Young Reporter Accuses Crooked Hillary Clinton of Airplane Sex Assault (lesbian groping)

Watch all the Hillary douche bags try to weasel their way out of this one:

Young Reporter Accuses Crooked Hillary Clinton of Airplane Sex Assault Yet another groping victim has come forward this morning. Jane Doe prefers to have her name withheld for the time being, but she lives in Burbank, California. We’ll let her tell you her sad, sad story of how lesbian groping is just as – if not more damaging to a young person. We certainly expect the MSM to cover Jane’s probably fake story with equal tenacity as the other purported sexual assault victims.


As if you wouldn't like some lesbian groping.
Watch all the Hillary douche bags try to weasel their way out of this one:

Young Reporter Accuses Crooked Hillary Clinton of Airplane Sex Assault Yet another groping victim has come forward this morning. Jane Doe prefers to have her name withheld for the time being, but she lives in Burbank, California. We’ll let her tell you her sad, sad story of how lesbian groping is just as – if not more damaging to a young person. We certainly expect the MSM to cover Jane’s probably fake story with equal tenacity as the other purported sexual assault victims.

Most reporters I've seen look professional.

That woman looks professional too.

Just not as a Reporter.

Spend a lot of time with hookers do you?

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