him but if they took down his video its a good bet he is an idiot and potentially a dangerous one that promtes hate speech. Youtube is a private company so like other private companies they cater to the consumer base they want to attract. Thats why they police. Just because youtube censors doesnt mean other sites will do the same. Also, if its really important to you, there is no law against someone building their own video hosting site.
Dont melt snowflake. Get your own video hosting service.
I have no desire to host videos. Since there is nothing you brain dead liberals can do to surprise me, I am no where near a melt down. I just cuss a lot. So fuckin' what!?
If you have no desire to host videos stop your pathetic whining. :rolleyes:
I'm not whining at all....just posting my opinions. If people don't like my opinions....fuck 'em!
Yes youre whining. You forgot everyone can see your posts. :rolleyes:
I hope they do. The purpose of posting here is so that others can see my posts. Anyone that thinks I'm whining is a fucking idiot. That obviously includes you.:ahole-1:

Yes we see your whining. Stop crying. Do you need some tissue? :rolleyes:
So how about the other side of the coin then? If he is such a rambling idiot, which I am sure he is; why is he so popular? You are saying to youtube, you have to police what someone like myself and MANY others already avoid. I haven't seen even one of his videos, that's truth. I've seen a few seconds of clip or two connected on twitter as I have auto-play when it scrolls and I've sen some headlines, and I know he wasn't for me. So why does youtube need to police this for me? I don't watch it, can't people just not watch it?

Just as I thought Honey Boo Boo was the worst show in history, some fools watched it and the ratings were huge. I didn't want watch Honey Boo Boo, and I was surprised anyone would, but that's their right. Let people decide what to watch why should others decide for the "safety" or some other reason?

Watch where this goes. The complete silencing and censoring of social media will be the start, soon it will be "national security" to "temporarily censor the internet", then you will see that the internet is now similar to China.

The left does this because the left believes that individuals are incapable of making their own decisions.

Look at what their years of progressive schooling has yielded -- pussified young adults who are so inept at life that they need a safe space because they see a picture of Trump.

Removing differing povs from the internet is just an extension of that.

The left is the most retarded bunch of asswipes I've ever seen. They are so brain washed that they can't even stand up and counter differing povs. Instead, they have to erase them so the boo boos can remain insulated in their make believe safe space.
BitChute is an alternative to youtube is an alternative to twitter. Although leftist boo boo Google removed the app, it's still available on Android and internet.
Liberals hate the truth... always have and always will...Obama talks about two parallel universes and he is right but there is only one truth...only one universe is right and it's not his...Liberals have been lying for so long they have completely lost sight of truth therefore can not be honest even with themselves...
Truth is a subjective concept, something that can be accepted or rejected according to a viewers prejudices. By the very fact you state there is only "one truth", presumingly YOUR truth, you have already shown your own confirmation bias thus negating any value in your statement.
I've already told you my opinion of this guy, I don't care for him nor consider anything but a provocateur. However, why are they afraid of speech from the far right? Someone retweeted this on my timeline.:

Alex Jones‏Verified account @RealAlexJones
The Alex Jones channel with billions of views is frozen. We have been told it will be deleted tomorrow and all 33 thousands videos will be erased. We just set up this new page subscribe if you want to see what the SPLC wants censored..

You are showing great restraint. Provocateur, you say? How about batsh*t out of his mind crazy?
This thread has encouraged me to watch youtube videos of outraged social justice warriors and socialists. I feel a little better after watching these and I'm not sure why.

There is a recurring theme of outrage against the president for a multitude of issues, decisions and accusations that he has never engaged in, but apparently those in their circle of influence have convinced them is bound to happen. These irrational, often emotionally unhinged people are probably not unlike Jones, but they have a platform, or are rightfully ridiculed.

Can those who disagree with Jones simply ridicule him on youtube, discredit him and debate him, or is that not a fair response to someones craziness? Instead, silencing is the better choice?
This thread has encouraged me to watch youtube videos of outraged social justice warriors and socialists. I feel a little better after watching these and I'm not sure why.

