Young hysterical Trump protester punches gray haired man then gets pepper sprayed

YOU claimed the mace (actually not mace) was "sprayed INTO her eyes".
People who wear glasses don't get things "sprayed into their eyes". They get things sprayed onto the lenses of their glasses.
Sure, nothing can possibly rebound off her cheeks into her eyes. :asshole:

Oh yeah. Her eyes obviously feel fine! No chance any mace got in at all!
I guess I should have indicated my sarcasm for those who didn't get it!
Try leaving out the little green head with the juvenile a##hole sign, then you might be able to pull off a little sarcasm.
Lol, they went to the Nazi card. Yeah, conservatives started a national socialist party rally.
Hey pinhead, you wing-nuts played the Nazi card in post # 2.
Well, you are ALL socialists, and ALL of you hate Israel and ALL of you hate America.

Hitler was a vegetarian, hated jews, and hated American capitalism.

You fit the mold a whole lot more. Plus, you think minorities are less able than you since all you do is convince as many of them as you can that they are nothing but victims and incapable of making it on their own.

You and everyone who thinks like you are by definition national socialists (German for Nazi.)

I know this truth will cause more cognitive dissonance in you which will be responded to with giggles from the cackling hyenas on the left.

Truth hurts. I know.
I've seen this before and it sure looks like she was the aggressor. However, I don't think it is remotely funny when someone, anyone, gets mace sprayed into their eyes.
So the glasses she was wearing didn't have any lenses in them?
Wise up.
The bitch was out of control. There were people around her trying to get her to calm down. She refused.
She punched someone. Another time and place.........Another time and place.
She's lucky to be alive.

THis is why people are asking for open carry at the GOP convention. It is an opportunity to shoot the first protestor.
YOU BET!!!!!!
The first DEM protester at the GOP convention had better have told their family where their personal belongings should be sent.
Enough is enough.
"Long hot summer".
BTW it's spelled 'Protester' you ignorant asshole!
What's the matter? Can't figure out how to use Spell Check?
Fucking LIB dummy.
I've seen this before and it sure looks like she was the aggressor. However, I don't think it is remotely funny when someone, anyone, gets mace sprayed into their eyes.
So the glasses she was wearing didn't have any lenses in them?
Wise up.
The bitch was out of control. There were people around her trying to get her to calm down. She refused.
She punched someone. Another time and place.........Another time and place.
She's lucky to be alive.

You can see the reflection of the lenses in the video.

I've seen this before and it sure looks like she was the aggressor. However, I don't think it is remotely funny when someone, anyone, gets mace sprayed into their eyes.
I think it is hilarious.

But you're a c unt.
And you're an asshole.
Of course the bitch had lenses in her glasses!
YOU claimed the mace (actually not mace) was "sprayed INTO her eyes".
People who wear glasses don't get things "sprayed into their eyes". They get things sprayed onto the lenses of their glasses.
Anyway the bitch has been charged with assault and the charge will stay on a police file as long as she lives.
"I see by your employment application you have an assault charge. Ya sure we'll let you know if weneed anyone with your talents and background. Do you have any experience cleaning up 'Glory Holes'?".

Can you provide a link in which I claimed mace was sprayed in to her eyes?

I wasn't replying to you precious.
Go wash your hands. They smell like shit.
Lol, they went to the Nazi card. Yeah, conservatives started a national socialist party rally.
Hey pinhead, you wing-nuts played the Nazi card in post # 2.
Well, you are ALL socialists, and ALL of you hate Israel and ALL of you hate America.

Hitler was a vegetarian, hated jews, and hated American capitalism.

You fit the mold a whole lot more. Plus, you think minorities are less able than you since all you do is convince as many of them as you can that they are nothing but victims and incapable of making it on their own.

You and everyone who thinks like you are by definition national socialists (German for Nazi.)

I know this truth will cause more cognitive dissonance in you which will be responded to with giggles from the cackling hyenas on the left.

Truth hurts. I know.
Spoken like a true Nazi.
Thank you.
Lol, they went to the Nazi card. Yeah, conservatives started a national socialist party rally.
Hey pinhead, you wing-nuts played the Nazi card in post # 2.
Well, you are ALL socialists, and ALL of you hate Israel and ALL of you hate America.

Hitler was a vegetarian, hated jews, and hated American capitalism.

