Your American Fiat tax Dollars at Work *Warning Graphic Truth*


Dec 8, 2008

Israeli forces killed two girls in an air attack on Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip early Tuesday. Local sources report that a missile destroyed a house belonging to Talal Hamdan in Beit Hanoun today, killing his two daughters of 12 and 4 years old. A son is reported seriously injured. Yesterday Israeli forces killed four sisters and a four year old boy.


The bodies of two girls, aged four and 11, who were killed in an Israeli air strike in Beit Hanun in the northern Gaza Strip Strip December 30, 2008.


Palestinians carry the body of 4-year-old Lama Hamdan during her funeral in the town of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip December 30, 2008.


Palestinians bury the body of 4-year-old Lama Hamdan at Beit Hanoun cemetery in the northern Gaza Strip December 30, 2008.


Palestinians mourn beside the bodies of three children in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip December 29, 2008.


Three Palestinian children from the Balosha family, of five who were all killed in the same Israeli missile strike, are seen in the morgue before their burial at Kamal Edwan hopsital in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza Strip, Monday, Dec. 29, 2008


Palestinian children from the Balosha family, who were all killed in the same Israeli missile strike, are seen in the morgue before their burial at Kamal Edwan hopsital in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza Strip, Monday, Dec. 29, 2008.


bedroom of 5 killed girls


Samera Baalusha (34) carries her surviving child Mohamad (15 months) while she waits to see the body of her daughter Jawaher Baalusha (aged 4) during the funeral held for her and four of her sisters who were killed in an Israeli missile strike, on December 29, 2008 in the Jebaliya refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip


A wounded Palestinian boy is carried by his father at a hospital in Gaza City following an Israeli air strike

Demonstrations against Israel’s slaughter in Gaza have been/are taking place in every major city in the United States and throughout the world. People of conscience are standing up and speaking out…. but where are their governments?

There have been a few ‘verbal condemnations’ but no action whatsoever. Have the tentacles of the evil Lobby reached out across the oceans? Is the world afraid of Israel?

Where is the UN? Where is the EU?? We all know where President elect Obama is, he’s out playing with his golf balls today. Is he too afraid to speak out against these atrocities? Is he afraid that by doing so the ‘charges’ against him being a Muslim might pop up again?

And what about the leaders of the Arab world? Even those that do not recognize Israel have been silent….. what’s that all about??

Israel has proven by these latest actions that it is not a civilized nation. It is not worthy of having the support of anyone in the world community. Calls must be made to all elected official urging them to support a move to recall all representatives from Israel’s soil. All of Israel’s representatives must be asked to leave their host countries immediately.

Israel must be removed from the United Nations. It has proven umpteen times that it has no regard for that body by rejecting every resolution ever passed against them.

All goods made in Israel must be boycotted. All companies having dealings with Israel must be boycotted.

Israel must be completely isolated, only then will it realize that it cannot continue in this zioholocaust they have created. Only you can make this a reality.

Remember that…
meh.. these people are not human and have no souls anyway. Just ask DavidS.
I hope this war will come to an end when Hamas is gone, after all weren't they also responsible for this? Israel said "stop firing rockets otherwise we will be forced to defend ourselves and take out Hamas", Hamas fired rockets again and then yes this happend.

This is inexcusably wrong, but so is firing rockets at civilians.
I hope this war will come to an end when Hamas is gone, after all weren't they also responsible for this? Israel said "stop firing rockets otherwise we will be forced to defend ourselves and take out Hamas", Hamas fired rockets again and then yes this happend.

This is inexcusably wrong, but so is firing rockets at civilians.

Well, the Israeli's invented and finances Hamas so I think the source of the problem, Israel, and it's banks, must be destroyed.

EXCLUSIVE-Money trail to Hamas begins with Israeli banks | Reuters
He'll see what kind of soul he has when he meets his maker

it's unfortunate that there is no maker for him to meet though. Until then, it's the typical good zionist/bad zionist routine with a little martyr routine sprinkled in.
I hope this war will come to an end when Hamas is gone, after all weren't they also responsible for this? Israel said "stop firing rockets otherwise we will be forced to defend ourselves and take out Hamas", Hamas fired rockets again and then yes this happend.

This is inexcusably wrong, but so is firing rockets at civilians.

so is carving nations out of standing populations and pretending that they won't matter in the long run but I don't see anyone trying to blame a single zionist.

Tell me, if israel were carved out of Texas do you think Texans would just roll over and take being fucked in the landgrabbing ass for the sake of peace despite refugee status?

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