Your Bucket List


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
What's on your bucket list? What dreams have you not fulfilled or what places have you not visited or what goals have you not reached? I'm not setting a specific number like "your top 5" or whatever. You may only have one thing you wish to do or 10 things or 100 things.
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Here's mine (I may add more later):

1) Obtain a college degree (a real one ... not an online one).
2) Travel the back roads, towns, and hamlets of the entire British Isles and get in touch with my roots (English, Irish, Scottish, and Welsh).
3) Buy a (and retire in) a beautiful log home in a mountainous, forested landscape.
4) Make amends to anyone and everyone I've every hurt in my life. Make total peace (if possible).
I have always only wanted one thing. I want to go home.

Are you not home? I've heard it said that "home is where you lay your hat." But I've also heard it said that "home is where the heart is." I guess it's one of those perspective kinda things.

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