Your Overtime Has Just Been Cut

I have enough nightmare hiring employees stories to fill a book the size of War and Peace. Have you ever had one come in and tell you under what terms they will work (time off every day for yoga class a necessity) then spend most of the interview time texting their friends?

Nuh-uh. Tell me that didnt happen.
Another idiot who - when faced with the facts that contradict him - jams his fingers in his ears.

I'll be happy to see the Obama era pass .... but you're just a joke. (we're laughing AT you - not with you)
It seems you're the idiot here. He asked rightly what section of the act gave that power. No one answered him.

why - because he can't read?

Ah you can lead a horse to water
and you can lead an idiot to the truth

but ......
Maybe yo cant read? It would be easy to shut him up and just post the actual statute language. Then you'd look like a brilliant poster with facts on his side and he'd look like a bloviating moron.
In Old America, people had the right to contract. Even employment contracts. They had the right to work in salaried positions and hourly wage positions. King Bones obama has substituted his decisions in place of the decisions that employers and employees make based on what they perceive as important. That's what's wrong with it.
Another idiot who - when faced with the facts that contradict him - jams his fingers in his ears.

I'll be happy to see the Obama era pass .... but you're just a joke. (we're laughing AT you - not with you)
It seems you're the idiot here. He asked rightly what section of the act gave that power. No one answered him.

why - because he can't read?

Ah you can lead a horse to water
and you can lead an idiot to the truth

but ......

quibbling bitch.

The other poster made the comment. I asked him to back it up. Then you jump in like you're rescuing a damsel in distress.

I can read just fine and I know what the FLSA says about exclusions and exemptions.

You don't.

Have your mommy read this to you little girl
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Does this ring a bell?

I would ask if you understand that hiring new employees is very expensive, esp now with Obamacare, and that previously companies would just get overtime from workers. And now they can't do that. So they will forgo the extra business, perhaps raising prices to compensate.
But the truth is you dont understand that. You never worked an honest day in your life. You are lying dimocrap scum.

There is nothing untrue to what I wrote, and only those companies with more than 50 employees will feel some pain by providing health care for their employees (that fact makes you a liar by omission). I retired in 2005 at age 57 having worked since the age of 16 (not county my years delivery the news paper at 0500). And that fact makes you a liar by commission.

That you're a partisan hack, a homophobe, a callous conservative, a lair, not very bright and a general all around asshole is self evident, to anyone who has read the crap you post.

I dont recall sayingwhat you wrote was untrue. It was ignorant, yes. Companies over 50 employees generally already provide health insurance (not health care--doctors provide that). Obamacare mandates much more expensive policies. I guess that makes you the liar here.
ANd no, you never did an honest day's work. Especially if you retired at 57, probably with a CALPERS pension.
Hourly paid people always got overtime.

Salaried people have been traditionally expected to work up to 45 hours a week but if they work only 36 they don't get a decrease in pay that week.

It balances out

I typically work 70 hours a week. The first 10 years out of college I worked 90 hours a week. I've never worked less than 60 hours a week.

Looks like you are getting a raise!

Thank President Obama when you get a chance

Me = Business owner

You = some Government useless employee

Of course my opinion on a law like this means less than yours because you prolly know how to run a business better than all business owners.

The reality is in fact that yes, if OT costs go up less people will be allowed to work OT. Like so many of Obama's policies, less hours will be worked per week, the average income will go down and companies will see bigger profits. This is because most (the vast majority) of business owners are not evil and greedy, they/we give people the hours they want and pay them what we can. Obama comes in and makes it impossible to afford that employee so we adjust, profits for us go up because the hours we put in go up. (Me I work 55-65 hours a week currently).

We simply can;t afford to keep motivated employee's working under Obama. We have to cut hours and find other part timers, meaning everyone is less motivated and everyone is making less money.

It's like the theory of evolution or gravity, but of course the faith based progressives will consult with their economic fairness bible over accepting reality.

My wife is on salary and I wouldn't be shocked if she makes near 3 times as much as you RW. I wonder if she wants her pay cut because you're jealous.
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Does this ring a bell?

There is nothing untrue to what I wrote, and only those companies with more than 50 employees will feel some pain by providing health care for their employees (that fact makes you a liar by omission). I retired in 2005 at age 57 having worked since the age of 16 (not county my years delivery the news paper at 0500). And that fact makes you a liar by commission.

That you're a partisan hack, a homophobe, a callous conservative, a lair, not very bright and a general all around asshole is self evident, to anyone who has read the crap you post.

I dont recall sayingwhat you wrote was untrue. It was ignorant, yes. Companies over 50 employees generally already provide health insurance (not health care--doctors provide that). Obamacare mandates much more expensive policies. I guess that makes you the liar here.
ANd no, you never did an honest day's work. Especially if you retired at 57, probably with a CALPERS pension.
And then he lied in the next post. Because he is lying dimocrap scum.
Does this ring a bell?

I dont recall sayingwhat you wrote was untrue. It was ignorant, yes. Companies over 50 employees generally already provide health insurance (not health care--doctors provide that). Obamacare mandates much more expensive policies. I guess that makes you the liar here.
ANd no, you never did an honest day's work. Especially if you retired at 57, probably with a CALPERS pension.
And then he lied in the next post. Because he is lying dimocrap scum.

doubling down?
Fine, but it appears you were the one who posted a lie.

Does getting caught in your own lies ever get tiring for you? I mean you just keep doing it over and over and over and over and .....

What is that keeps you coming back for more time and time again?
I typically work 70 hours a week. The first 10 years out of college I worked 90 hours a week. I've never worked less than 60 hours a week.

Looks like you are getting a raise!

Thank President Obama when you get a chance

Me = Business owner

You = some Government useless employee

Of course my opinion on a law like this means less than yours because you prolly know how to run a business better than all business owners.

The reality is in fact that yes, if OT costs go up less people will be allowed to work OT. Like so many of Obama's policies, less hours will be worked per week, the average income will go down and companies will see bigger profits. This is because most (the vast majority) of business owners are not evil and greedy, they/we give people the hours they want and pay them what we can. Obama comes in and makes it impossible to afford that employee so we adjust, profits for us go up because the hours we put in go up. (Me I work 55-65 hours a week currently).

We simply can;t afford to keep motivated employee's working under Obama. We have to cut hours and find other part timers, meaning everyone is less motivated and everyone is making less money.

It's like the theory of evolution or gravity, but of course the faith based progressives will consult with their economic fairness bible over accepting reality.

My wife is on salary and I wouldn't be shocked if she makes near 3 times as much as you RW. I wonder if she wants her pay cut because you're jealous.

Gee Mr Business Owner

You lose free labor on evenings and weekends
Fucking Commie Obama

PS. Have your wife send me a PM and we can compare paychecks.
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