Young hysterical Trump protester punches gray haired man then gets pepper sprayed

I've seen this before and it sure looks like she was the aggressor. However, I don't think it is remotely funny when someone, anyone, gets mace sprayed into their eyes.
So the glasses she was wearing didn't have any lenses in them?
Wise up.
The bitch was out of control. There were people around her trying to get her to calm down. She refused.
She punched someone. Another time and place.........Another time and place.
She's lucky to be alive.
All I said, is that I don't find it funny.
Neither do I. I do find it predictable that the usual LIB jerk-offs on this form always take the losing side of the issue.
They ALWAYS end up looking like the born losers they are.
So the glasses she was wearing didn't have any lenses in them?
Wise up.
So typical of the observational skills of the blind Right who think they are the "wise" ones. There is no denying that the glasses HAVE lenses, you can clearly see a reflection in the lenses before she was assaulted with mace.

YOU claimed the mace (actually not mace) was "sprayed INTO her eyes".
People who wear glasses don't get things "sprayed into their eyes". They get things sprayed onto the lenses of their glasses.
Sure, nothing can possibly rebound off her cheeks into her eyes. :asshole:

YOU claimed the mace (actually not mace) was "sprayed INTO her eyes".
People who wear glasses don't get things "sprayed into their eyes". They get things sprayed onto the lenses of their glasses.
Sure, nothing can possibly rebound off her cheeks into her eyes. :asshole:

Oh yeah. Her eyes obviously feel fine! No chance any mace got in at all!
Dear Lord I hope a significant amount went straight into her eyes. If only all of it did. I hope a significant portion went straight into the ugly fat woman behind her and more got into the eyeballs of the person carrying the racist blacklivesmatter sign.

That is what I hope.
YOU claimed the mace (actually not mace) was "sprayed INTO her eyes".
People who wear glasses don't get things "sprayed into their eyes". They get things sprayed onto the lenses of their glasses.
Sure, nothing can possibly rebound off her cheeks into her eyes. :asshole:

Oh yeah. Her eyes obviously feel fine! No chance any mace got in at all!
The next time the bitch thinks about punching someone she might ask herself if her intended victim may have a can or mace or a fucking 'CC' gun on them.
The LEO's arrested and charged her with assault. Assault charges NEVER get stricken from a criminal record.
Hope she likes cleaning up 'Glory Holes' for a living.
So the glasses she was wearing didn't have any lenses in them?
Wise up.
So typical of the observational skills of the blind Right who think they are the "wise" ones. There is no denying that the glasses HAVE lenses, you can clearly see a reflection in the lenses before she was assaulted with mace.


but its ok she punched the guy, right?
I've seen this before and it sure looks like she was the aggressor. However, I don't think it is remotely funny when someone, anyone, gets mace sprayed into their eyes.
So the glasses she was wearing didn't have any lenses in them?
Wise up.
The bitch was out of control. There were people around her trying to get her to calm down. She refused.
She punched someone. Another time and place.........Another time and place.
She's lucky to be alive.

You can see the reflection of the lenses in the video.

I've seen this before and it sure looks like she was the aggressor. However, I don't think it is remotely funny when someone, anyone, gets mace sprayed into their eyes.
I think it is hilarious.

But you're a c unt.
And you're an asshole.
Of course the bitch had lenses in her glasses!
YOU claimed the mace (actually not mace) was "sprayed INTO her eyes".
People who wear glasses don't get things "sprayed into their eyes". They get things sprayed onto the lenses of their glasses.
Anyway the bitch has been charged with assault and the charge will stay on a police file as long as she lives.
"I see by your employment application you have an assault charge. Ya sure we'll let you know if weneed anyone with your talents and background. Do you have any experience cleaning up 'Glory Holes'?".

Can you provide a link in which I claimed mace was sprayed in to her eyes?

The pure JOY of the anti-Trumper, self hating left winger getting maced video. Hilarious.

The nazis used to love to see that kind of stuff done to the Jews too.
This morning Joe Scarborough said that Trump supporters are looking for a Hitler figure to lead them. There's no denying it when even the republicans are saying it.

wtf does that video have to do with nazis?

you know whats nazi-like? libs murdering babies by the millions you fucktard.
Lol, they went to the Nazi card. Yeah, conservatives started a national socialist party rally.

Shaking my head.
YOU claimed the mace (actually not mace) was "sprayed INTO her eyes".
People who wear glasses don't get things "sprayed into their eyes". They get things sprayed onto the lenses of their glasses.
Sure, nothing can possibly rebound off her cheeks into her eyes. :asshole:

Oh yeah. Her eyes obviously feel fine! No chance any mace got in at all!
I guess I should have indicated my sarcasm for those who didn't get it!

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