Your Bias is Showing.

Yes. Unlike all the intellectually dishonest Leftists such as OP who come here and pretend they something other than a government dependent with Marxist tendencies, I am not afraid to admit it. :D

It wouldn't be far-fetched to think that some of the posters here are paid Obama operatives. No one can be as obtuse as some of them.

I thought all liberals were unemployed?

Actually, many of us are fabulously wealthy and just play the game to keep tricking the underclass into staying on the plantation.

Works great!!!
Are you D, R or truly an I

Study suggests many 'Independents' are just kidding themselves.

The Handy Link Below said:
Are Independents Just Partisans In Disguise? : It's All Politics : NPR

The idea behind the test is simple. If you are a Republican deep-down, you'll quickly categorize things that are Republican with things about yourself, because you identify with the Republican Party. You'll be slower to group things connected to the Democratic Party with things about yourself.

You can try the test for yourself here:

Kind of a reflection of money pushing the process down to only 2 choices, IMHO.

I'll shame the devil and tell the truth, my bias hangs toward the left these days.

Given the choices today, WYGD? :dunno:
The definition of insanity is expecting a different result from a process repeated, and 'trickle down golden showers' was tried in earnest, definitively failing in October of 2008.

We have plenty of examples of this right at USMB: Dud/Oddball, Mr.T, CFrank....all claim to be independent yet they constantly shill for and vote for the GOP.

How do you know how they vote? Are you in the booth with them?
While I consider myself politically Independent I lean democratic for the many reasons I have posted many times (see sig). The republicans used to be a party with a liberal wing, what happened? Taxes and religion are what happened - one has to be a lunatic to be a republican today. You could rename these words: greed and fundamentalism.

Eisenhower called his administration progressive, can one imagine that today? Reagan raised taxes over and over again, same question. Several of the ideas now considered taboo came from republican politicians and thinkers, what the heck happened?

In the end while democrats are often equally useless, at least on rare occasions they get things right. Rebuilding our infrastructure is one example. I thought this piece telling but sort of depressing.

"This bipartisan consensus reads as follows. “We’re spending too much on Medicare and related welfare state-sponsored services, so much that radical changes in these programs are urgently necessary. The disparity between contributions made and benefits received is impossible to sustain either as a moral proposition or an economic projection. Meanwhile, however, our choice of revenue sources has shrunk, because we’ve learned since the 1970s that we can’t penalize the ‘job creators’ [investors] in the private sector by raising taxes on their profits and incomes. Thus we face budget shortfalls at the federal and state levels that can be met only by spending cuts."

The Left and the Right diverge only when they discuss where those cuts have to be concentrated. The liberals say don’t balance the budget on the backs of poor people, let’s slash the warmongering Pentagon instead, or maybe rescind Bush’s tax cuts (but only if our fund-raisers say it’s OK). The conservatives say don’t balance the budget on the backs of rich people—if we do, they’ll stop investing and creating jobs, maybe even go on strike because the future looks too uncertain, no, let’s slash “welfare” instead." The Moral Deficit | Politics and Letters
"I am a hardcore LIberal"

I read all of what you said but I have to admit that you had me fooled. I would have never thought you came over from the darkside.

Yes. Unlike all the intellectually dishonest Leftists such as OP who come here and pretend they something other than a government dependent with Marxist tendencies, I am not afraid to admit it. :D

It wouldn't be far-fetched to think that some of the posters here are paid Obama operatives. No one can be as obtuse as some of them.

Progressives organizations certainly hire people to promote progressive politics online and on the street... They advertise all over Craigslist..

Money Shouldn't Control Elections; People Should- Election Positions

Women's Rights CAMPAIGN JOBS:: Now is the Time for Action


Salaried Election Positions- Hiring Immediately

Without question there are people being paid to promote progressive propaganda all over the internet...

Then these progressives have the audacity to claim the Tea Party was astroturf?
imagine w a world with three choices.

Only a third of the people woudl be choosing our reps

In 2010 only 37% of eligible voters cast ballots for representatives

In 2008 57% of eligible voters cast a vote for president. If the votes are 51% and 49% then less than a third are choosing our president.

So you see only a third of the people are deciding our reps anyway
imagine w a world with three choices.

Only a third of the people woudl be choosing our reps

In 2010 only 37% of eligible voters cast ballots for representatives

In 2008 57% of eligible voters cast a vote for president. If the votes are 51% and 49% then less than a third are choosing our president.

