Young Voters: ‘Being Hip Matters Most’


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May 1, 2012
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Newsweek Editor’s Condescending View of Young Voters: ‘Being Hip Matters Most’

By Ryan Robertson | September 11, 2012

Taking into account how the majority of Hollywood supports the Democratic Party no matter what, it should come as no surprise that Entertainment Tonight continues to produce segments of political fluff in an election year.

The president himself showed up for a softball interview with his wife on Aug. 15, where he insisted that his re-election campaign hasn’t “tried to divide the country.” While avoiding questions from the White House press corps earlier this summer, the president did find the time to sit down with People Magazine, a couple newspapers in Iowa, and called in to a few radio stations however (including a sports talk show).

But far from being excoriated for his obvious pandering scheme, the lapdog media seemed to love it, seeing it as a pitch for the youth vote. Senior Newsweek Editor Tony Dokoupil recently said on Entertainment Tonight that, "young voters want to feel like they're behind the hip party. That's what matters most."


Getting the economy back on track and cutting deficit spending are what should matter most in this election, but the media are intent on propping up Obama’s “coolness” factor and insisting that rhetoric and mantras will suffice once again.

Read more: Newsweek Editor

Newsweek Editor


The New Normal
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LOL. Oh well, insult women, insult hispanics, insult blacks, insult scientists, insult young people. But of course we are going to win the election. Whee...................................!!!!
It's true. Most young people today do just wanna' be hip and trendy. You guys don't see that?

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