Your solution to the ME crisis


Gold Member
May 4, 2012
Helsinki, Finland
I'd like to hear your solution to the ME crisis, so present your peace plan with as much or as little detail as you like.

I support a two-state solution, with a Palestinian state based on contigious borders including Gaza and around 85% of the West Bank. Israel would then cede an equivalent area of land bordering Gaza and the south of the West Bank close to the northern shore of the Dead Sea. Palestine would concede the Gilo area and land around East Jerusalem, but would maintain control over East Jerusalem proper.

Israel would accept limited right of return (e.g. 15,000 people per year for 10 years), but would be able to deport anyone committed to terror-related crimes. All migrants would need to swear allegiance to Israel, and could not be members of any terrorist organisation.

Palestine would recognise Israel, and would accept international inspectors at all borders and airports for 10 years.

Jerusalem would be divided east of Damascus Gate, with a section of wall extending north from the Old City. The Old City would be contolled by international peacekeepers.

All neighbouring states would recognise Israel and commit to opening land borders.

While I admire your concise use of words, neither Sabra Israelis nor Palestinians born in the area really have the option to leave.

Any solution which determines that millions of people must leave the area they were born in is a solution destined to fail.

While I admire your concise use of words, neither Sabra Israelis nor Palestinians born in the area really have the option to leave.

Any solution which determines that millions of people must leave the area they were born in is a solution destined to fail.

America should leave.

Simple as that.

Israel has had enough help. If it can't get along with it's won't survive.

We should also let everyone in the region determine how they are going to manage their affairs.
1) Abbas wouldn't even consider it 2) There is no reason for Israel to consider ANY " Right of Return". 3) Even if Israel did Abbas wouldn't accept the " limited amt"4) How would " Right of Return" be implemented? Who decides who " returns" and who doesn't?
P Veteran -

1) Abbas wouldn't even consider it 2) There is no reason for Israel to consider ANY " Right of Return". 3) Even if Israel did Abbas wouldn't accept the " limited amt"4) How would " Right of Return" be implemented? Who decides who " returns" and who doesn't?

1.You maybe right that Abbas would not accept my proposal, but this is the solution I think is fairest to both sides - not the solution I think the Palestinians most desire.

2. Israel needs to consider right of return in order to have peace. Saying that they do not need to suggests that force may be enough - after 60 years of fighting, I think it is time for both sides to compromise.

3/4. Right of return could be decided by application, and decided by a Palestinian committee. Logically it would make sense to allow Palestinians born in Akko or Jaffa to return to those towns with their families - less so some other towns, which lay closer to the new Palestinian state.
I'd like to hear your solution to the ME crisis, so present your peace plan with as much or as little detail as you like.

I support a two-state solution, with a Palestinian state based on contigious borders including Gaza and around 85% of the West Bank. Israel would then cede an equivalent area of land bordering Gaza and the south of the West Bank close to the northern shore of the Dead Sea. Palestine would concede the Gilo area and land around East Jerusalem, but would maintain control over East Jerusalem proper.

Israel would accept limited right of return (e.g. 15,000 people per year for 10 years), but would be able to deport anyone committed to terror-related crimes. All migrants would need to swear allegiance to Israel, and could not be members of any terrorist organisation.

Palestine would recognise Israel, and would accept international inspectors at all borders and airports for 10 years.

Jerusalem would be divided east of Damascus Gate, with a section of wall extending north from the Old City. The Old City would be contolled by international peacekeepers.

All neighbouring states would recognise Israel and commit to opening land borders.

And what about Judea and Samaria?:eusa_whistle:
Just start enforcing international law and the problem will take care of itself.

The Palestinians have been calling for a solution based on international law for a long time.

Israel prefers to duck out of this solution.
Lipush -

What about them?

There is simply no historical case for Israel to claims towns like Nablus or Ramallah, that Jews have never lived in. It would make no more sense that a Palestinian state claiming Qiryat Shemonah or Tel Aviv. I understand that it is difficult to give up Jericho, but no harder than it is for Palestinians to give up Akko, I would have thought.
Just start enforcing international law and the problem will take care of itself.

The Palestinians have been calling for a solution based on international law for a long time.

Israel prefers to duck out of this solution.

That's true...but it is not easy for international law alone to determine issues like 'right of return' or control of a Palestinian state's borders.
P Veteran -

1) Abbas wouldn't even consider it 2) There is no reason for Israel to consider ANY " Right of Return". 3) Even if Israel did Abbas wouldn't accept the " limited amt"4) How would " Right of Return" be implemented? Who decides who " returns" and who doesn't?