So you see only a third of the people are deciding our reps anyway

So much for majority rules when the majority of the nation is too lazy to get their asses to the polls.
imagine w a world with three choices.

Only a third of the people woudl be choosing our reps

In 2010 only 37% of eligible voters cast ballots for representatives

In 2008 57% of eligible voters cast a vote for president. If the votes are 51% and 49% then less than a third are choosing our president.

So you see only a third of the people are deciding our reps anyway

That's because many flunked civics - they don't understand how our government works... They don't understand the legislation process - they're under some delusion that the president is some sort of "king" or "dictator" that's why voter turnout is higher for the presidential election...

Of course these same idiots who refuse to vote during midterms will cry about legislation or lack of legislation...
...Without question there are people being paid to promote progressive propaganda all over the internet...

Then these progressives have the audacity to claim the Tea Party was astroturf?

I have been online since the beginning and have not been able to confirm this suspicion one way or the other. I hear it often but conspiracy is a part of thought for some. On occasion I have noticed that some posters disappear right after an election, but who knows, they may have just got tired of the same BS over and over again. There are so many blogs and opinion sites, paying a few partisans to post seems not very effective. Consider too the money 'restore our future,' or 'American crossroads,' have and the ads they can buy on radio and TV, and the few anonymous posters are meaningless.

Edit: it took several decades to build the coalition that is now the right in America, the left has this odd idea people are rational, they may never learn. Check below if you want the history.

"The rise of conservative politics in postwar America is one of the great puzzles of American political history. For much of the period that followed the end of World War II, conservative ideas about the primacy of the free market, and the dangers of too-powerful labor unions, government regulation, and an activist, interventionist state seemed to have been thoroughly rejected by most intellectual and political elites. Scholars and politicians alike dismissed those who adhered to such faiths as a "radical right," for whom to quote the Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies." How, then, did such ideas move from their marginal position in the middle years of the twentieth century to become the reigning politics of the country by the century's end?"

Historians and social critics often explain the successes of conservative politics by pointing to the backlash against the victories of the social movements of the 1960s, the cultural reaction against the radicals who fought for civil rights, feminism, and gay and lesbian rights and who protested against the Vietnam War. The 1970s defection of white working class people alienated and frightened by the liberal program shifted the politics of the country far to the right. The argument is that in the days before the onset of the culture wars, a "liberal consensus" dominated American politics, especially around economics." Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')
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If I'm putting in 60 hours a week at a company, I have as much to do with creating that money as the boss does. Maybe more so, this guy was actually more of a hinderence than a help.

So what you and Gordon are really against is a fair division of the spoils. You don't fear socialism, you fear democracy...

true, but you're paid an agreed upon wage for that service. So, you're no more entitled to a portion of that wealth (fair division of spoils) than I am, as you agreed to a set compensation before hand.

I agree. My problem with my boss was that he begrudged what he even agreed upon.

This first thing this douchebag did when the recession hit? Got rid of all the people who were with him when he started in 2002, because they had earned raises, and kept the folks who worked for a lot less.

Why we need strong worker protections, strong unions, and occassionally dragging bad bosses out behind the back of the plant to teach them the error of their ways. (I recommend baseball bats.)
Doesn't matter who said it.

Wouldn't you agree us hardcore Liberals want to change the world using other people's money? I mean, as a group, we are shown to be personally quite stingy with our own money, you know!

I'm not sure what you are babbling about. Most liberals I know give a lot to charity, spend a lot of time volunteering, and so on.

You see, here's the thing. I would like to see a small government and minimal charity because everyone carries his own weight.

Something Conservatives are actually against. They've been co-opted by the rich to keep the working class fighting amongst itself.

This is the self-destruction you MORONS have caused.

You undermine the working man's ability to provide for himself, and make government more popular.

And eventually, when those working folks who have less have a choice between starving and taking the wealthy's shit.... well, it won't even be close.
I met him once.

Do you disagree with the truth of the quote?

Uh, yeah. So would most sensible people.

And this is why the Conservative movement is dying. Because it's really just become the rationalization for being a selfish asshole.

yeah liberalism the ideology of me isnt selfish......put the crack pipe down.

So billionaires paying 13% tax rates on Cayman Island m oney while working stiffs are paying 25% isn't selfish...

But wanting to make sure grandma doesn't have to eat dog food in her old age is?


