You Won't Be Surprised To Learn This


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
This is representative of what the democrat party has become, people.

It is no longer the party of Harry Truman, FDR or JFK.

It is what this story shows.....

Believe it.

New Comrade De Blasio Aide Says She Was “Rooting For” Serial Killer Chris Dorner, Blames Murder Spree On “This Racist, Imperialist Country”…


Are we supposed to be shocked Bill de Blasio would hire someone like this?

Via NY Post:

Bill de Blasio’s new mayoral campaign aide is a Twitter terror who has littered the Web site with foul-mouthed rants against everyone from the NYPD to the NAACP.

“NYPD fatally shoot knife-wielding man in Times Square. (VIDEO) F–k. The. Police,” ranted de Blasio volunteer coordinator Kicy Motley on Aug. 11 2012, after cops shot Darrius Kennedy, 51, on Seventh Avenue.

In addition to using gangsta-rap-like language to blast the cops, the campaign aide also slammed the NAACP in January for siding with drink companies against Bloomberg’s soda ban.

“@NAACP aka corporate d–k riders. Standing with soda makers for a few bucks,” she wrote.

In February, she linked to an article highlighting Bloomberg’s pro-gun-control efforts and wrote, “Hey rest of #America, welcome to Bloomberg using his #money to mess up your sh-t.”

She also used Twitter to cheer crazed ex-LAPD cop Chris Dorner, who went on a wild shooting spree across Southern California after claiming he was fired because of racism.

“There’s a part of me rooting for #Dorner. This racist, imperialist country gets the best of people sometimes. It makes some snap. #lapd,” she tweeted several days before Dorner was killed by cops during a standoff.

Most of our democrat contributors will deny supporting this type of mindset.....

What am I thinking...? No they won't
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How boring is your life that you have the time and desire to dig up this old shit?
You've started 20 lame threads in June alone. Ask yourself the same question.

Now, when I see a WW2 internment camp survivor say what Trump is doing is worse than what FDR did, you don't think I'm going to go find posts from Unkotare who defends and supports Trump, but is the biggest cry baby when it comes to FDR's camps? Funny George Takei who survived those camps says what Trump is doing is worse. I wonder if Unkotare still supports Trump even though what he's doing is worse than what FDR is doing. Ask yourself why. is it becuase he's a partisan hack?

It took me a fucking second to find Unkotare's stupid posts on the subject. So I don't know why my life has to be boring and your life is exciting.

I honestly think you cons hate the USMB archives because it allows us to go back and find where you are idiots liars and fools.

So suck my dick old man.
How boring is your life that you have the time and desire to dig up this old shit?
You've started 20 lame threads in June alone. Ask yourself the same question.

Now, when I see a WW2 internment camp survivor say what Trump is doing is worse than what FDR did, you don't think I'm going to go find posts from Unkotare who defends and supports Trump, but is the biggest cry baby when it comes to FDR's camps? Funny George Takei who survived those camps says what Trump is doing is worse. I wonder if Unkotare still supports Trump even though what he's doing is worse than what FDR is doing. Ask yourself why. is it becuase he's a partisan hack?

It took me a fucking second to find Unkotare's stupid posts on the subject. So I don't know why my life has to be boring and your life is exciting.

I honestly think you cons hate the USMB archives because it allows us to go back and find where you are idiots liars and fools.

So suck my dick old man.
20 whole threads? So not only does your life suck you can apparently count...
How boring is your life that you have the time and desire to dig up this old shit?
You've started 20 lame threads in June alone. Ask yourself the same question.

Now, when I see a WW2 internment camp survivor say what Trump is doing is worse than what FDR did, you don't think I'm going to go find posts from Unkotare who defends and supports Trump, but is the biggest cry baby when it comes to FDR's camps? Funny George Takei who survived those camps says what Trump is doing is worse. I wonder if Unkotare still supports Trump even though what he's doing is worse than what FDR is doing. Ask yourself why. is it becuase he's a partisan hack?

It took me a fucking second to find Unkotare's stupid posts on the subject. So I don't know why my life has to be boring and your life is exciting.

I honestly think you cons hate the USMB archives because it allows us to go back and find where you are idiots liars and fools.

So suck my dick old man.
20 whole threads? So not only does your life suck you can apparently count...
In the time you wrote those lame 20 threads I got a new pontoon boat and went on an all expense paid trip to Germany. Yea, it’s my life that sucks. Lol
How boring is your life that you have the time and desire to dig up this old shit?
You've started 20 lame threads in June alone. Ask yourself the same question.

Now, when I see a WW2 internment camp survivor say what Trump is doing is worse than what FDR did, you don't think I'm going to go find posts from Unkotare who defends and supports Trump, but is the biggest cry baby when it comes to FDR's camps? Funny George Takei who survived those camps says what Trump is doing is worse. I wonder if Unkotare still supports Trump even though what he's doing is worse than what FDR is doing. Ask yourself why. is it becuase he's a partisan hack?

It took me a fucking second to find Unkotare's stupid posts on the subject. So I don't know why my life has to be boring and your life is exciting.

I honestly think you cons hate the USMB archives because it allows us to go back and find where you are idiots liars and fools.

So suck my dick old man.
20 whole threads? So not only does your life suck you can apparently count...
In the time you wrote those lame 20 threads I got a new pontoon boat and went on an all expense paid trip to Germany. Yea, it’s my life that sucks. Lol

Sure sounds like it.
How boring is your life that you have the time and desire to dig up this old shit?
You've started 20 lame threads in June alone. Ask yourself the same question.

