Young hysterical Trump protester punches gray haired man then gets pepper sprayed

Cops seem to have a different story than the one being promoted by Trump supporters in this thread. Kind of lame how the Trumpers will defend anything, even assault on a teenage girl by a mob. That girl never punched anyone. If she did there would be a photo or the video would show it. The defenders are calling what the cops describe as a possible shove or slap for being groped a punch.

"Never punched anyone" ?
The video shows she clearly at the very least punched out towards someone.
Therein lies one of the problems. She appeared to have punched or slapped out at someone, but there is no evidence she landed the slap or punch. The pepper spray was an overreaction and according to the linked article, may not have even been sprayed by the alleged target of the alleged punch or slap.
The Trump mob turned into an aggressive mob that turned vile as it attacked a female teenager with insulting taunts and eventually, physical assaults. The main interest of the Trumpers is that a 15-year-old girl threw a 15-year-old girlie punch while getting groped in the middle of a Trump supporter mob.

But you said she "never" punched anyone. The video shows she tried to, and certainly may have landed it. At the very least, she tried to assault someone, and so far I haven't seen any proof that she was groped or assaulted.
Maybe she was, but so far you guys are making up facts.
Please be honest here.
oh no, there's that word again that a libturd doesn't know, 'honest'. LOL:lmao:
I wonder how many videos Blueslegend has went through trying to find proof she was groped and assaulted ? :biggrin:
I wonder how many videos Blueslegend has went through trying to find proof she was groped and assaulted ? :biggrin:
well, I know it wasn't the guy she punched if she was. I can't account for the ten seconds before when she is battling with someone in the other line.
I wonder how many videos Blueslegend has went through trying to find proof she was groped and assaulted ? :biggrin:
well, I know it wasn't the guy she punched if she was. I can't account for the ten seconds before when she is battling with someone in the other line.

I just want video evidence that clearly shows she was groped and assaulted several times as Blueslegend claims.
I wonder how many videos Blueslegend has went through trying to find proof she was groped and assaulted ? :biggrin:
well, I know it wasn't the guy she punched if she was. I can't account for the ten seconds before when she is battling with someone in the other line.

I just want video evidence that clearly shows she was groped and assaulted several times as Blueslegend claims.
I don't think that will be possible. The only clear evidence from a video is that dude she punched never touched her.
Cops seem to have a different story than the one being promoted by Trump supporters in this thread. Kind of lame how the Trumpers will defend anything, even assault on a teenage girl by a mob. That girl never punched anyone. If she did there would be a photo or the video would show it. The defenders are calling what the cops describe as a possible shove or slap for being groped a punch.

"Never punched anyone" ?
The video shows she clearly at the very least punched out towards someone.
Therein lies one of the problems. She appeared to have punched or slapped out at someone, but there is no evidence she landed the slap or punch. The pepper spray was an overreaction and according to the linked article, may not have even been sprayed by the alleged target of the alleged punch or slap.
The Trump mob turned into an aggressive mob that turned vile as it attacked a female teenager with insulting taunts and eventually, physical assaults. The main interest of the Trumpers is that a 15-year-old girl threw a 15-year-old girlie punch while getting groped in the middle of a Trump supporter mob.

Here she admits she punched a man:

Janesville Police Sgt. Aaron Ellis said Wednesday that investigators have photos taken by participants at the demonstration outside the Holiday Inn Express on Tuesday, which could help to identify the man with the pepper spray.

Ellis said the girl told police she punched another man who groped her. Police also want to interview that man.

The girl and a 19-year-old woman standing next to her in the crowd were taken to a hospital, treated and released. Ellis says the girl could face charges for punching the other man.

15-year-old pepper sprayed as Trump protesters, supporters clash
All of which begs the question, who is egging these protesters on to instigate violence at rallies?
All of which begs the question, who is egging these protesters on to instigate violence at rallies?

In this case, it appears the girls fellow protesters are trying to settle her down, but she's simply out of control and finally lashes out.

In this case, I don't see any reason to believe anyone but the girl is responsible for her behavior.
Cops seem to have a different story than the one being promoted by Trump supporters in this thread. Kind of lame how the Trumpers will defend anything, even assault on a teenage girl by a mob. That girl never punched anyone. If she did there would be a photo or the video would show it. The defenders are calling what the cops describe as a possible shove or slap for being groped a punch.

"Never punched anyone" ?
The video shows she clearly at the very least punched out towards someone.
Therein lies one of the problems. She appeared to have punched or slapped out at someone, but there is no evidence she landed the slap or punch. The pepper spray was an overreaction and according to the linked article, may not have even been sprayed by the alleged target of the alleged punch or slap.
The Trump mob turned into an aggressive mob that turned vile as it attacked a female teenager with insulting taunts and eventually, physical assaults. The main interest of the Trumpers is that a 15-year-old girl threw a 15-year-old girlie punch while getting groped in the middle of a Trump supporter mob.

