Young career women are seriously divorced from reality - Geraldo incident


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2014
So Geraldo Rivera makes an obvious statement about reality and all sorts of young women, insulated from reality by liberal dogma, have freaking heart attacks:

"I know this may provoke a Stephen Smith-like reaction, but I think essentially — although there's an increase in two-income marriages — generally speaking, the man is the breadwinner, more often than not, although now increasingly women do work. But what I think a woman brings to a marriage more than anything else, to a relationship, is her youth. Her youth is a fragile and diminishing resource. So if a woman were to invest two years in one of these marriages, and then to be rejected by the man, I think that she has given up a valuable asset that is unequal — in other words, the man gets everything and the woman gets nothing from this arrangement."

One of the four female hosts that he was telling this to was particularly vocal with her response: "I'm like, 'Whaaat?'"​
So Geraldo Rivera makes an obvious statement about reality and all sorts of young women, insulated from reality by liberal dogma, have freaking heart attacks:

"I know this may provoke a Stephen Smith-like reaction, but I think essentially — although there's an increase in two-income marriages — generally speaking, the man is the breadwinner, more often than not, although now increasingly women do work. But what I think a woman brings to a marriage more than anything else, to a relationship, is her youth. Her youth is a fragile and diminishing resource. So if a woman were to invest two years in one of these marriages, and then to be rejected by the man, I think that she has given up a valuable asset that is unequal — in other words, the man gets everything and the woman gets nothing from this arrangement."

One of the four female hosts that he was telling this to was particularly vocal with her response: "I'm like, 'Whaaat?'"​

The fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

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