Your original candidate for this pres election was...?

If you want to compare Paul to any historical Republican.. .I would not put him close to Reagan... but rather close to Goldwater...

There are distinct differences between Paul's "Libertarian Conservatism" and a True Conservative platform...

Paul's almost fear of intervention puts him well into the libertarian and less into the conservative mold

If that's all you got, then perhaps you might want to reconsider your original label of "extremist libertarian".

What, pray tell, is the difference between libertarian conservatism and "true" conservatism? Keeping in mind, of course, how much the ideologies have changed perceptually over the years. Paul would like to return to the principles of the founders, which is where your so-called "true" conservatism stems from. That is the ORIGINAL status quo. Much of the conservatism you refer to as "true" now, has changed DRASTICALLY from the original status quo. So who's the REAL conservative? The one who desires the original status quo, or the one who's so willing to change when the establishment wants more control?

Look at today's "conservatives". The mainstream ones who don't get villified in the media are the authoritarians. How conservative is it to intervene in OTHER countries, when most of us conservatives have a problem with the government intervening in our OWN country? It's ok for us to dictate how OTHER civilizations live, but not ours. That seems a little strange to me. There's idiots overseas who could perhaps need some intervention to control their stupidity, and there's certainly idiots here in this country who fit the same bill. But it's ok to spend trillions intervening over THERE? How about we just leave EVERYONE alone, unless they directly inflict harm upon us?

Why must we spend all that money being in almost 200 countries, many of which we don't even need to be in? So you can feel all warm and safe snuggling up in your blanket every night watching the Olympics? It's a fucking waste of money. No less a waste then giving trillions to people who refuse to work for it. You've just been duped into thinking it's necessary, when in actuality it's not. We're well prepared to defend ourselves from outside aggression without having to establish ourselves in everyone's backyard.
Ron Paul first, Thompson second.

Thompson kind of pissed me off though because it looked like he made such a half assed effort.

I'm in the Thompson corner. If he had done more to get the word out we just might be in a different race.
Biden was my first choice.

And, no offense, I don't understand why anyone thought Thompson had anything to offer. He just plays tough on TV. Doesn't have much going for him in the real world. Did anyone actually LISTEN to him in debate? Why is it that intellecutal mediocrity appeals to certain people?
Biden was my first choice.

And, no offense, I don't understand why anyone thought Thompson had anything to offer. He just plays tough on TV. Doesn't have much going for him in the real world. Did anyone actually LISTEN to him in debate? Why is it that intellecutal mediocrity appeals to certain people?

Fred was the candidate most in line with Bush ...
Biden was my first choice.

And, no offense, I don't understand why anyone thought Thompson had anything to offer. He just plays tough on TV. Doesn't have much going for him in the real world. Did anyone actually LISTEN to him in debate? Why is it that intellecutal mediocrity appeals to certain people?

I liked Thompson but he never looked liked he wanted the presidency. Now a Gingrich-Biden debate smackdown would have been awesome.
I liked Thompson but he never looked liked he wanted the presidency. Now a Gingrich-Biden debate smackdown would have been awesome.

See, now there at least you'd have gotten intelligent debate. I don't agree with Gingrich on most things, but no one can say he's not smart. And, yes, I would have enjoyed watching that.
See, now there at least you'd have gotten intelligent debate. I don't agree with Gingrich on most things, but no one can say he's not smart. And, yes, I would have enjoyed watching that.

You know, it would have been nice to have two candidates that had the IQ of those two going at it for prez of the US. Both on equal footing when it comes to policy, foreign and economic. I wouldn't have been able to make my decision until I voted.
Fred T.

Honest question - no flaming intended - how the hell can someone go from RP to Obammy?

You have a strict Constitutionalist, vehemently pro-gun, pro-life.... And then you have an anti-gun, pro-choice "living, breathing document" type.

Never made sense to me. Anyone wanna fill me in?
Fred T.

Honest question - no flaming intended - how the hell can someone go from RP to Obammy?

You have a strict Constitutionalist, vehemently pro-gun, pro-life.... And then you have an anti-gun, pro-choice "living, breathing document" type.

Never made sense to me. Anyone wanna fill me in?

Been wondering that myself. I guess they take the liberal anti-war rhetoric and compare it to Ron's foreign policy. Because besides that, there's absolutely nothing they match up on.

And they really don't even match up that closely on THAT.
Fred T.

Honest question - no flaming intended - how the hell can someone go from RP to Obammy?

You have a strict Constitutionalist, vehemently pro-gun, pro-life.... And then you have an anti-gun, pro-choice "living, breathing document" type.

Never made sense to me. Anyone wanna fill me in?

I suspect it is younger people who don't exactly how different The Paul and Obama are ...

They just flocked to the trendy, anti-war candidate ...

Or maybe that's not the case and it's just some really disgruntled conservatives who are upset that the GOP has nominated a liberal for POTUS ...

I'm leaning more towards the former ...
Biden was my first choice.

And, no offense, I don't understand why anyone thought Thompson had anything to offer. He just plays tough on TV. Doesn't have much going for him in the real world. Did anyone actually LISTEN to him in debate? Why is it that intellecutal mediocrity appeals to certain people?
From what I understood they thought he was some kind of conservative hero for something he did with Nixon, though it turned out to be not quite what they thought it was...other than that, I think they were dazzled by his on-screen persona.

Duncan Hunter

likely the only candidate that ran a campaign worse than Thompsons

He never did get any traction ...

But at least his supporters didn't make complete fools of themselves annointing him as the next POTUS along with the whole "Democrats dread the Fred," thing. ;)
Gingrich/Rice 2008 (sigh)

I liked Fred for awhile, he was slightly more interested in the job than Newt, lol.

Ron Paul? Never. Now, "Chairman of the Fed" Ron Paul has a nice ring. :badgrin:

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