You fit the mold a whole lot more. Plus, you think minorities are less able than you since all you do is convince as many of them as you can that they are nothing but victims and incapable of making it on their own.

You and everyone who thinks like you are by definition national socialists (German for Nazi.)

I know this truth will cause more cognitive dissonance in you which will be responded to with giggles from the cackling hyenas on the left.

Truth hurts. I know.
Spoken like a true Nazi.
Thank you.
Wow. So the fact that national socialists is what Nazi means in German, the fact that Hitler hated everything about israel, despised American capitalism is me saying I am a nazi?

Just when I thought you people could not possibly be any dumber.

No, you and your types are th e socialists. Remember? You and your types hate israel. You and your types hate American capitalism.

You can deny that, or obfuscate, or giggle your way from the that truth all you want.

I see you deal with your cognitive dissonance by casting the blame off into someone else.

Typical response.

Typical. Response.
Every single thing about this incident, and about 99% of this thread, is highly disturbing and reflects how lost our country is.

From the multiple videos I've seen, it cannot be determined who may have been the person to initiate physical force. However, it is undeniable that both parties were clearly looking for an incident to unfold. Both wanted an excuse to become violent toward someone.

Regardless of blame, the fact that people here are actually taking pleasure in the thought of this woman suffering, is appalling and pathetic.
Lol, they went to the Nazi card. Yeah, conservatives started a national socialist party rally.
Hey pinhead, you wing-nuts played the Nazi card in post # 2.
Well, you are ALL socialists, and ALL of you hate Israel and ALL of you hate America.

Hitler was a vegetarian, hated jews, and hated American capitalism.

You fit the mold a whole lot more. Plus, you think minorities are less able than you since all you do is convince as many of them as you can that they are nothing but victims and incapable of making it on their own.

You and everyone who thinks like you are by definition national socialists (German for Nazi.)

I know this truth will cause more cognitive dissonance in you which will be responded to with giggles from the cackling hyenas on the left.

Truth hurts. I know.
Spoken like a true Nazi.
Thank you.
Wow. So the fact that national socialists is what Nazi means in German, the fact that Hitler hated everything about israel, despised American capitalism is me saying I am a nazi?

Just when I thought you people could not possibly be any dumber.

No, you and your types are th e socialists. Remember? You and your types hate israel. You and your types hate American capitalism.

You can deny that, or obfuscate, or giggle your way from the that truth all you want.

I see you deal with your cognitive dissonance by casting the blame off into someone else.

Typical response.

Typical. Response.
Keep that typical Nazi rhetoric coming!
Every single thing about this incident, and about 99% of this thread, is highly disturbing and reflects how lost our country is.

From the multiple videos I've seen, it cannot be determined who may have been the person to initiate physical force. However, it is undeniable that both parties were clearly looking for an incident to unfold. Both wanted an excuse to become violent toward someone.

Regardless of blame, the fact that people here are actually taking pleasure in the thought of this woman suffering, is appalling and pathetic.

i certainly take no pleasure in it... but hey, she brought it on herself... that much is obvious.
A good angle of the incident is below. Why must nutbags always lie?

A few points.

1. The girl has not been charged.
2. The girl is a girl. She is not transgendered.
3. The person who sprayed her in the face with pepper spray is NOT the person the girl punched. He is a pussy and tried to hide in the crowd after his cowardly act. He will eventually be found and charged. Major pussy.
4. What is the deal with those desperate Trump supporters? They sure do get brave in numbers.

Okay, let me try this again since some of you apparently still haven't read the latest.

Police recommend charge against girl at Trump rally

JANESVILLE, Wis. (AP) — Investigators said Thursday that they're recommending a disorderly conduct charge be filed against a 15-year-old girl who was pepper-sprayed after she punched a man at a rally for Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump in Wisconsin.

Video of the altercation shows a crowd of people in a parking lot outside the rally in Janesville on Tuesday. The girl can be seen holding an anti-Trump sign and arguing with a 59-year-old man.

The video shows the man turning away with his hands in the air. Seconds later, the girl punches him in the face. Another man wearing a red Trump hat then pepper-sprayed the girl and disappeared into the crowd.

The girl told police the first man groped her breast. But Chief David Moore told reporters during a news conference Thursday that additional video doesn't show any evidence the man groped her and that 12 out of 13 witnesses said they didn't see him do anything.