1.You maybe right that Abbas would not accept my proposal, but this is the solution I think is fairest to both sides - not the solution I think the Palestinians most desire.

2. Israel needs to consider right of return in order to have peace. Saying that they do not need to suggests that force may be enough - after 60 years of fighting, I think it is time for both sides to compromise.

3/4. Right of return could be decided by application, and decided by a Palestinian committee. Logically it would make sense to allow Palestinians born in Akko or Jaffa to return to those towns with their families - less so some other towns, which lay closer to the new Palestinian state.

Israel has the right to maintain being a Jewish State. If Abbas wants " peace" he will have to accept this.
Just start enforcing international law and the problem will take care of itself.

The Palestinians have been calling for a solution based on international law for a long time.

Israel prefers to duck out of this solution.

That's true...but it is not easy for international law alone to determine issues like 'right of return' or control of a Palestinian state's borders.

I think those items are covered.
My own personal snapshot-caliber thoughts or hopes on the subject:

Syria: let the Turks and Europeans (NATO) handle Assad with us (and maybe Israel) watching their backs - it's their neighborhood.

Israel: pay-off the Palestinians to leave what little is left of the West Bank and Gaza and let Israel consolidate their gains and make an end of all this. They're gonna do it anyway.

Egypt: screw 'em. Let 'em rot in the theocracy that they've voted-in for themselves. If there's to be an end to that, it should probably be of their own doing.

Turkey: continue to befriend them - they're not too far gone - they're still salvageable - but it's up to them - encourage EU membership - build on existing ties to NATO, etc.

Lebanon: work with the Turks and the Israelis to kill or drive-out Palestinian combat units and to drive-out the Syrian influence and to help them to rebuild a viable and diverse state.


And beyond, in other areas 'related' to the ME...

Libya: offer to help but write 'em off it they don't want it after all.

Iraq: continue to disengage and let 'em find their own way, so long as they stay out of ours.

Afghanistan: press the reset button - change tactics - aggressively seek-out and kill every al-Qaeda and Taliban fighter and operating base we can, then just walk away.

Pakistan: flood the air over their northwest province(s) with drones for a few months - kill lots of al-Qaeda and Taliban - then just walk away.

Iran: begin making preparations for War - it's probably coming - but try not to be the ones who throw the first punch unless circumstances force our hand.
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Lipush -

What about them?

There is simply no historical case for Israel to claims towns like Nablus or Ramallah, that Jews have never lived in. It would make no more sense that a Palestinian state claiming Qiryat Shemonah or Tel Aviv. I understand that it is difficult to give up Jericho, but no harder than it is for Palestinians to give up Akko, I would have thought.

I am not talking about Ramallah or Nablus. I am talking about Amona. Tapuah. Yakir. Ariel. Ma'ale Rehavam, Hebron, Quityat Arba. All those places Jewa *do* have connection to and history.

I am talking about the hundreds of thousands of people in those areas.
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Kondor -

Israel: pay-off the Palestinians to leave what little is left of the West Bank and Gaza and let Israel consolidate their gains and make an end of all this. They're gonna do it anyway.

They are probably are going to do it anyway, but what pay-off do you think the Palestinians might accept? Egypt?

Where will the Palestinian residents of the West Bank go?
Lipush -

What about them?

There is simply no historical case for Israel to claims towns like Nablus or Ramallah, that Jews have never lived in. It would make no more sense that a Palestinian state claiming Qiryat Shemonah or Tel Aviv. I understand that it is difficult to give up Jericho, but no harder than it is for Palestinians to give up Akko, I would have thought.

I am not talking about Ramallah oe Nablus. I am talkinf about Amona. Tapuah. Yakir. Ariel. Ma'ale Rehavam, Hebron, Quityat Arba. All those places Jewa *do* have connection to and history.

I am talking about the hundreds of thousands of people in those areas.

There are hundreds of thousands of settlers, but most only have 5 -10 years of history of living in the area. Palestinian history in towns like Nablus goes back a millenium.

It is not fair nor logical to say that Asfar was settled by Jews in 2003, thus must be considered to be part of Israel in future.

The only towns in the West Bank with a long history of Jewish settlement are Jericho & Hebron, both of which I think Israel should give up, along with Israeli settlements deep in the WB, like Qiryat Arba.

Also,some of the areas you mention could be held by Israel as part of a trade off.

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