But you said she "never" punched anyone. The video shows she tried to, and certainly may have landed it. At the very least, she tried to assault someone, and so far I haven't seen any proof that she was groped or assaulted.
Maybe she was, but so far you guys are making up facts.
Please be honest here.
After reviewing the latest released vid's and seeing the comments by police, I would say the teen should be charged with something. The guy who pepper sprayed her should also be charged, since he was not the one allegedly being struck or punched. I am perfectly satisfied to let the cops figure it all out and let the chips fall where they may. The guy who allegedly got struck didn't look too upset, but no one should be trying to hit anyone at these events.
Cops seem to have a different story than the one being promoted by Trump supporters in this thread. Kind of lame how the Trumpers will defend anything, even assault on a teenage girl by a mob. That girl never punched anyone. If she did there would be a photo or the video would show it. The defenders are calling what the cops describe as a possible shove or slap for being groped a punch.

"Never punched anyone" ?
The video shows she clearly at the very least punched out towards someone.
Therein lies one of the problems. She appeared to have punched or slapped out at someone, but there is no evidence she landed the slap or punch. The pepper spray was an overreaction and according to the linked article, may not have even been sprayed by the alleged target of the alleged punch or slap.
The Trump mob turned into an aggressive mob that turned vile as it attacked a female teenager with insulting taunts and eventually, physical assaults. The main interest of the Trumpers is that a 15-year-old girl threw a 15-year-old girlie punch while getting groped in the middle of a Trump supporter mob.

But you said she "never" punched anyone. The video shows she tried to, and certainly may have landed it. At the very least, she tried to assault someone, and so far I haven't seen any proof that she was groped or assaulted.
Maybe she was, but so far you guys are making up facts.
Please be honest here.
After reviewing the latest released vid's and seeing the comments by police, I would say the teen should be charged with something. The guy who pepper sprayed her should also be charged, since he was not the one allegedly being struck or punched. I am perfectly satisfied to let the cops figure it all out and let the chips fall where they may. The guy who allegedly got struck didn't look too upset, but no one should be trying to hit anyone at these events.

I think you're being very reasonable.
Madison.comidentified the Trump supporter as Dan Crandall of Milton”

“I didn’t touch her,” Crandall said in an interview.

“A lot of people around her started chanting, ‘All lives matter’ and she got upset. She started to challenge why I was at the Trump rally since I was a grown man,” Crandall said. “I told her I was at the Trump rally because I was a grown man and I cared about my country.”

Crandall said someone standing behind him then pepper sprayed the girl.

Wisconsin Teen Girl Pepper Sprayed at Trump Rally, After Throwing Punch, By Man With Red Hat (UPDATED)
They are saying the guy here with the red cap and glasses is the one who sprayed her.

Watch this and wait until the 0:54 mark. He looks to be 25ish.

They are saying the guy here with the red cap and glasses is the one who sprayed her.

Watch this and wait until the 0:54 mark. He looks to be 25ish.

Any man that would hit a woman is an incredible coward. A man that would hit a child is the definition of a cowardly lowlife. The guy that pepper sprayed this girl, I don't care how loud she was, is not a man.

Notice these types like to reach out an arm, hit or pepper spray someone, then blend back into the crowd and slink away.

Absolute coward.
They are saying the guy here with the red cap and glasses is the one who sprayed her.

Watch this and wait until the 0:54 mark. He looks to be 25ish.

Any man that would hit a woman is an incredible coward. A man that would hit a child is the definition of a cowardly lowlife. The guy that pepper sprayed this girl, I don't care how loud she was, is not a man.

Notice these types like to reach out an arm, hit or pepper spray someone, then blend back into the crowd and slink away.

Absolute coward.

In this case, I doubt he viewed her as a child. She certainly looks closer to being an adult than a child.

I don't disagree that the guy is a puss, but I still don't feel sorry for her. I think she knew exactly what she was doing, and she should have expected after she punched someone that there could be retaliation.
Well ladies and gents here you go

Police: Teen who got pepper sprayed at Donald Trump rally in Janesville wasn't sexually assaulted

"However, using video, witness accounts, and interviews, investigators determined there was no sexual assault, and that the 15-year-old girl had punched a 59-year-old man in the face.

That man is not pressing charges against the girl. She has been referred to juvenile authorities on disorderly conduct charges, police said."

Well well.
Wonder who will be the first here to admit they jumped to conclusions ?
Police recommend charge against girl at Trump rally

JANESVILLE, Wis. (AP) — Investigators said Thursday that they're recommending a disorderly conduct charge be filed against a 15-year-old girl who was pepper-sprayed after she punched a man at a rally for Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump in Wisconsin.

Video of the altercation shows a crowd of people in a parking lot outside the rally in Janesville on Tuesday. The girl can be seen holding an anti-Trump sign and arguing with a 59-year-old man.

The video shows the man turning away with his hands in the air. Seconds later, the girl punches him in the face. Another man wearing a red Trump hat then pepper-sprayed the girl and disappeared into the crowd.

The girl told police the first man groped her breast. But Chief David Moore told reporters during a news conference Thursday that additional video doesn't show any evidence the man groped her and that 12 out of 13 witnesses said they didn't see him do anything.

Moore said the man who was punched didn't want to press assault charges against the girl, but investigators have recommended juvenile authorities charge her with disorderly conduct for what he called "an act of violence." He said time passed between the alleged groping and the punching and the man and the girl were several feet apart when she threw the punch.

"Clearly her punch was illegal," he said.

Police recommend charge against girl at Trump rally

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