You Tube hits infowars with third as free speech purge goes nuclear

I understand the private business concept, and they can do as they please, the question isn't can, the question is "why"? There is an extreme bias, on twitter, FB, youtube, everywhere. It's PC, in an unbalanced element of power. The world has changed dramatically.

Why not a disclaimer, you can even say "we at youtube think this guy is full of shyte, useless and doesn't speak a word of truth. Watch this garbage at your own risk"

This will not end well, and I worry about the future. America is our last hope for individual liberty, the internet is an extremely important, if not THE most important platform, with social media on the forefront of this.
I have concerns...not because I believe there is a strong raw bias, but the difficulty in drawing lines. Should conspiracy theories be given a voice on privately owned platforms that doesn’t want them? Who decides what is and isn’t? What terrorist recruitment and propaganda?
Not that there may be others of which I am not aware, USMB is the only site that allows just about anything whatsoever, and has separate pockets for them, though sometimes they are moved to places they don't belong.

WHo knows who Craig Sawyer is, apparently on here nobody why because an article was posted here from him trying to make people aware of " Child sex slaves/ sex rings and as a result of this Federal Officer trying to stop these crimes . IT WAS STUFFED INTO CONSPIRACY THEORIES........ wasn't that special to help hide the abuse of children.

So either A the ------------- up who put it there assumed instantly it was an INFOWARS BS article,,,,,,
B. never bothered to look at it....





They are idiots.
Bottom line. Complaining about youtube taking down this idiots videos is like complaining about me taking down a picture in my own home.
Bottom line. Complaining about youtube taking down this idiots videos is like complaining about me taking down a picture in my own home.

Bottom line is that anti-discrimination laws should prevent this sort of targeted denial of service but we all know those only work to protect non-whites and nobody else.
Bottom line. Complaining about youtube taking down this idiots videos is like complaining about me taking down a picture in my own home.

Bottom line is that anti-discrimination laws should prevent this sort of targeted denial of service but we all know those only work to protect non-whites and nobody else.
Except you dont pay any money to post videos on Youtube you idiot.
Bottom line. Complaining about youtube taking down this idiots videos is like complaining about me taking down a picture in my own home.

Bottom line is that anti-discrimination laws should prevent this sort of targeted denial of service but we all know those only work to protect non-whites and nobody else.
Except you dont pay any money to post videos on Youtube you idiot.

Anti-discrimination laws also protect people from workplace discrimination and many people make a living off of youtube otherwise they wouldn't put so much effort into creating content.
Bottom line. Complaining about youtube taking down this idiots videos is like complaining about me taking down a picture in my own home.

Bottom line is that anti-discrimination laws should prevent this sort of targeted denial of service but we all know those only work to protect non-whites and nobody else.
Except you dont pay any money to post videos on Youtube you idiot.

Anti-discrimination laws also protect people from workplace discrimination and many people make a living off of youtube otherwise they wouldn't put so much effort into creating content.
Making money off youtube doesnt mean you are employed by youtube you idiot.
Does that mean InfoWars lost its main youtube channel?

The Truth About the Crisis Actor Hoax at Parkland High

In fact, all Infowars has done is point out that only a few students out of thousands were promoted by the mainstream media for their anti-gun stance, and presented clips from local media of other students and teachers giving their accounts of the Parkland shooting that left 17 dead.

The truth is, the corporate media is deliberately misrepresenting what Infowars has reported not only to pressure tech companies like YouTube to remove our content in the name of “preventing harassment and bullying,” but to silence debate about what actually happened at Parkland to control the narrative.
The FBI couldn't find two Russian terrorists in Boston when the KGB gave them the freaking zip codes. They couldn't find a kid in Florida when only nine other people in the Country had the same name but they can independently cut the free speech rights of a conservative talk show host. Come on Sessions, show the same balls as your boss.
Still doesn't answer my question. Why are some so afraid of far right speech, but not far left?
I contend that the far left is afraid that some of their brethren will listen and switch sides.

Remind me when the rightwing sites host leftwing voices.

When did youtube become political censors? So who will be next? Ben Shapiro? Paul Watson? Ann Coulter?


The thing is - they are private companies. Like Fox. Like Brietbart.
Still doesn't answer my question. Why are some so afraid of far right speech, but not far left?
I contend that the far left is afraid that some of their brethren will listen and switch sides.

Remind me when the rightwing sites host leftwing voices.

When did youtube become political censors? So who will be next? Ben Shapiro? Paul Watson? Ann Coulter?


The thing is - they are private companies. Like Fox. Like Brietbart.

But they are near monopolies. At least we know that USMB has higher ethics than they!!


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