You white mother F****r man charged for making threats to assassinate Trump

What's really telling is that this man probably knows NOTHING about Trump....other than the constant stream of slander, lies and downright defamation regurgitated by the Left media 24/7

And he probably represents most on the uninformed, hysterical left
What's really telling is that this man probably knows NOTHING about Trump....other than the constant stream of slander, lies and downright defamation regurgitated by the Left media 24/7

And he probably represents most on the uninformed, hysterical left

Trump is merely an identifiable figurehead. He's really after any white person he could get his hands on.
What's really telling is that this man probably knows NOTHING about Trump....other than the constant stream of slander, lies and downright defamation regurgitated by the Left media 24/7

And he probably represents most on the uninformed, hysterical left
So what do you need to know about the orange cheeto?
What I wanted was his sorry ass voted out in 2012, but we just have too much STUPID here.
‘You White Motherf***er!’: Man Charged For Making Threats To Assassinate Trump

A Michigan man has been charged by federal authorities after allegedly making threats against President Trump.

What else can you expect from an Anti Trump/ Anti American lunatic after all they'd all do it if they knew they could get away with it.

Really mf, you want to go there?
Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service
US President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death threats a day and is being protected by an increasingly over-stretched and under-resourced Secret Service, according to a new book.

‘You White Motherf***er!’: Man Charged For Making Threats To Assassinate Trump

A Michigan man has been charged by federal authorities after allegedly making threats against President Trump.

What else can you expect from an Anti Trump/ Anti American lunatic after all they'd all do it if they knew they could get away with it.

When I saw the title I was sure that Tom Perez or Keith Ellison was in handcuffs..

These Stalinists are violent, evil people. We can expect nothing else from the left.
‘You White Motherf***er!’: Man Charged For Making Threats To Assassinate Trump

A Michigan man has been charged by federal authorities after allegedly making threats against President Trump.

What else can you expect from an Anti Trump/ Anti American lunatic after all they'd all do it if they knew they could get away with it.
Oh I would guess lots of folks are thinking and saying things like that. Like they did with Obama.

Yea, well, our homicidal radicals will KILL your homicidal radicals!!!

‘You White Motherf***er!’: Man Charged For Making Threats To Assassinate Trump

A Michigan man has been charged by federal authorities after allegedly making threats against President Trump.

What else can you expect from an Anti Trump/ Anti American lunatic after all they'd all do it if they knew they could get away with it.

Really mf, you want to go there?
Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service
US President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death threats a day and is being protected by an increasingly over-stretched and under-resourced Secret Service, according to a new book.
Exactly. It has been reported that Rep. Frederica Wilson also is getting threats. There have been too many threats made in the past few years and we are not catching enough of them. It's very disturbing.
‘You White Motherf***er!’: Man Charged For Making Threats To Assassinate Trump

A Michigan man has been charged by federal authorities after allegedly making threats against President Trump.

What else can you expect from an Anti Trump/ Anti American lunatic after all they'd all do it if they knew they could get away with it.

Really mf, you want to go there?
Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service
US President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death threats a day and is being protected by an increasingly over-stretched and under-resourced Secret Service, according to a new book.
And probably all of them by white racists.
‘You White Motherf***er!’: Man Charged For Making Threats To Assassinate Trump

A Michigan man has been charged by federal authorities after allegedly making threats against President Trump.

What else can you expect from an Anti Trump/ Anti American lunatic after all they'd all do it if they knew they could get away with it.