Why you're right. How dare Grandma expect after a lifetime of hard work, that she should have some dignity in her old age. Doesn't she know there are Dressage Horses to be bought?
Uh, yeah. So would most sensible people.

And this is why the Conservative movement is dying. Because it's really just become the rationalization for being a selfish asshole.

yeah liberalism the ideology of me isnt selfish......put the crack pipe down.

So billionaires paying 13% tax rates on Cayman Island m oney while working stiffs are paying 25% isn't selfish...

But wanting to make sure grandma doesn't have to eat dog food in her old age is?


Why you're right. How dare Grandma expect after a lifetime of hard work, that she should have some dignity in her old age. Doesn't she know there are Dressage Horses to be bought?

You want the gubmint to use other people's money to make life fair.

"A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money."

-- G. Gordon Liddy
You want the gubmint to use other people's money to make life fair.

"A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money."

-- G. Gordon Liddy

Now, that's a good question.

Um. Yeah, I'd have no problem with that...

Of course, more than likely, the money granny put in there was used to buy $200.00 hammers and expensive weapons systems that someone got obscenely rich over, or to cover huge tax cuts for rich assholes. So, yeah, taxing rich folks to do what we promised to do for her, i have no problem.

You need to put down the Ayn Rand and realize you are being a selfish asshole.

Oh, by the way, for all her defense of plutocracy and greed, at the end of her life, Ayn Rand was on social security and medicare.
You want the gubmint to use other people's money to make life fair.

"A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money."

-- G. Gordon Liddy

Now, that's a good question.

Um. Yeah, I'd have no problem with that...

Of course, more than likely, the money granny put in there was used to buy $200.00 hammers and expensive weapons systems that someone got obscenely rich over, or to cover huge tax cuts for rich assholes. So, yeah, taxing rich folks to do what we promised to do for her, i have no problem.

You need to put down the Ayn Rand and realize you are being a selfish asshole.

Oh, by the way, for all her defense of plutocracy and greed, at the end of her life, Ayn Rand was on social security and medicare.

Of course not.

You are a filthy Leftist.
You want the gubmint to use other people's money to make life fair.

"A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money."

-- G. Gordon Liddy

Now, that's a good question.

Um. Yeah, I'd have no problem with that...

Of course, more than likely, the money granny put in there was used to buy $200.00 hammers and expensive weapons systems that someone got obscenely rich over, or to cover huge tax cuts for rich assholes. So, yeah, taxing rich folks to do what we promised to do for her, i have no problem.

You need to put down the Ayn Rand and realize you are being a selfish asshole.

Oh, by the way, for all her defense of plutocracy and greed, at the end of her life, Ayn Rand was on social security and medicare.

Of course not.

You are a filthy Leftist.

I consider it being a decent human being...

Making sure Granny has enough food to eat is more important than a rich person getting another dressage horse, don't you think?
Are you D, R or truly an I

Study suggests many 'Independents' are just kidding themselves.

The Handy Link Below said:
Are Independents Just Partisans In Disguise? : It's All Politics : NPR

The idea behind the test is simple. If you are a Republican deep-down, you'll quickly categorize things that are Republican with things about yourself, because you identify with the Republican Party. You'll be slower to group things connected to the Democratic Party with things about yourself.

You can try the test for yourself here:

Kind of a reflection of money pushing the process down to only 2 choices, IMHO.

I'll shame the devil and tell the truth, my bias hangs toward the left these days.

Given the choices today, WYGD? :dunno:
The definition of insanity is expecting a different result from a process repeated, and 'trickle down golden showers' was tried in earnest, definitively failing in October of 2008.

Independent is just another word for "I can't make up my mind, thinking makes my brain hurt" The choice is as it always has been, equal opportunity or inheritance, the Rs fight for their kids, the Ds fight for everybodies….
Now, that's a good question.

Um. Yeah, I'd have no problem with that...

Of course, more than likely, the money granny put in there was used to buy $200.00 hammers and expensive weapons systems that someone got obscenely rich over, or to cover huge tax cuts for rich assholes. So, yeah, taxing rich folks to do what we promised to do for her, i have no problem.

You need to put down the Ayn Rand and realize you are being a selfish asshole.

Oh, by the way, for all her defense of plutocracy and greed, at the end of her life, Ayn Rand was on social security and medicare.

Of course not.

You are a filthy Leftist.

I consider it being a decent human being...

Making sure Granny has enough food to eat is more important than a rich person getting another dressage horse, don't you think?

"A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money."

-- G. Gordon Liddy

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