Your Favorite Things About Israel

I had an old vinyl many years ago which had a duo of a man and a woman singing Jewish songs. One of the songs was rather cheeky about chickens not laying eggs; quite folksy. I can't recall their names but it was something like Hillel and Nageela.......any clues would be great. They were often playing on my record player.

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Men from far away shall come and take part in the building of the Temple of Hashem, and you shall know that I have been sent to you by the lord of Hosts—if only you will obey Hashem your God!
Zechariah 6:6 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

ur-kho-KEEM ya-VO-u u-va-NU b’-hay-KHAL a-do-NAI vee-da-TEM kee
a-do-NAI tz’-va-OT sh’-la-KHA-nee a-lay-KHEM v’-ha-YAH im sha-MO-a tish-m’-UN
b’-KOL a-do-NAI e-lo-hay-KHEM

Learning The Ways of God

Verses 12-13 in this chapter refer to the dual coronation of the king and the priest. Verse 13 ends with the words "and harmonious understanding shall prevail between them," implying that these two leaders will work side by side. The spiritual and the physical leaders compliment each other in the building of the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) and the nation's service of God. If the Jewish people work together and remain obedient to Hashem (God), Zecharya (Zechariah) promises that not only will support arrive from abroad, but more Jews from among the exiles in Babylonia and Assyria will return to the Holy Land. Eventually, the righteous of all the worlds will flock to Yerushalayim in great numbers to learn the ways of Hashem (God).
I had an old vinyl many years ago which had a duo of a man and a woman singing Jewish songs. One of the songs was rather cheeky about chickens not laying eggs; quite folksy. I can't recall their names but it was something like Hillel and Nageela.......any clues would be great. They were often playing on my record player.

Not sure this will help. There is a popular Israel song called Hava Nagilla sung by numerous artists. Attached is a list of popular Israeli folk songs by various artists.

23 Most Famous Israeli Folk Songs, by various artists
I had an old vinyl many years ago which had a duo of a man and a woman singing Jewish songs. One of the songs was rather cheeky about chickens not laying eggs; quite folksy. I can't recall their names but it was something like Hillel and Nageela.......any clues would be great. They were often playing on my record player.

Not sure this will help. There is a popular Israel song called Hava Nagilla sung by numerous artists. Attached is a list of popular Israeli folk songs by various artists.

23 Most Famous Israeli Folk Songs, by various artists
That song was definitely on the record but I can't find the singers. I wondered if I've mixed up the song title with the singers...I was in my early twenties at the time...and I'm now over sixty but the male was a baritone and the female was a mezzo-soprano(lower tone).


And the ransomed of Hashem shall return, And come with shouting to Tzion, Crowned with joy everlasting. They shall attain joy and gladness, While sorrow and sighing flee
Isaiah 35:10 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

uf-du-YAY a-do-NAI y’-shu-VUN u-VA-u tzi-YON b’-ri-NAH v’-sim-KHAT o-LAM al ro-SHAM sa-SON v’-sim-KHAH ya-SEE-gu v’-NA-su ya-GON va-a-na-KHAH

What Is Everlasting Joy?

The Hebrew language includes many words to describe various forms of happiness. The term osher refers to a type of personal happiness that one experiences when engaging in an activity such as listening to music or observing something spectacular in nature. Simcha, on the other hand, is a type of happiness that is created in the company of others such as when celebrating a wedding or laughing as a family. In this verse, Yeshayahu(Isaiah) promises that the ransomed of Hashem (God) will return with simchat olam(everlasting joy) upon their heads. The simcha, the shared joy of the redemption of the nation returning to Hashem in the Holy Land, will last forever.
I had an old vinyl many years ago which had a duo of a man and a woman singing Jewish songs. One of the songs was rather cheeky about chickens not laying eggs; quite folksy. I can't recall their names but it was something like Hillel and Nageela.......any clues would be great. They were often playing on my record player.

Not sure this will help. There is a popular Israel song called Hava Nagilla sung by numerous artists. Attached is a list of popular Israeli folk songs by various artists.

23 Most Famous Israeli Folk Songs, by various artists
That song was definitely on the record but I can't find the singers. I wondered if I've mixed up the song title with the singers...I was in my early twenties at the time...and I'm now over sixty but the male was a baritone and the female was a mezzo-soprano(lower tone).


Hmmm! Here is list of some popular duos from Israel.


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