Young Man Caught Having s*x With Woman’s Corpse In Mortuary

Damn, somebody piss in your coffee this morning?

I don't drink coffee and my general disgust with the female humans of this world has been long-standing, Roadrunner. It's mostly related to their inability to accept and embrace their proper place in the world; and the damage that has caused the rest of society.
I've known shitty women too, don't judge them all by one or two.

As for proper place, we all have strengths and weaknesses.

If a good relationship, each does what they do best.

That always works.

You should try coffee, nature's answer to what ails you.

Smoke some good weed with it too, bitter ain't good for ya.
I've known shitty women too, don't judge them all by one or two.

Not just one or two. Trust me on that. It's also not just the ones I know personally, but the ones you see out in society on a daily basis.

As for proper place, we all have strengths and weaknesses. If a good relationship, each does what they do best. That always works.

I'm more of a..... A Place for Everyone and Everyone in Their Place type of person.

You should try coffee, nature's answer to what ails you. Smoke some good weed with it too, bitter ain't good for ya.

I've tried it. Tastes like crap to me. I get my caffeine fix from the Coca Cola bottling company of Atlanta, GA. I don't drink alcohol, smoke tobacco or use illegal drugs. Never have and never will. Bitter/Angry keeps you focused on the important things in life.
20 years from now after they get done promoting pedophilia. Well, I expect the left will be whining for the right to fuck and marry a dead person!

More than halfway there already stuffing deceased pets and putting them in the home. If that's acceptable, if a bit weird and sad, what about dead people being stuffed and placed in the home?
20 years from now after they get done promoting pedophilia. Well, I expect the left will be whining for the right to fuck and marry a dead person!

More than halfway there already stuffing deceased pets and putting them in the home. If that's acceptable, if a bit weird and sad, what about dead people being stuffed and placed in the home?
Remember the cute little cats for kids that could not have real live cats, that turned out to be real DEAD cats.

I think China had to quit sending them here.

Whole different perspective on cats in other parts of the world.


But, other than the odd internet poster here and there, necrophilia is universally despised.
20 years from now after they get done promoting pedophilia. Well, I expect the left will be whining for the right to fuck and marry a dead person!

More than halfway there already stuffing deceased pets and putting them in the home. If that's acceptable, if a bit weird and sad, what about dead people being stuffed and placed in the home?
Remember the cute little cats for kids that could not have real live cats, that turned out to be real DEAD cats.

I think China had to quit sending them here.

Whole different perspective on cats in other parts of the world.

View attachment 36820

But, other than the odd internet poster here and there, necrophilia is universally despised.

They say 10% or so of those studying to become morticians are closet-necrophiliacs. :)
Well.....he really should have married her first....that is where the redefinition of marriage is going...isn't it....marrying whoever...or want as long as you simply want to ....right? So his mistake was not getting the corpse to give him written permission, and then not marrying it........right?

That is how you lefties think....right? I mean sex with a corpse....simply a choice...right?
20 years from now after they get done promoting pedophilia. Well, I expect the left will be whining for the right to fuck and marry a dead person!
Bravo! I knew one of you nutjobs would find a way to link this to liberals. Congrats!

It isn't that lefty/libs are too easy to figure out.........we know how you think and what you want.....
20 years from now after they get done promoting pedophilia. Well, I expect the left will be whining for the right to fuck and marry a dead person!

More than halfway there already stuffing deceased pets and putting them in the home. If that's acceptable, if a bit weird and sad, what about dead people being stuffed and placed in the home?
Remember the cute little cats for kids that could not have real live cats, that turned out to be real DEAD cats.

I think China had to quit sending them here.

Whole different perspective on cats in other parts of the world.

View attachment 36820

But, other than the odd internet poster here and there, necrophilia is universally despised.

They say 10% or so of those studying to become morticians are closet-necrophiliacs. :)
Who the fuck are THEY???
Quite the disgusting act, but then again from my experience the dead ones might be the largest segment of decent women in the world today..... They know their place. They don't talk back. No job. Unfortunately they don't cook, clean or do laundry. Guess it's about a toss-up.

They are barefoot though.
"Corpse bride"? Lefties promote pedophilia and all sorts of sodomy, why not necrophilia.
I prefer them alive and breathing heavy.

The decent ones I prefer alive. Unfortunately that group makes up probably less than 4% of total women in the world.

I'm more concerned with them breathing heavy from doing the laundry, cleaning, cooking, etc.... than from inter-personal activities.

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