Your Overtime Has Just Been Cut

From the op link:

The salary-per-week limit separating those who get overtime and those who don't was increased to $455 in 2004 during the Bush administration. At the time, it hadn't been increased since the mid-1970s.

Anyone who have ever shopped in a mall may have noticed that the salespeople - usually in their adult teens or early twenties - are hired as "managers" or "supervisors" and thus are paid a salary, usually minimum wage, and are exempt from OT rules. They are in fact not "managers" or "supervisors" but simply sales clerks given a title so the business owner can have them work for more than 40 hours per week and increase his or her profits.

This is in my opinion the reason for Obama's direction to the Dept. of Labor, to end this form of exploitation. As usual, Rabbi and other Obama haters conflate this effort into an hysterical anti business diatribe, typical of the dishonest.
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Too bad not everyone works in the mall. Those managers or supervisors make more than the clerks. If they don't like being a manager, they can refuse the promotion and stay a clerk. Manager looks better on an application for a new job than sales clerk looks.

Boy, this is weird.

You'd think all those people around him who know what it's like to start, grow and maintain a healthy business would have told him by now that the things he's doing...

Oh, wait.

Never mind.


Did you read the article? He is targeting salary workers who make more than 455 a week.

Nothing else changes...This will affect basically nobody.
Anyone who have ever shopped in a mall may have noticed that the salespeople - usually in their adult teens or early twenties - are hired as "managers" or "supervisors" and thus are paid a salary, usually minimum wage, and are exempt from OT rules. They are in fact not "managers" or "supervisors" but simply sales clerks given a title so the business owner can have them work for more than 40 hours per week and increase his or her profits.

This is in my opinion the reason for Obama's direction to the Dept. of Labor, to end this form of exploitation. As usual, Rabbi and other Obama haters conflate this effort into an hysterical anti business diatribe is typical of the dishonest.

You are a lying sack of shit.

There is absolutely no truth whatsoever to anything you say in here.

lying douchebag
I really do believe Obama and his comrades in arms are out to INTENTIONALLY HURT US

Look at OScamCare and how MILLIONS it has caused to lose their insurance policies, now this with overtime pay, wanting to raise the min wage in this crappy economy, etc

I pray we survive this man and his comrades

Shut up you troll.try reading the article for a change.

Boy, this is weird.

You'd think all those people around him who know what it's like to start, grow and maintain a healthy business would have told him by now that the things he's doing...

Oh, wait.

Never mind.


Did you read the article? He is targeting salary workers who make more than 455 a week.

Nothing else changes...This will affect basically nobody.

Uhhhh, dewd....

It affects basically EVERY Salaried worker.

Go to first new post Your Overtime Has Just Been Cut
BWAH HA HA HA HA! Nobody on this forum even has a job, they spend all day on this forum. BWAH HA HA!
Many people use overtime pay as a kind of savings or second job. In a rising economy overtime goes up before employment, because its cheaper to work the people you've got than hire new ones.
Well, that just went away. Increase the cost of something, you get less of it. Basic Econ 101, something this president just doesn't understand.
Obama to order strengthened overtime pay rules

Hm. This has no effect on me. Most of the time I'm a subcontractor so no OT. And when I'm not, of is just enough for the government to leave my regular pay check alone.

Boy, this is weird.

You'd think all those people around him who know what it's like to start, grow and maintain a healthy business would have told him by now that the things he's doing...

Oh, wait.

Never mind.


Did you read the article? He is targeting salary workers who make more than 455 a week.

Nothing else changes...This will affect basically nobody.

Uhhhh, dewd....

It affects basically EVERY Salaried worker.


Who make over 455 a week. This won't affect me. It won't affect a lot of people.

Boy, this is weird.

You'd think all those people around him who know what it's like to start, grow and maintain a healthy business would have told him by now that the things he's doing...

Oh, wait.

Never mind.


Did you read the article? He is targeting salary workers who make more than 455 a week.

Nothing else changes...This will affect basically nobody.


Did YOU read the article?


The president has had the power to do this since the 1930s

Really? Show us the constitutional amendment that gave the prez the power to write laws.

Google "Executive Orders." Presidents have been issuing them for decades. Why did you just get around to noticing executive orders?

Because this is the first time they have been so egregiously misused. The executive order was never supposed to be used to replace the legislature. If it were, we wouldn't elect presidents, we would elect kings.
Really? Show us the constitutional amendment that gave the prez the power to write laws.

Google "Executive Orders." Presidents have been issuing them for decades. Why did you just get around to noticing executive orders?

Because this is the first time they have been so egregiously misused. The executive order was never supposed to be used to replace the legislature. If it were, we wouldn't elect presidents, we would elect kings.

and it still hasn't. you're simply parroting bad information fed to you by alarmist talking heads.
Hourly paid people always got overtime.

Salaried people have been traditionally expected to work up to 45 hours a week but if they work only 36 they don't get a decrease in pay that week.

It balances out

I typically work 70 hours a week. The first 10 years out of college I worked 90 hours a week. I've never worked less than 60 hours a week.

And you probably had employees who were grateful for the job you provided them for their families.

I wonder if his family was glad he had a job which provided him so many hours. ;)
Did you read the article? He is targeting salary workers who make more than 455 a week.

Nothing else changes...This will affect basically nobody.

Uhhhh, dewd....

It affects basically EVERY Salaried worker.


Who make over 455 a week. This won't affect me. It won't affect a lot of people.

dewd, you make less than $9.40 an hour and you're salaried?

You're "management'' at under $9.40 an hour?

We pay (probably) illegal immigrants who can't even speak English $12 an hour just to show up and walk around the Job Site as laborers.

I recommend a career change for you.

I am SERIOUSLY not kidding

Y'know, it's threads like this that make me respect JoeB a bit more.

At least he's honest about his hatred for business and business owners.

Jeez folks, be honest, I promise your head won't explode.


You respect commies?

AFAIC, they're only good for moving target practice.

That's as honest as honest can be :)

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