Young hysterical Trump protester punches gray haired man then gets pepper sprayed

The pure JOY of the anti-Trumper, self hating left winger getting maced video. Hilarious.

The nazis used to love to see that kind of stuff done to the Jews too.
This morning Joe Scarborough said that Trump supporters are looking for a Hitler figure to lead them. There's no denying it when even the republicans are saying it.

wtf does that video have to do with nazis?

you know whats nazi-like? libs murdering babies by the millions you fucktard.
Lol, they went to the Nazi card. Yeah, conservatives started a national socialist party rally.

Shaking my head.
The nazis overthrew the socialist democratic party in 1933. The nazi party is the NAZI party NOT THE SOCIALIST DEMOCRATIC PARTY. The nazis destroyed democracy, just like Trump plans to do. Even the "establishment" republicans are saying that Trump followers are looking for a Hitler type leader.

Keep shaking your head...maybe you can get your two brain cells to connect.
You REALLY need to lay off the fucking bong asshole.
You don't seem to have the slightest clue about, well, anything.
Is your reading level able to comprehend historical FACT!
Nazi Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
OUCH: Trump-Hater Who Got Pepper Sprayed for Being Violent Gets Even MORE Bad News
Ben Marquis on April 4, 2016
That 15-year-old girl threw an unwarranted punch at a Trump supporter with whom she was arguing and earned herself a face-full of pepper spray from a different Trump supporter for her troubles.

In her defense, the girl claimed that she had been groped by the man she later threw a punch at, but investigators of the incident have thus far found no evidence to support that claim, according to Fox News.

In fact, following the review of multiple videos of the incident from separate angles, as well as interviews with 13 witnesses, authorities have concluded that no sort of groping occurred.

What investigators did find evidence of is the girl’s disorderly conduct, for which she will be charged. Janesville Police were also considering pressing battery charges against the unidentified individual who sprayed the girl in the face as well.

This girl went to a Trump rally to stir up trouble and succeeded in doing so, and while she may not have liked the immediate consequences of her actions, she even admitted herself following the incident that she got exactly what she deserved.


OUCH: Trump-Hater Who Got Pepper Sprayed for Being Violent Gets Even MORE Bad News


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