Young, Liberal and Open to Big Government & Jangling the Nerves of Republicans

The NY times spoke the truth. The vast majority of young people are Democrats.

Republicans are hoping that it's always been that way and that eventually they will become Republican. Except that now data is starting to show that people are NOT becoming Republican.

They are also young, stupid and gullible, but people wise up as they get older.

I too was a Democrat when I was younger, and in college... but then again the Dems had Tip O'neill, etc., you know, they weren't yet the moonbat brigade that they have become. I left the Democrat party in 1984.
Liberalism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary


2a often capitalized : a movement in modern Protestantism emphasizing intellectual liberty and the spiritual and ethical content of Christianity b : a theory in economics emphasizing individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self-regulating market, and the gold standard c : a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties; specifically : such a philosophy that considers government as a crucial instrument for amelioration of social inequities (as those involving race, gender, or class)

Modern day LOLberals do not believe in any of this. They believe in the authority of the state to tell everyone what to do, special interest groups and not the autonomy or protection of the individual. What we have are degenerate retards who should be mocked and shamed for being such.

You are painting with too broad of a brush; you are apparently affected by talk-radio ravings about "liberals." HINT: It is unwise to categorize people in that way; should I assume that all conservatives are racist homophobic bigots? Because I know that isn't the case.
Have you ever, anything intelligent to say? Can you say Albert Einstein?

why, you think this dribble from the NYslime was intelligent?

some young college kids speaking of some liberal Utopia? they all do UNTIL they have to get out in the REAL WORLD...

The signs are everywhere my dear. It's a new world order and young multi-culteralism is being served. It's like the 60's all over again. The Republicans are old-school and most assuredly have no chance 2016. After America and the world expierenced Obama there is no going back to big-business as usual. The little-man is here to stay and America will grow ever stronger for it. See you suits in about 3 or 4 decades.

You're one long, drawn out and boorish cliché kid...


What a joke.
Big Government has always worked out so well in history. And those aren't liberals, they are LOLberals. They are to be mocked and shamed for being degenerate retards.

Quite honestly, though, nothing has ever "worked" in terms of history.


Re-read it. No government or political ideology in human history has proven to be permanent. All are defective and imperfect in one form or another.
Have you ever, anything intelligent to say? Can you say Albert Einstein?

why, you think this dribble from the NYslime was intelligent?

some young college kids speaking of some liberal Utopia? they all do UNTIL they have to get out in the REAL WORLD...

The signs are everywhere my dear. It's a new world order and young multi-culteralism is being served. It's like the 60's all over again. The Republicans are old-school and most assuredly have no chance 2016. After America and the world expierenced Obama there is no going back to big-business as usual. The little-man is here to stay and America will grow ever stronger for it. See you suits in about 3 or 4 decades.

oh my gawd, you aren't old to vote, are you?
after America and THE WORLD experienced OBAMA..?
You should learn to spell if you are going to post such goofy stuff, sheesh
why, you think this dribble from the NYslime was intelligent?

some young college kids speaking of some liberal Utopia? they all do UNTIL they have to get out in the REAL WORLD...

The signs are everywhere my dear. It's a new world order and young multi-culteralism is being served. It's like the 60's all over again. The Republicans are old-school and most assuredly have no chance 2016. After America and the world expierenced Obama there is no going back to big-business as usual. The little-man is here to stay and America will grow ever stronger for it. See you suits in about 3 or 4 decades.

You're one long, drawn out and boorish cliché kid...


What a joke.

Guilty! Without a doubt I was full of cliches Soggy, and I understood as such as I continued to write. But I could not help myself, some force overtook me and I just didn't give a damn. I also knew I mispelled 'experienced' but "damn the torpedoes", I didn't care. The hell with I was thinking at the time. I just wanted to get my feelings on print quickly! Please forgive me. I'm usually not that sloppy.

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