You want a solution?

Again, even my Jewish, zionist friends and relatives know this. Only the most extremist, lowest forms of life try to even make this topic one for debate.


As Israelis, we believe that the only chance for a political settlement that can work is to advocate for full equality of Palestinians and Israelis in Palestine/Israel, with their collective and individual rights constitutionally guaranteed. Indeed, a workable peace must also address the needs of all the peoples of our conflict-ridden region for security, dignity, freedom and economic opportunity.
Our Mission and Vision - ICAHD

So far in 2017







The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD)

Alright. Got your message. Clear as glass. It is permissible to build illegally. Gotcha. You have just solved the problem of outposts and settlements. Thanks for that.
If you really want to convince us that Israel wants peace, then join the Israelis linked above. By coming on here to argue why it's cool to demolish homes and steal land, you mare accomplishing just the opposite.

This group advocates a one state solution. If you support that, I would love to have you -- someone on Team Palestine, anyone on Team Palestine --address the problems and answer the questions I asked in my post #1 on this thread.

In the meantime, I wonder if that group also resists the demolition of Jewish or Israeli homes. Does that group support general lawlessness acts of political resistance on behalf of both Jews and Arabs or only for Arabs. I suspect its the latter. Which means it is, by definition, acting upon the principles of apartheid which claim different rules for different people based on their ethnic background.

I do not support the demolition of homes. I would prefer it didn't happen. But the solution to the problem is for people to stop building illegally.
The Arab Palestinian mentality ALWAYS seems to be, "We are permitted to be lawless and attempts to hold us to the law are evil".
The Arab Palestinian mentality ALWAYS seems to be, "We are permitted to be lawless and attempts to hold us to the law are evil".
HA HAHA HA! Talk about pot/kettle, that was both insane and lame.
The Arab Palestinian mentality ALWAYS seems to be, "We are permitted to be lawless and attempts to hold us to the law are evil".
HA HAHA HA! Talk about pot/kettle, that was both insane and lame.

Says the one supporting the illegal building of structures without permits.
Why should the Palestinians need to get permits from foreign assholes?
The Arab Palestinian mentality ALWAYS seems to be, "We are permitted to be lawless and attempts to hold us to the law are evil".
HA HAHA HA! Talk about pot/kettle, that was both insane and lame.

Says the one supporting the illegal building of structures without permits.
Why should the Palestinians need to get permits from foreign assholes?

If the Islamist beggars and squatters are building on land controlled by Israel, they will need permits. Seems pretty simple but another of the concepts you seem to have difficulty with.
The Arab Palestinian mentality ALWAYS seems to be, "We are permitted to be lawless and attempts to hold us to the law are evil".
HA HAHA HA! Talk about pot/kettle, that was both insane and lame.

Says the one supporting the illegal building of structures without permits.
Why should the Palestinians need to get permits from foreign assholes?

Yep. When I call out the need for lawful behaviour, as usual, Team Palestine doubles down on the, "laws don't apply to Arabs".
The zionists have lost their minds. These people need building permits? Because they appear to be next.


Lifta - Wikipedia

The zionists don't only want to destroy these peoples homes and steal their land, they want to erase them from our memories.
The Arab Palestinian mentality ALWAYS seems to be, "We are permitted to be lawless and attempts to hold us to the law are evil".
HA HAHA HA! Talk about pot/kettle, that was both insane and lame.

Says the one supporting the illegal building of structures without permits.
Why should the Palestinians need to get permits from foreign assholes?

Yep. When I call out the need for lawful behaviour, as usual, Team Palestine doubles down on the, "laws don't apply to Arabs".
Story in the first 3 minutes.

The zionists have lost their minds. These people need building permits? Because they appear to be next.


Lifta - Wikipedia

The zionists don't only want to destroy these peoples homes and steal their land, they want to erase them from our memories.

Um. You know those homes are empty right? They are in danger of collapse.

And speaking of erasing the history why aren't we talking about the Jewish First Temple origins of that town?
Another day, another war crime, another 50 homeless children thanks to zionism.

Israel accused of being about to 'commit war crime' over demolition that will leave 50 Palestinian children homeless

Residents of Susiya beg international community to pressure Israeli government into stopping a demolition that they say will destroy a large chunk of their village and 'leave 100 people, half of them children, exposed to freezing winter rain and harsh winds.'

Israel accused of being about to 'commit war crime' over demolition that will leave 50 Palestinian children homeless
'War crime'. Hehe. As shusha has pointed out again and again, pro-palestinians only seem to see Jews/Israelis as law breakers. The Palestinians are just innocent of any wrong doing always.
'War crime'. Hehe. As shusha has pointed out again and again, pro-palestinians only seem to see Jews/Israelis as law breakers. The Palestinians are just innocent of any wrong doing always.
Yes, Teddy, demolishing homes is a war crime. It falls under the category of collective punishment and international law is clear, regardless of what Shusha says.

This has nothing to do with Palestinian innocence or guilt.
So with your reasoning, when Jordan wiped out most of the Jewish quarter and other Jewish homes after 1948, that was a war crime.

Thank you.

When an unsafe unpermitted home is demolished in the U.S. that too is a war crime.

Thank you.
So with your reasoning, when Jordan wiped out most of the Jewish quarter and other Jewish homes after 1948, that was a war crime.

Thank you.

When an unsafe unpermitted home is demolished in the U.S. that too is a war crime.

Thank you.
Please don't justify war criminality. It's bad form and senseless.
That's funny. Now you're deflecting and sidestepping. You said in post #93 that demolishing homes was a war crime.

Get it straight will you?
It is as I explained above. It falls under collective punishment. Now go study.

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