Young republicans dumped at a random gas station by anti Trump uber driver speak out

thehawk will be a squawk when the patriots deny him services and goods
It ain’t easy being a conservative these days. New reports are popping up every week about conservatives being denied service at restaurants and now even from a ride-sharing company solely because of their political beliefs.

Young Republicans Dumped At A ‘Random’ Gas Station By Anti-Trump Uber Driver Speak Out

Trump haters are pretty sickening and show their true colors. So you see as they accuse you of being something, or someone, it's really they themselves who are everything they accuse you of being.

Scum cant stand themselves..................... ='s Trump haters.

It goes to show just how low you Trump haters are and how divided pos like YOU make this country as you cowardly losers . Yah prove it.
Thank you Supreme Court.....the driver now has the right to refuse service based on his moral/religious beliefs that he shouldn't have to do business with people of questionable character.
Disgusting, but it's the driver's car, he should be able to decline their business.
In this case, he certainly should have completed the commute the women needed.
Amen to this. The least that the driver could've done is finish what had already been started. Making someone get out while in the middle of the process only makes the driver look worse and for what? Because they don't agree with where the passenger chooses to stand on a whole other subject? The driver makes it sound like that is the worst thing that a person can be guilty of. Until a passenger(s) create a real disturbance, there is absolutely no excuse to ever get rid of them.

God bless you and the dumped passenger always!!!

It ain’t easy being a conservative these days. New reports are popping up every week about conservatives being denied service at restaurants and now even from a ride-sharing company solely because of their political beliefs.

Young Republicans Dumped At A ‘Random’ Gas Station By Anti-Trump Uber Driver Speak Out

Trump haters are pretty sickening and show their true colors. So you see as they accuse you of being something, or someone, it's really they themselves who are everything they accuse you of being.

Scum cant stand themselves..................... ='s Trump haters.

It goes to show just how low you Trump haters are and how divided pos like YOU make this country as you cowardly losers . Yah prove it.
It ain’t easy being a conservative these days. New reports are popping up every week about conservatives being denied service at restaurants and now even from a ride-sharing company solely because of their political beliefs.

Young Republicans Dumped At A ‘Random’ Gas Station By Anti-Trump Uber Driver Speak Out

Trump haters are pretty sickening and show their true colors. So you see as they accuse you of being something, or someone, it's really they themselves who are everything they accuse you of being.

Scum cant stand themselves..................... ='s Trump haters.

It goes to show just how low you Trump haters are and how divided pos like YOU make this country as you cowardly losers . Yah prove it.
Thank you Supreme Court.....the driver now has the right to refuse service based on his moral/religious beliefs that he shouldn't have to do business with people of questionable character.

How was their character questionable?
It ain’t easy being a conservative these days. New reports are popping up every week about conservatives being denied service at restaurants and now even from a ride-sharing company solely because of their political beliefs.

Young Republicans Dumped At A ‘Random’ Gas Station By Anti-Trump Uber Driver Speak Out

Trump haters are pretty sickening and show their true colors. So you see as they accuse you of being something, or someone, it's really they themselves who are everything they accuse you of being.

Scum cant stand themselves..................... ='s Trump haters.

It goes to show just how low you Trump haters are and how divided pos like YOU make this country as you cowardly losers . Yah prove it.
Thank you Supreme Court.....the driver now has the right to refuse service based on his moral/religious beliefs that he shouldn't have to do business with people of questionable character.
I will remember that the next time you whin about a queer getting denied service.
No, he did not take their money.
Its Uber he isn't the one taking the money. He didn't agree with them, fine turn the radio up. Stone up and do your job, period. Uber does not allow for those types of signs to be posted in the car.
Just about every day, someone comes here to give some sorry ass story about a pro Trump ass ho being treated badly......Meanwhile, everybody else in the country is having to endure Trump and bullshit...I'd say, the playing field is about even!!
except you are wrong again
It ain’t easy being a conservative these days. New reports are popping up every week about conservatives being denied service at restaurants and now even from a ride-sharing company solely because of their political beliefs.

Young Republicans Dumped At A ‘Random’ Gas Station By Anti-Trump Uber Driver Speak Out

Trump haters are pretty sickening and show their true colors. So you see as they accuse you of being something, or someone, it's really they themselves who are everything they accuse you of being.

Scum cant stand themselves..................... ='s Trump haters.

It goes to show just how low you Trump haters are and how divided pos like YOU make this country as you cowardly losers . Yah prove it.
Thank you Supreme Court.....the driver now has the right to refuse service based on his moral/religious beliefs that he shouldn't have to do business with people of questionable character.
Why are they of questionable character? Oh I know why, you don't agree with them.
Good! People need to send a message that fascism isn’t acceptable. I don’t even consider these Trumpsters conservatives. They are in a category of their own. If they support Trump, they support fascism.
Good! People need to send a message that fascism isn’t acceptable. I don’t even consider these Trumpsters conservatives. They are in a category of their own. If they support Trump, they support fascism.

Amazing how you're denouncing Trump supporters as "fascists", and yet it's noticeable that the only people behaving like fascists - not to mention hysterical, low-class, ill-bred gutter trash - are the very people you're cheering on.

Here's a hint, honey, since you were obviously raised by baboons instead of humans: if you're cheering for behavior that you would not want directed toward you, then YOU are the bad person.

As far as I can tell, there is no level on which you should feel good about existing. And before you get your panties in a wad at me for talking to you like this, Garbage Girl, just remember that you thought behaving like this was a GOOD idea . . . when someone else was the target.

So be very careful how you answer, lest you not only be ignorant trash, but ALSO a hypocrite.

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