Moore said the man who was punched didn't want to press assault charges against the girl, but investigators have recommended juvenile authorities charge her with disorderly conduct for what he called "an act of violence." He said time passed between the alleged groping and the punching and the man and the girl were several feet apart when she threw the punch.

"Clearly her punch was illegal," he said.
Okay, let me try this again since some of you apparently still haven't read the latest.

Police recommend charge against girl at Trump rally

JANESVILLE, Wis. (AP) — Investigators said Thursday that they're recommending a disorderly conduct charge be filed against a 15-year-old girl who was pepper-sprayed after she punched a man at a rally for Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump in Wisconsin.

Video of the altercation shows a crowd of people in a parking lot outside the rally in Janesville on Tuesday. The girl can be seen holding an anti-Trump sign and arguing with a 59-year-old man.

The video shows the man turning away with his hands in the air. Seconds later, the girl punches him in the face. Another man wearing a red Trump hat then pepper-sprayed the girl and disappeared into the crowd.

The girl told police the first man groped her breast. But Chief David Moore told reporters during a news conference Thursday that additional video doesn't show any evidence the man groped her and that 12 out of 13 witnesses said they didn't see him do anything.

Moore said the man who was punched didn't want to press assault charges against the girl, but investigators have recommended juvenile authorities charge her with disorderly conduct for what he called "an act of violence." He said time passed between the alleged groping and the punching and the man and the girl were several feet apart when she threw the punch.

"Clearly her punch was illegal," he said.

She has not been charged.
Nobody wants to discuss the pussy who pepper sprayed the kid? What should his punishment be. Nobody touched him. He had that shit ready to go because he's a huge pussy. What kind of man needs pepper spray to make a point with a 15 year old girl?

Is that guy your hero?
Okay, let me try this again since some of you apparently still haven't read the latest.

Police recommend charge against girl at Trump rally

JANESVILLE, Wis. (AP) — Investigators said Thursday that they're recommending a disorderly conduct charge be filed against a 15-year-old girl who was pepper-sprayed after she punched a man at a rally for Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump in Wisconsin.

Video of the altercation shows a crowd of people in a parking lot outside the rally in Janesville on Tuesday. The girl can be seen holding an anti-Trump sign and arguing with a 59-year-old man.

The video shows the man turning away with his hands in the air. Seconds later, the girl punches him in the face. Another man wearing a red Trump hat then pepper-sprayed the girl and disappeared into the crowd.

The girl told police the first man groped her breast. But Chief David Moore told reporters during a news conference Thursday that additional video doesn't show any evidence the man groped her and that 12 out of 13 witnesses said they didn't see him do anything.

Moore said the man who was punched didn't want to press assault charges against the girl, but investigators have recommended juvenile authorities charge her with disorderly conduct for what he called "an act of violence." He said time passed between the alleged groping and the punching and the man and the girl were several feet apart when she threw the punch.

"Clearly her punch was illegal," he said.

She has not been charged.

I know she hasn't, but the fact that the police recommend charges against her tells me the evidence points to her being the one that initiated the actual violence.
Okay, let me try this again since some of you apparently still haven't read the latest.

Police recommend charge against girl at Trump rally

JANESVILLE, Wis. (AP) — Investigators said Thursday that they're recommending a disorderly conduct charge be filed against a 15-year-old girl who was pepper-sprayed after she punched a man at a rally for Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump in Wisconsin.

Video of the altercation shows a crowd of people in a parking lot outside the rally in Janesville on Tuesday. The girl can be seen holding an anti-Trump sign and arguing with a 59-year-old man.

The video shows the man turning away with his hands in the air. Seconds later, the girl punches him in the face. Another man wearing a red Trump hat then pepper-sprayed the girl and disappeared into the crowd.

The girl told police the first man groped her breast. But Chief David Moore told reporters during a news conference Thursday that additional video doesn't show any evidence the man groped her and that 12 out of 13 witnesses said they didn't see him do anything.

Moore said the man who was punched didn't want to press assault charges against the girl, but investigators have recommended juvenile authorities charge her with disorderly conduct for what he called "an act of violence." He said time passed between the alleged groping and the punching and the man and the girl were several feet apart when she threw the punch.

"Clearly her punch was illegal," he said.

She has not been charged.

I know she hasn't, but the fact that the police recommend charges against her tells me the evidence points to her being the one that initiated the actual violence.