Being anti-trump is no where near being "Anti American." Being anti-trump is probably the more patriotic opinion. There are a lot of Americans who do not want to see our country destroyed and our fellow Americans put in harm's way either here or abroad. People who still believe in the U.S. Constitution.
I just wish rocket boy could nuke just rump and family.
Wanting the deaths of the president and his family? You are a useless evil piece of shit that should be put away.
Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service
US President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death threats a day and is being protected by an increasingly over-stretched and under-resourced Secret Service, according to a new book.
This is what I don't understand about your white mf' bitches spent 8 motherfuckin years, 8 years tormenting Obama, his wife, his mother inlaw, his Kenyon routes, his birth rights, his kids, his administration and on and on and on and now we have a crazy white mf in the white house, and now we;re to look the other way, when this bitch sends for and the rest of these Trump supporters can kiss our ass and go to hell, cause we're here with fist balled up and ready for you and Trump.....Trump is not, I repeat not our president, he's yours!! He and you will take the critizism as did Obama and LIKE IT!!
‘You White Motherf***er!’: Man Charged For Making Threats To Assassinate Trump

A Michigan man has been charged by federal authorities after allegedly making threats against President Trump.

What else can you expect from an Anti Trump/ Anti American lunatic after all they'd all do it if they knew they could get away with it.

When I saw the title I was sure that Tom Perez or Keith Ellison was in handcuffs..

These Stalinists are violent, evil people. We can expect nothing else from the left.

They are without a doubt. Trump haters kinda think the same. That doesn't mean people who just don't like Trump there's a huge difference in just not liking him/someone and just plain hating someone's guts just because msm taught you ( u meaning them, the general population) to hate him, and someone who on their own just doesn't like him.
‘You White Motherf***er!’: Man Charged For Making Threats To Assassinate Trump

A Michigan man has been charged by federal authorities after allegedly making threats against President Trump.

What else can you expect from an Anti Trump/ Anti American lunatic after all they'd all do it if they knew they could get away with it.
Alex Jones is your source.....LMAO

Yep, thank god i'm not stupid enough to believe what you watch or I'd act and think just like you.

You and those like you prove how your weak minds are easily manipulated just like HIllary Clinton said.

You are easily lead . FOOL. You also prove your weakness by be so uninformed and weak that's all you can use as your argument gawd ppl like you are such pathetic dumbasses.
‘You White Motherf***er!’: Man Charged For Making Threats To Assassinate Trump

A Michigan man has been charged by federal authorities after allegedly making threats against President Trump.

What else can you expect from an Anti Trump/ Anti American lunatic after all they'd all do it if they knew they could get away with it.

Really mf, you want to go there?
Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service
US President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death threats a day and is being protected by an increasingly over-stretched and under-resourced Secret Service, according to a new book.
And probably all of them by white racists.

and i'm going to prove how pathetic and weak you are , that IQ level must be about 20

Look to the left dumbass, that is where the article came from weak cop outs only attack infowars because they are not intelligent enough to see where they got their source from.

and you know dumbasses like you , would have a totally different thought if this article would have been posted by Daily Caller but just because it's infowars you anti american use that as your attack omfg you asses are all the same.

‘You White Motherf***er!’: Man Charged For Making Threats To Assassinate Trump

A Michigan man has been charged by federal authorities after allegedly making threats against President Trump.

What else can you expect from an Anti Trump/ Anti American lunatic after all they'd all do it if they knew they could get away with it.
Alex Jones is your source.....LMAO

Yep, thank god i'm not stupid enough to believe what you watch or I'd act and think just like you.

You and those like you prove how your weak minds are easily manipulated just like HIllary Clinton said.

You are easily lead . FOOL. You also prove your weakness by be so uninformed and weak that's all you can use as your argument gawd ppl like you are such pathetic dumbasses.
‘You White Motherf***er!’: Man Charged For Making Threats To Assassinate Trump

A Michigan man has been charged by federal authorities after allegedly making threats against President Trump.

What else can you expect from an Anti Trump/ Anti American lunatic after all they'd all do it if they knew they could get away with it.
Alex Jones is your source.....LMAO

Yep, thank god i'm not stupid enough to believe what you watch or I'd act and think just like you.

You and those like you prove how your weak minds are easily manipulated just like HIllary Clinton said.

You are easily lead . FOOL. You also prove your weakness by be so uninformed and weak that's all you can use as your argument gawd ppl like you are such pathetic dumbasses.



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