Your Favorite Toy

I always enjoyed my Woody


I played with it every chance I got

As a matter of fact..

I still pull my Woody out now and again and play with it

Not as often though
Erector set was cool,had a real nice one steel box,electric motor driven gear box with several speeds,Lincoln Logs was fun,so were plastic green army men,but my bike was it.without that you were riding the leather express,and that wouldn't do.
As a kid .. it had to be a toss up between my erector set and tinker toys..

ah...and Winky of course...:lol:

Beebeebugs. What some call Roly polys. And ants. I played with them for hours while my sister took all the dolls we were given and had tea parties. Ma kept getting me frilly froofy dolls and I kept going outside to play with critters.

Next to those bike. It took me away from there.

After reading this, I feel sad... ."my bike. It took me away from there."...:(

Sorry Lumpy. Didnt wanna make ya sad. Be happy! I had my bike! And I was the best tree climber on the block. Hell, FIVE blocks. Remember being wayyyyyyy up there and seeing everything but nobody could see you? :thanks:
Erector set was cool,had a real nice one steel box,electric motor driven gear box with several speeds,Lincoln Logs was fun,so were plastic green army men,but my bike was it.without that you were riding the leather express,and that wouldn't do.

We lived on the outskirts of town.. plenty of trees, hills and meadows.

At 5 years old..we'd grab our daisy bebe guns, plastic Army helmets, canteens, plastic roman sword, utility belt (with plastic bullets), an apple and we were ready to roll for the day.
We didn't have any toys; we we're too poor.

So poor, in fact, that at Christmas my mother would cut holes in the pockets of our pants so we'd have something to play with.
If only I had the toys ma and dad bought us that were barely played with.
The money they are worth now? omg.

Went to a yard sale a few years back. Got a halloween metal toy, just like I used to have when I was a kid...had the buttons to push and ghosties popped out of the roof and windows. I asked the woman how much and she said it was her dads and I could have it for a buck. I thought what the hell. I might be able to get 35 bucks if Im lucky. Imagine my surprise when I slapped it on ebay and it sold for 625.00.
Beebeebugs. What some call Roly polys. And ants. I played with them for hours while my sister took all the dolls we were given and had tea parties. Ma kept getting me frilly froofy dolls and I kept going outside to play with critters.

Next to those bike. It took me away from there.

After reading this, I feel sad... ."my bike. It took me away from there."...:(

Sorry Lumpy. Didnt wanna make ya sad. Be happy! I had my bike! And I was the best tree climber on the block. Hell, FIVE blocks. Remember being wayyyyyyy up there and seeing everything but nobody could see you? :thanks:

I loved that.. tree climbing.. getting to the top and waving in the breeze, sunshine, clouds and a funny sorta power..

Well. seems I'm happy and a tad delirious..
After reading this, I feel sad... ."my bike. It took me away from there."...:(

Sorry Lumpy. Didnt wanna make ya sad. Be happy! I had my bike! And I was the best tree climber on the block. Hell, FIVE blocks. Remember being wayyyyyyy up there and seeing everything but nobody could see you? :thanks:

I loved that.. tree climbing.. getting to the top and waving in the breeze, sunshine, clouds and a funny sorta power..

Well. seems I'm happy and a tad delirious..

Now I wanna go climb a tree. Its a gorgeous day. Took my advils, fingers are moving nicely, hips dont ache too much, feet are wiggly. Yes. Its a good day to climb a tree. And I have one in the back yard. I think Ill try it in a little bit. If Im not here fell.:lol:
Sorry Lumpy. Didnt wanna make ya sad. Be happy! I had my bike! And I was the best tree climber on the block. Hell, FIVE blocks. Remember being wayyyyyyy up there and seeing everything but nobody could see you? :thanks:

I loved that.. tree climbing.. getting to the top and waving in the breeze, sunshine, clouds and a funny sorta power..

Well. seems I'm happy and a tad delirious..

Now I wanna go climb a tree. Its a gorgeous day. Took my advils, fingers are moving nicely, hips dont ache too much, feet are wiggly. Yes. Its a good day to climb a tree. And I have one in the back yard. I think Ill try it in a little bit. If Im not here fell.:lol:


Honestly.. 10 feet off the ground is plenty high now.. I don't bounce like I used too..
lol. I hear ya. The one Im eyeballing isnt very tall. Maybe 30 feet but thats all the way to the top.
I have a bird seed dish I wanna get up there. Usually I toss a rock with a string around it to the highest branch. I think this time Ill climb up there and hand tie it myself. See what you did? It will be all your fault. But Ill aim towards the apple tree to semi cushion me if I slip.

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