Not necessarily. That is a leap.

She definitely punched at the old guy who was arguing with her. She's no angel. But....she didn't do a fuckng thing to the HUGE pussy who sprayed her with chemicals.

It also doesn't say anything about whether or not she was touched. Thatcannot be determined by the video.

I'll, tell you this, though. There was a throng of Trump supporters surrounding the protesters. They were equally belligerent. They had the protesters surrounded and were not acting appropriately. The entire scene was fucked up.

I don't care what's going a 51 year old man....I would never get in the face of a 15 year old girl and bow up. That's just stupid.
Okay, let me try this again since some of you apparently still haven't read the latest.

Police recommend charge against girl at Trump rally

JANESVILLE, Wis. (AP) — Investigators said Thursday that they're recommending a disorderly conduct charge be filed against a 15-year-old girl who was pepper-sprayed after she punched a man at a rally for Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump in Wisconsin.

Video of the altercation shows a crowd of people in a parking lot outside the rally in Janesville on Tuesday. The girl can be seen holding an anti-Trump sign and arguing with a 59-year-old man.

The video shows the man turning away with his hands in the air. Seconds later, the girl punches him in the face. Another man wearing a red Trump hat then pepper-sprayed the girl and disappeared into the crowd.

The girl told police the first man groped her breast. But Chief David Moore told reporters during a news conference Thursday that additional video doesn't show any evidence the man groped her and that 12 out of 13 witnesses said they didn't see him do anything.

Moore said the man who was punched didn't want to press assault charges against the girl, but investigators have recommended juvenile authorities charge her with disorderly conduct for what he called "an act of violence." He said time passed between the alleged groping and the punching and the man and the girl were several feet apart when she threw the punch.

"Clearly her punch was illegal," he said.

She has not been charged.

I know she hasn't, but the fact that the police recommend charges against her tells me the evidence points to her being the one that initiated the actual violence.

Not necessarily. That is a leap.

She definitely punched at the old guy who was arguing with her. She's no angel. But....she didn't do a fuckng thing to the HUGE pussy who sprayed her with chemicals.

It also doesn't say anything about whether or not she was touched. Thatcannot be determined by the video.

I'll, tell you this, though. There was a throng of Trump supporters surrounding the protesters. They were equally belligerent. They had the protesters surrounded and were not acting appropriately. The entire scene was fucked up.

I don't care what's going a 51 year old man....I would never get in the face of a 15 year old girl and bow up. That's just stupid.

I think he was actually 59.
I also bet none of the Trump supporters thought she was underage, she certainly looks well over 15.

I too do not believe she deserved to be sprayed, but I don't feel sorry for her. If you watch all the videos it appears even her fellow protesters are trying to settle her down. She brought this on herself.
Well ladies and gents here you go

Police: Teen who got pepper sprayed at Donald Trump rally in Janesville wasn't sexually assaulted

"However, using video, witness accounts, and interviews, investigators determined there was no sexual assault, and that the 15-year-old girl had punched a 59-year-old man in the face.

That man is not pressing charges against the girl. She has been referred to juvenile authorities on disorderly conduct charges, police said."

Well well.
Wonder who will be the first here to admit they jumped to conclusions ?
Well, I have to admit that I jumped to the conclusion that there are groups of people deliberately trying to instigate violent incidents with Trump supporters. Does that count?
The next time the 'Bull Dyke' bitch commits felony assault on someone I hope her victim goes 'George Zimmerman' on her.
The pure JOY of the anti-Trumper, self hating left winger getting maced video. Hilarious.

The nazis used to love to see that kind of stuff done to the Jews too.
This morning Joe Scarborough said that Trump supporters are looking for a Hitler figure to lead them. There's no denying it when even the republicans are saying it.

wtf does that video have to do with nazis?

you know whats nazi-like? libs murdering babies by the millions you fucktard.
Lol, they went to the Nazi card. Yeah, conservatives started a national socialist party rally.

Shaking my head.
The nazis overthrew the socialist democratic party in 1933. The nazi party is the NAZI party NOT THE SOCIALIST DEMOCRATIC PARTY. The nazis destroyed democracy, just like Trump plans to do. Even the "establishment" republicans are saying that Trump followers are looking for a Hitler type leader.

Keep shaking your head...maybe you can get your two brain cells to connect.

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