Now, when I see a WW2 internment camp survivor say what Trump is doing is worse than what FDR did, you don't think I'm going to go find posts from Unkotare who defends and supports Trump, but is the biggest cry baby when it comes to FDR's camps? Funny George Takei who survived those camps says what Trump is doing is worse. I wonder if Unkotare still supports Trump even though what he's doing is worse than what FDR is doing. Ask yourself why. is it becuase he's a partisan hack?

It took me a fucking second to find Unkotare's stupid posts on the subject. So I don't know why my life has to be boring and your life is exciting.

I honestly think you cons hate the USMB archives because it allows us to go back and find where you are idiots liars and fools.

So suck my dick old man.
20 whole threads? So not only does your life suck you can apparently count...
In the time you wrote those lame 20 threads I got a new pontoon boat and went on an all expense paid trip to Germany. Yea, it’s my life that sucks. Lol
So they let you drive a pontoon boat in Germany?
How boring is your life that you have the time and desire to dig up this old shit?
You've started 20 lame threads in June alone. Ask yourself the same question.

Now, when I see a WW2 internment camp survivor say what Trump is doing is worse than what FDR did, you don't think I'm going to go find posts from Unkotare who defends and supports Trump, but is the biggest cry baby when it comes to FDR's camps? Funny George Takei who survived those camps says what Trump is doing is worse. I wonder if Unkotare still supports Trump even though what he's doing is worse than what FDR is doing. Ask yourself why. is it becuase he's a partisan hack?

It took me a fucking second to find Unkotare's stupid posts on the subject. So I don't know why my life has to be boring and your life is exciting.

I honestly think you cons hate the USMB archives because it allows us to go back and find where you are idiots liars and fools.

So suck my dick old man.
20 whole threads? So not only does your life suck you can apparently count...
In the time you wrote those lame 20 threads I got a new pontoon boat and went on an all expense paid trip to Germany. Yea, it’s my life that sucks. Lol

Sure sounds like it.
How so? What are you doing for summer break? You're going to find side gigs because you're a broke ass. And I'm sure you smell bad.
How boring is your life that you have the time and desire to dig up this old shit?
You've started 20 lame threads in June alone. Ask yourself the same question.

Now, when I see a WW2 internment camp survivor say what Trump is doing is worse than what FDR did, you don't think I'm going to go find posts from Unkotare who defends and supports Trump, but is the biggest cry baby when it comes to FDR's camps? Funny George Takei who survived those camps says what Trump is doing is worse. I wonder if Unkotare still supports Trump even though what he's doing is worse than what FDR is doing. Ask yourself why. is it becuase he's a partisan hack?

It took me a fucking second to find Unkotare's stupid posts on the subject. So I don't know why my life has to be boring and your life is exciting.

I honestly think you cons hate the USMB archives because it allows us to go back and find where you are idiots liars and fools.

So suck my dick old man.
20 whole threads? So not only does your life suck you can apparently count...
In the time you wrote those lame 20 threads I got a new pontoon boat and went on an all expense paid trip to Germany. Yea, it’s my life that sucks. Lol
So they let you drive a pontoon boat in Germany?
No the boat was delivered a week before I went to Germany.
How boring is your life that you have the time and desire to dig up this old shit?
You've started 20 lame threads in June alone. Ask yourself the same question.

Now, when I see a WW2 internment camp survivor say what Trump is doing is worse than what FDR did, you don't think I'm going to go find posts from Unkotare who defends and supports Trump, but is the biggest cry baby when it comes to FDR's camps? Funny George Takei who survived those camps says what Trump is doing is worse. I wonder if Unkotare still supports Trump even though what he's doing is worse than what FDR is doing. Ask yourself why. is it becuase he's a partisan hack?

It took me a fucking second to find Unkotare's stupid posts on the subject. So I don't know why my life has to be boring and your life is exciting.

I honestly think you cons hate the USMB archives because it allows us to go back and find where you are idiots liars and fools.

So suck my dick old man.
20 whole threads? So not only does your life suck you can apparently count...
In the time you wrote those lame 20 threads I got a new pontoon boat and went on an all expense paid trip to Germany. Yea, it’s my life that sucks. Lol
My entertainment system probably cost more than your boat. Had a pontoon when my kids were little and I was only in my twenties. A pointless over sized vessel when the kids are grown. May be necessary if you are a fatass though.
How boring is your life that you have the time and desire to dig up this old shit?
You've started 20 lame threads in June alone. Ask yourself the same question.

Now, when I see a WW2 internment camp survivor say what Trump is doing is worse than what FDR did, you don't think I'm going to go find posts from Unkotare who defends and supports Trump, but is the biggest cry baby when it comes to FDR's camps? Funny George Takei who survived those camps says what Trump is doing is worse. I wonder if Unkotare still supports Trump even though what he's doing is worse than what FDR is doing. Ask yourself why. is it becuase he's a partisan hack?

It took me a fucking second to find Unkotare's stupid posts on the subject. So I don't know why my life has to be boring and your life is exciting.

I honestly think you cons hate the USMB archives because it allows us to go back and find where you are idiots liars and fools.

So suck my dick old man.
20 whole threads? So not only does your life suck you can apparently count...
In the time you wrote those lame 20 threads I got a new pontoon boat and went on an all expense paid trip to Germany. Yea, it’s my life that sucks. Lol
My entertainment system probably cost more than your boat. Had a pontoon when my kids were little and I was only in my twenties. A pointless over sized vessel when the kids are grown. May be necessary if you are a fatass though.
Or if I have a lot of friends to entertain. Or if I live on a lake.

So your entertainment system cost $25,500? What a waste of money. LOL. You're probably a fat bastard who sits in his chair all day.

Only you and unkotare are capable of trying to belittle a person who just paid straight up CASH $25,500 for a sweet boat.

You purchased a used pontoon boat for a couple thousand. Admit it.

And you don't live on a lake so where did you keep it?

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