Young Man Caught Having s*x With Woman’s Corpse In Mortuary

Necrophilia, like homophilia, is a sexual orientation. This thread is bigoted. Yes, a majority of people find this type of sex absolutely disgusting and repugnant. But since when does a majority have the ability to interfere with the liberties and rights of individuals? The dead woman was not harmed at all in this act. So any oppression of this man is arbitrary and bigoted by today's linguistic standard.
Necrophilia, like homophilia, is a sexual orientation. This thread is bigoted. Yes, a majority of people find this type of sex absolutely disgusting and repugnant. But since when does a majority have the ability to interfere with the liberties and rights of individuals? The dead woman was not harmed at all in this act. So any oppression of this man is arbitrary and bigoted by today's linguistic standard.

Learned my lesson about sex topics. Staying out of this one. :)
20 years from now after they get done promoting pedophilia. Well, I expect the left will be whining for the right to fuck and marry a dead person!
Bravo! I knew one of you nutjobs would find a way to link this to liberals. Congrats!
It all part of the liberal Marxist agenda. Liberals eat it up without any critical thinking.
In my opinion, you can't really say that anything was actually going on when one person in the picture can not do their part because they are dead.

God bless you always!!!

Necrophilia, like homophilia, is a sexual orientation. This thread is bigoted. Yes, a majority of people find this type of sex absolutely disgusting and repugnant. But since when does a majority have the ability to interfere with the liberties and rights of individuals? The dead woman was not harmed at all in this act. So any oppression of this man is arbitrary and bigoted by today's linguistic standard.

Learned my lesson about sex topics. Staying out of this one. :)
Some guys never learn.

That's why they have the big signs in their yards.
Necrophilia, like homophilia, is a sexual orientation. This thread is bigoted. Yes, a majority of people find this type of sex absolutely disgusting and repugnant. But since when does a majority have the ability to interfere with the liberties and rights of individuals? The dead woman was not harmed at all in this act. So any oppression of this man is arbitrary and bigoted by today's linguistic standard.
You never did understand Consent.

As for any harm done, that part you got right. Harm is to the living or the future living. Once dead you couldn't care less.
In my opinion, you can't really say that anything was actually going on when one person in the picture can not do their part because they are dead.

God bless you always!!!


It'd be epic if they could raise her from the dead and ask her to testify on the stand (with clothes).
Necrophilia, like homophilia, is a sexual orientation. This thread is bigoted. Yes, a majority of people find this type of sex absolutely disgusting and repugnant. But since when does a majority have the ability to interfere with the liberties and rights of individuals? The dead woman was not harmed at all in this act. So any oppression of this man is arbitrary and bigoted by today's linguistic standard.
You never did understand Consent.
As for any harm done, that part you got right. Harm is to the living or the future living. Once dead you couldn't care less.

No, more precisely, once dead, the man who is the subject of the OP here coudn't care less. Not sure if the dead have rights to consent beyong their Will. If it wasn't clearly stated in her Will "I do not consent to people having sex with my dead body" who is society (at this point in time) to judge the man's actions? Because they are repugnant to the majority? Surely you jest?
20 years from now after they get done promoting pedophilia. Well, I expect the left will be whining for the right to fuck and marry a dead person!
Bravo! I knew one of you nutjobs would find a way to link this to liberals. Congrats!
Liberals has been leading us to this for years now. You're party is sick.
Right. Because necrophilia was invented by liberals. BTW, it's 'have' and 'your'. Dumb ass.
Necrophilia, like homophilia, is a sexual orientation. This thread is bigoted. Yes, a majority of people find this type of sex absolutely disgusting and repugnant. But since when does a majority have the ability to interfere with the liberties and rights of individuals? The dead woman was not harmed at all in this act. So any oppression of this man is arbitrary and bigoted by today's linguistic standard.
You and your ilk have no moral compass and your statement proves it. People like you should be shunned. Normalizing necrophilia is sick.
20 years from now after they get done promoting pedophilia. Well, I expect the left will be whining for the right to fuck and marry a dead person!
Bravo! I knew one of you nutjobs would find a way to link this to liberals. Congrats!
Liberals has been leading us to this for years now. You're party is sick.
Right. Because necrophilia was invented by liberals. BTW, it's 'have' and 'your'. Dumb ass.
No because liberals will try to normalize it.
I don't drink coffee and my general disgust with the female humans of this world has been long-standing... It's mostly related to their inability to accept and embrace their proper place in the world; and the damage that has caused the rest of society.



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