Zone1 Your Ideal Place To Live: Region, Home Style, Surrounding, Etc.

If $10 Million dollars landed in your lap today, would you move? If so, where would you move to and why? What, in your opinion, are the perfect living conditions?

I would move to a mountainous region. I'd have a substantially built log cabin with plenty of room, but not massive. I would have a large greenhouse to grow heirloom vegetables and herbs. It would be off grid with a large solar power system and an oversized battery bank. Large kitchen (indoors) and an outdoor kitchen with a giant BBQ pit.

I would raise chickens and goats for food (eggs, meat, milk). It would be a natural water source (lake, river, large pond, stream, etc.) where I could fish. Plenty of deer and other game around to hunt.

I'd have a covered porch where I could sit outside and enjoy nature. There would be wind chimes all over the place as well as hummingbird feeders and plenty of seeds for the squirrels and other birds. I would want to be at least 50 miles from the nearest town, and that town could only have a population of no more than 10,000. I would be hundreds of miles from any big city.

I'd have a decent 4WD pickup; a backhoe; a skid steer; plenty of guns and ammo; and a satellite system that gave me the opportunity to put my Xbox Series X to good use.

I would live happily ever after.

Sounds about right. Maybe in Montana.

I would like a fast creek or river so I could use a Pelton wheel to provide my power. Lake fishing. Flathead has a great huge species of trout called Mackinaw -- wonderful eating!

Enough acreage that I could grow enough sorghum to use to make adequate fuel. Some room to grow livestock feed.


Cold weather (never hot)....mountains......lots and lots and lots of big trees....huge trees, pine trees and the can also be close to the ocean, but it must to be cold and with trees......not many people living in the area......a bit desolated.....

That sort of thing appeals to me enormously!:up:
High behind Shiprock with running water, electricity, and air conditioning.

Sheep pens, turkey pens, chicken coops, etc.

A standalone artist apartment with all the necessities.


The light!
Green Acres is the place for me
Farm Living is the life I see
Land spreading out so far and wide
Keep Manhattan and give me that countryside

I would get a nice place right outside of Hooterville
So when Green Acres/Petticoat Junction and similar shows hit the air, some viewers thought they were towns in North Carolina, some thought they were in Tennessee, some thought they were in Missouri. Your thoughts?
Lakefront property would be my only requirement.
This would be nice.

It was across the channel from a house we worked on. Had the whole peninsula.
I live in my forever home now.... right on the border of a national forest with a lake golf course and gated.... but I'll still take the 10 million....
Someplace in the western parts of either CO or MT.

1,000 sq. ft. house with a decent kitchen, living room, 1 bedroom and a large bathroom with a sunken garden tub that could double as a jacuzzi. Fireplace of course. Probably a single story house. On around 40 acres of land, with the trees and bushes cleared out in a circle around 150 to 200 ft from the house, planted with decent grass. I like thick lawns and want to be able to keep it (relatively) safe in case a forest fire came around.

Bonus would be if there was a stream on the property, and I'd place the house on the land so that the stream was right at the edge where the border was between the trees and the grass. Small gazebo with a firepit that could serve as a bbq for entertaining.

Wouldn't care how close the nearest towns were, but preferably within 30 miles, so that getting supplies would be fairly easy, and it wouldn't be an hour slog to go out if I so desired.

Drill a well for water, use solar panels and battery storage for power and try to get it as self sufficient as possible to try to stay off the grid.
My old work buddy grew up where "Grumpy Old Men" was filmed. He really missed that place. He said growing up there you get used to the cold weather quickly.
You actually do.
After the first -25, 25 above feels balmy. This last winter was long and brutal though.
Small house, 2 bedroom. Maybe 3. 2 bath. LOTS of trees, shrubs, bushes, flowers everywhere. Even ivy all over some parts of the house. Outskirts of small town, like 15k people total but driving distance to a decent hospital. California. Born here, will die here. Preferably away from blue cities. And gas. I want a friggin gas stove, NOT ELECTRIC. Mountains are fine but Paradise freaked me out with too many pine trees and not enough escape routes. Coast would be nice but no more central area where I once lived for 30 years. Too many liberals there now. So northern coast. Mendocino area perhaps. Cambria would be nice since it is mountains that meets the sea. I said...liberals. *shudder*.
With 10 mil, I could buy something with land. No neighbors. The rest of the money? Non profit animal rescue groups. I don't need ten mil. I just need enough to buy my forever home, get a dog or two, have spare room for my sister in law when Dennis' 82 year old brother goes to join him in Heaven. With room so I can have my privacy and a nice big bushy yard for privacy. If PGE would fork over what is still due, I could buy something for about 200K. But...they are slow in paying and I never know how much I will get when they do decide to send me what I am owed from the fire.

I'm old. I don't need much or want much any more. Except a place that is quiet, no homeless, no convict motel next door or a hospital across the street with constant sirens from ambulances. So yeah...200 or 300k (to pay the movers since I can;t do it myself any more), and I'm good to go. The rest? Meh. No need for it.
So when Green Acres/Petticoat Junction and similar shows hit the air, some viewers thought they were towns in North Carolina, some thought they were in Tennessee, some thought they were in Missouri. Your thoughts?

Well, Mayberry does not exist, but I live there.

Just over 1,000 people. Clean, quiet, safe. I could walk down main street at 2:00 AM confident for my safety. I have confidence that the majority of my property taxes, which goes to the school district, is not spent on "teachers" that try to convince the children to castrate themselves.

When a stranger loiters here in a way that makes residents and business owners question, the sheriff's department warns folks on Facebook and assists that stranger in finding what they're looking for, like shelter, a meal or a jail cell in the nearby population center.

Pretty cool place.

I already live in a great community with low crime, many private schools and no homeless shelters littering our streets.
I would stay where I am and use the 10M to install 15' concrete walls topped with razor wire around my property.

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