Your government is not run by politicians

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I started a thread where a bunch of idiots that spend all day sitting on their brain kept arguing that the fact that we can elect politicians proves that we can control the government. Frankly, I cannot understand that attitude, it is a biyt like claiing that the fact that the Catholic Church elected a new Pope means that they are going to recognize same sex marriage. It just ignores everything that history has shown us over the years.

Lets take the 2008 presidential election as an example. Obama rode to victory on the promise of fundamentally changing America. This included a slew of promises on various issues, like ending illegal wiretapping, closing Guantanamo, an end to secret deals, and being more open about how the government works. Since he became president we have seen an expansion of the warrant less wiretapping and surveillance program, Guantanamo is sill open, routine treaty negotiations declared to be state secrets, the deliberate targeting, and murder, of American citizens based on nothing more than their political and/or religions views, am increased use of drones that kill civilians, and everything else we hated about Bush getting worse. This is despite the fact that Obama had the votes, and the ability to drum up support, to do anything he wanted.

Why did he fail? Because, despite the delusions of the idiots, there is no way 537 people are going to be able to tell 2.6 million entrenched bureaucrats how to do their jobs. It is not the president, or his cabinet, that wrote the 11,000+ pages of new regulations since he was elected, nor dies he interpret them, it is the faceless federal employees. Changing the name plates on a few office doors is not going to make a bit of difference to the guy in the IRS that believes the Tea Party is the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse and needs to be stopped.

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