Young Reporter Accuses Crooked Hillary Clinton of Airplane Sex Assault (lesbian groping)

I literally can't believe this thread exists.
I can't believe you can't see you're being played. What an idiot. :lol:

Ever seen Finger Boi crack any kind of joke? Ever?
Exactly. Me neither.

Apparently the latest Rumpbot strategy when you get punked is --- instead of running away, sit in the thread and toss "I can't believe you can't see you're being played" at anyone who shows up.

That oughta work well.
I literally can't believe this thread exists.
I can't believe you can't see you're being played. What an idiot. :lol:

Apparently the latest Rumpbot strategy when you get punked is --- instead of running away, sit in the thread and toss "I can't believe you can't see you're being played" at anyone who shows up.

That oughta work well.
Dude, you WERE played. You have to be the biggest sucker on USMB. LMAO!
Watch all the Hillary douche bags try to weasel their way out of this one:

Young Reporter Accuses Crooked Hillary Clinton of Airplane Sex Assault Yet another groping victim has come forward this morning. Jane Doe prefers to have her name withheld for the time being, but she lives in Burbank, California. We’ll let her tell you her sad, sad story of how lesbian groping is just as – if not more damaging to a young person. We certainly expect the MSM to cover Jane’s probably fake story with equal tenacity as the other purported sexual assault victims.

Most reporters I've seen look professional.

That woman looks professional too.

Just not as a Reporter.

You're attacking the victim? You're a misogynist hater!
Watch all the Hillary douche bags try to weasel their way out of this one:

Young Reporter Accuses Crooked Hillary Clinton of Airplane Sex Assault Yet another groping victim has come forward this morning. Jane Doe prefers to have her name withheld for the time being, but she lives in Burbank, California. We’ll let her tell you her sad, sad story of how lesbian groping is just as – if not more damaging to a young person. We certainly expect the MSM to cover Jane’s probably fake story with equal tenacity as the other purported sexual assault victims.

Um, serious question: Are you the dumbest person alive? Please tell me you are mildly retarded, or have some sort of condition.

She couldn't have sounded more like an actress if she tried. That read like a damn porno script. Jesus Christ!

She lives in fucking Burbank dude, actress central.

LOL, you guys are so, so gullible it's actually alarming.

How does that differ from the whore accusing Trump?
Watch all the Hillary douche bags try to weasel their way out of this one:

Young Reporter Accuses Crooked Hillary Clinton of Airplane Sex Assault Yet another groping victim has come forward this morning. Jane Doe prefers to have her name withheld for the time being, but she lives in Burbank, California. We’ll let her tell you her sad, sad story of how lesbian groping is just as – if not more damaging to a young person. We certainly expect the MSM to cover Jane’s probably fake story with equal tenacity as the other purported sexual assault victims.

You're actually so stupid that you don't even feel a thing when you're getting played huh?

You're the one being played, douche bag. Only a fool would vote for a corrupt sleaze bag like Hillary.

I haven't even brought up a "Hillary". Or "voting".
I simply noted that there's one of you born every minute, according to P.T. Barnum.

You haven't mentioned it, but we all know that's the point of your smears and slanders, isn't it?

I literally can't believe this thread exists.

Oh come on, I cant believe you actually believe anyone took it serious. Its just a fantastic video though, i hope
this woman gets to sit in the front row at the next debate.
I literally can't believe this thread exists.
I can't believe you can't see you're being played. What an idiot. :lol:
This just in from NBC News, Infamous Democrat and Man-Bear-Pig, Congressman Alan Greyson has Twitted that Hillary actually tried to grab his privates when they once sat next to one another in the congress chambers, and that he actually enjoyed it to the extent where he had to wait for his erection to wear off before he got up and left the session.
Watch all the Hillary douche bags try to weasel their way out of this one:

Young Reporter Accuses Crooked Hillary Clinton of Airplane Sex Assault Yet another groping victim has come forward this morning. Jane Doe prefers to have her name withheld for the time being, but she lives in Burbank, California. We’ll let her tell you her sad, sad story of how lesbian groping is just as – if not more damaging to a young person. We certainly expect the MSM to cover Jane’s probably fake story with equal tenacity as the other purported sexual assault victims.

Most reporters I've seen look professional.

That woman looks professional too.

Just not as a Reporter.

You just posted a very sexist, misogynist remark about a woman's appearance you jerk!
Watch all the Hillary douche bags try to weasel their way out of this one:

Young Reporter Accuses Crooked Hillary Clinton of Airplane Sex Assault Yet another groping victim has come forward this morning. Jane Doe prefers to have her name withheld for the time being, but she lives in Burbank, California. We’ll let her tell you her sad, sad story of how lesbian groping is just as – if not more damaging to a young person. We certainly expect the MSM to cover Jane’s probably fake story with equal tenacity as the other purported sexual assault victims.

Most reporters I've seen look professional.

That woman looks professional too.

Just not as a Reporter.

You just posted a very sexist, misogynist remark about a woman's appearance you jerk!

But, but, the war on women.

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