Young Anti-Vaxx Nurse DIES Of Coronavirus After Hospitalization In Louisiana!

But will Muhammed face any sanction for deliberately, knowingly bypassing the filter? Will he get any time-out from the board?

This is how we see how things are run here. When it matters.
Brother Synth, I've peeped the game from very early on in my time here.

The MODs are almost all hard rightwingers, and they're all biased.

They tend to promote members having to report "infractions" on one another in order for them to actually do something, however, that only seems to be the case when the "infraction" is done by a rightwinger, almost all to a man, they snap into action whenever any actual or even potential "infraction" is committed by a leftwinger.

I don't play that game w/them, never have. I just call it out in the open right here in the threads.

The best disinfectant is sunshine.

But unless and until these radical far rightwing MODs are rooted out, nothing will change.

Good thoughts though, so thank you.
Bullshit, many mods here are lefties.
And so it begins, folk spreading disinformation are dying for their misguided, if not corrupt cause...

Just because someone doesn’t want to take an experimental mRNA vaccine which it’s Big Pharma makers are immune from liability doesn’t make one an “anti-Vaxxer”. Some people simply want to wait for a FDA approved vaccine that is safe and effective. Is that really an “extremist” position?

But will Muhammed face any sanction for deliberately, knowingly bypassing the filter? Will he get any time-out from the board?

This is how we see how things are run here. When it matters.
Brother Synth, I've peeped the game from very early on in my time here.

The MODs are almost all hard rightwingers, and they're all biased.

They tend to promote members having to report "infractions" on one another in order for them to actually do something, however, that only seems to be the case when the "infraction" is done by a rightwinger, almost all to a man, they snap into action whenever any actual or even potential "infraction" is committed by a leftwinger.

I don't play that game w/them, never have. I just call it out in the open right here in the threads.

The best disinfectant is sunshine.

But unless and until these radical far rightwing MODs are rooted out, nothing will change.

Good thoughts though, so thank you.
Bullshit, many mods here are lefties.

Coyote is obviously a hardcore right wing fanatic! And her little dog WinterBorn too!

But seriously, we all owe the mods a debt of gratitude. It's my understanding that they don't even get paid to provide their services. They are "volunteers". AKA, slaves chained up to the moldy wall in the rat and spider infested dark dank dirty dungeon below USMB headquarters in some third world shithole country.

And I'm saying that in the most non-snarky and non-ass kissing way possible.
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Does a USNB poster really accuse a deceased nurse of having "spread disinformation" about the corona virus? This is serious stuff and in my opinion the Board and the poster could be liable for serious litigation. The USNB better get a handle on this stuff.
And he just did it again. He's laughing at the moderators at this point, knowing they won't do anything to him.
Why should they? Marc is okay with Biden's son calling him the n word. So what's the big deal?
You're OK with Trump being a pedophile, but you are not allowed to call another USMB member a pedophile.
Lol, didn't call him a pedophile, but called him out on Hunter Biden calling him a nig#er, and he does nothing. Now President Biden has acted as a pedophile.

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