There is a recurring theme of outrage against the president for a multitude of issues, decisions and accusations that he has never engaged in, but apparently those in their circle of influence have convinced them is bound to happen. These irrational, often emotionally unhinged people are probably not unlike Jones, but they have a platform, or are rightfully ridiculed.

Can those who disagree with Jones simply ridicule him on youtube, discredit him and debate him, or is that not a fair response to someones craziness? Instead, silencing is the better choice?
Why waste time doing all that when you can just kick him off for violating the code of conduct policy? Kicking him off invalidates him very effectively.
I follow info wars/Alex Jones even though I don't believe everything they say. I mostly support them, because it's funny to see liberal faggots get their panties in a bunch over Alex Jones.
This thread has encouraged me to watch youtube videos of outraged social justice warriors and socialists. I feel a little better after watching these and I'm not sure why.

There is a recurring theme of outrage against the president for a multitude of issues, decisions and accusations that he has never engaged in, but apparently those in their circle of influence have convinced them is bound to happen. These irrational, often emotionally unhinged people are probably not unlike Jones, but they have a platform, or are rightfully ridiculed.

Can those who disagree with Jones simply ridicule him on youtube, discredit him and debate him, or is that not a fair response to someones craziness? Instead, silencing is the better choice?
Why waste time doing all that when you can just kick him off for violating the code of conduct policy? Kicking him off invalidates him very effectively.
You'd be singing a totally different tune if you were permanently banned from USMB and all your posts deleted just for being a goddamned brain dead, shit headed liberal.
Looks like some big companies found out their advertising was appearing on his channel and they shut him down for violating policy just like I said..

Advertisers flee InfoWars founder Alex Jones' YouTube channel

"Last week, YouTube reprimanded the conspiracy theory site and Jones for violating its community guidelines after a video posted to The Alex Jones Channel, InfoWars' biggest YouTube account, claimed student anti-gun activists were actors."

Many of the brands -- including Nike, Moen, Expedia, Acer, ClassPass, Honey, Alibaba and OneFamily -- have suspended ads on InfoWars' channels after being contacted by CNN for comment. The companies, with the exception of Alibaba, which declined to comment, said they had been unaware their ads were running on The Alex Jones Channel. CNN discovered the HomeAway advertising shortly before publishing this story, and has not yet received a response from that company.

InfoWars and Jones are known for peddling conspiracy theories, including the false idea that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012 was a hoax."
This thread has encouraged me to watch youtube videos of outraged social justice warriors and socialists. I feel a little better after watching these and I'm not sure why.

There is a recurring theme of outrage against the president for a multitude of issues, decisions and accusations that he has never engaged in, but apparently those in their circle of influence have convinced them is bound to happen. These irrational, often emotionally unhinged people are probably not unlike Jones, but they have a platform, or are rightfully ridiculed.

Can those who disagree with Jones simply ridicule him on youtube, discredit him and debate him, or is that not a fair response to someones craziness? Instead, silencing is the better choice?
Why waste time doing all that when you can just kick him off for violating the code of conduct policy? Kicking him off invalidates him very effectively.
You'd be singing a totally different tune if you were permanently banned from USMB and all your posts deleted just for being a goddamned brain dead, shit headed liberal.
Why would I be singing a different tune? I dont get paid to post here. I would just go to another site.
Looks like some big companies found out their advertising was appearing on his channel and they shut him down for violating policy just like I said..

Advertisers flee InfoWars founder Alex Jones' YouTube channel

"Last week, YouTube reprimanded the conspiracy theory site and Jones for violating its community guidelines after a video posted to The Alex Jones Channel, InfoWars' biggest YouTube account, claimed student anti-gun activists were actors."

Many of the brands -- including Nike, Moen, Expedia, Acer, ClassPass, Honey, Alibaba and OneFamily -- have suspended ads on InfoWars' channels after being contacted by CNN for comment. The companies, with the exception of Alibaba, which declined to comment, said they had been unaware their ads were running on The Alex Jones Channel. CNN discovered the HomeAway advertising shortly before publishing this story, and has not yet received a response from that company.

InfoWars and Jones are known for peddling conspiracy theories, including the false idea that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012 was a hoax."

There was a debate about the Sandy Hook event; BOTH sides put their views. So?


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