Young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word ‘computer’ is

Sometimes they mess up and accidentally tell you exactly what they think. White leftists have for years been treating brown people like they are beneath them, but they disguise it behind a facade of giving you a hand up. I'd love to meet one kid in The Bronx beyond the age of a Kindergartener who doesn't know what a computer is.

The backlash was swift, and she apologized.

Maybe let the lying troll that made the Tweet know.
I'm guessing that's because they come from a poor neighborhood but I don't think that gave her the right to say that though.
Yes, and you would have said exactly the same thing were she a Republican.

You're a tool.
No I wouldn't say the same thing because of she was a republican she would be trying to end equal opportunity for blacks and censor materials written by backs and school curriculums by blacks about race. So it would be a different scenario and that's why you get called an idiot presenting a false equivalence for tryingto make such a comparison.

So take this hint from Stewart Stevens, a man who developed republican strategy, not some nimrod who posts disingenuous crap online about democrtats because he is a member of a racist party:

"The reason African Americans overwhelmingly reject Republicans isn’t based on word choices or phrasing. It is based on policy. It isn't how Republicans are talking to black voters that results in 90 percent or more of those voters refusing to vote for Republicans. It's what the Republicans are doing once elected."
Of course not. You write your own racist narrative you frail fucker, I'm not co-signing your ignorant shit. :laugh:

For one I don't pretend for a second that we live in a meritocracy. Two, I think despite deplore whites making every effort to keep Black people and black communities and schools underfunded and underesourced that Black Americans still manage to be best of examples of American ideals. And thirdly, the white problem in this country is going to take care of itself because your children or grandchildren will be mixed and it's unlikely they're going to want to identify with their racist white grandpappy's side. How many mixed raced black and white or brown and white people do you see identifying as white? :dunno:
These guys suffer from psychosis Curried Goats. They live in an imaginary nation and their self interests is served by denying things that have happened to anyone who was not white. What's sad is how we have an Asian here buying into this fake narrative even as 60-70 percent of the Asians in America are Democrats. Yet his Asian --- won't talk about Asians being coolies for Democrats, but he will repeat the racist white narrative of blacks being on a Democratic plantation. He is a living example of internalized racism and self hate.
These guys suffer from psychosis Curried Goats. They live in an imaginary nation and their self interests is served by denying things that have happened to anyone who was not white. What's sad is how we have an Asian here buying into this fake narrative even as 60-70 percent of the Asians in America are Democrats. Yet his Asian --- won't talk about Asians being coolies for Democrats, but he will repeat the racist white narrative of blacks being on a Democratic plantation. He is a living example of internalized racism and self hate.
I'm so proud of the majority of my Asian brothers and sisters not falling for that frail white narrative. And if these Simp mother fuckers were true to their word they'd listen to their Asian betters.
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I'm so proud of the majority of my Asian brothers and sisters not falling for that frail white narrative. And if these Simp mother fuckers were true to their word they'd listen to their Asian betters.
Yep. And its funny how these right wingers go to bat for them all the time as if they are Pepublicans.
Sometimes they mess up and accidentally tell you exactly what they think. White leftists have for years been treating brown people like they are beneath them, but they disguise it behind a facade of giving you a hand up. I'd love to meet one kid in The Bronx beyond the age of a Kindergartener who doesn't know what a computer is.

That didn’t take long…
I can see these words deeply triggered you. There there. :itsok: Though I take it then they we're all in agreement that Democrat slavers like Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis were shit people from a shit culture? :dunno: I keep tell you folks, you're going to fuck around and cosplay so hard that you get Robert E Lee canceled. :laugh:

Oh wait.... :lmao:


The thing they didn't tell you? And WON'T tell an ignorant pleb such as yourself? They arrested the guy that tore down Pike. . .

. . . and several others.


They restored, and put old Al' Pike back up. . . on the DL. You don't mess with the Master Mason that wrote the book that all yoar ruling betters subscribe to, and get away with that shit.

You? Are ignorant as fuck.




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The thing they didn't tell you? And WON'T tell and ignorant pleb such as yourself? They arrested the guy that tore down Pike. . .

. . . and several others.

View attachment 943363

They restored, and put old Al' Pike back up. . . on the DL. You don't mess with the Master Mason that wrote the book that all yoar ruling betters subscribe to, and get away with that shit.

You? Are ignorant as fuck.


View attachment 943365

View attachment 943364
Who's ignorant? I'm fully aware that I was talking about Robert E. Lee being legally taken down and given to black American artists and your story is about vandals destroying a statue of Pike. :laugh:

As I said, you're a tool.
Again, you are Asian and between 60-70 percent of the Asians are Democrat. You don't disparage Asians for being democrats. And you posted one sentence I said but left out the rest so:

No I wouldn't say the same thing because of she was a republican she would be trying to end equal opportunity for blacks and censor materials written by backs and school curriculums by blacks about race. So it would be a different scenario and that's why you get called an idiot presenting a false equivalence for tryingto make such a comparison.

So take this hint from Stewart Stevens, a man who developed republican strategy, not some nimrod who posts disingenuous crap online about democrtats because he is a member of a racist party:

"The reason African Americans overwhelmingly reject Republicans isn’t based on word choices or phrasing. It is based on policy. It isn't how Republicans are talking to black voters that results in 90 percent or more of those voters refusing to vote for Republicans. It's what the Republicans are doing once elected."

This is what I said. And it gives the reason why I said what you posted in the first sentence. I don't live in New York, so Hochul ain't my gvernor, but she apologized and tried to explain what she meant. And what she meant does apply to black communities, many who don't have computer access. But if you want to even begin tryng to equuate that to the overtly racist bullshit being done by Republicans, YOU, are the tool.
Can you imagine if DeSantis said this? Blm would call for a riot.

New York governor regrets saying Black kids in the Bronx don't know what a computer is
Hochul, a Democrat, made the extemporaneous comment Monday while being interviewed at a large business conference in California to discuss expanding economic opportunities in artificial intelligence for low-income communities.
The jokes write themselves.
We already know what they are thinking. Getting them to admit is impossible. You just have to wait for a slip.
....artificial intelligence for low-income communities.

They must want to build data mining centers in their neighborhoods and need to run them off. ;)

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