Your state and who you're voting for?

I live in Ohio. In northeast Ohio. There is a solid Trump belt from Youngstown southward along the river and down into Appalachian Ohio. In Cleveland and Columbus and, hopefully Cincinnati there are solid Clinton blocks.

In other words, where people are educated and wealthy, they are going for Clinton. Where the hillbillies live, the poor and the uneducated, Trump is winning.

I live in that Trump belt, but I have a degree and I read and I'm doing okay financially and I have already voted for Clinton. But there's no Hillary yard sign in front of my home because I fear retribution from the hillbilly class.
Damn shame. How far do you think the hillbillies will go in their retribution against you?

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Let me put it this any, in2008 I had three different Obama signs swiped. In 2012, my flower beds were trampled when the sign burglars took another Obama sign.
I live in Ohio. In northeast Ohio. There is a solid Trump belt from Youngstown southward along the river and down into Appalachian Ohio. In Cleveland and Columbus and, hopefully Cincinnati there are solid Clinton blocks.

In other words, where people are educated and wealthy, they are going for Clinton. Where the hillbillies live, the poor and the uneducated, Trump is winning.

I live in that Trump belt, but I have a degree and I read and I'm doing okay financially and I have already voted for Clinton. But there's no Hillary yard sign in front of my home because I fear retribution from the hillbilly class.
Damn shame. How far do you think the hillbillies will go in their retribution against you?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Let me put it this any, in2008 I had three different Obama signs swiped. In 2012, my flower beds were trampled when the sign burglars took another Obama sign.
Sorry for your troubles. I'm sure that a Trump trouncing will make you feel better.
I live in Ohio. In northeast Ohio. There is a solid Trump belt from Youngstown southward along the river and down into Appalachian Ohio. In Cleveland and Columbus and, hopefully Cincinnati there are solid Clinton blocks.

In other words, where people are educated and wealthy, they are going for Clinton. Where the hillbillies live, the poor and the uneducated, Trump is winning.

I live in that Trump belt, but I have a degree and I read and I'm doing okay financially and I have already voted for Clinton. But there's no Hillary yard sign in front of my home because I fear retribution from the hillbilly class.
Damn shame. How far do you think the hillbillies will go in their retribution against you?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Let me put it this any, in2008 I had three different Obama signs swiped. In 2012, my flower beds were trampled when the sign burglars took another Obama sign.
Sorry for your troubles. I'm sure that a Trump trouncing will make you feel better.
I'm not looking for solace from a Trump defeat. I'm looking for relief that demagogues and petulant man-children will never sit in the Oval Office.
I live in Ohio. In northeast Ohio. There is a solid Trump belt from Youngstown southward along the river and down into Appalachian Ohio. In Cleveland and Columbus and, hopefully Cincinnati there are solid Clinton blocks.

In other words, where people are educated and wealthy, they are going for Clinton. Where the hillbillies live, the poor and the uneducated, Trump is winning.

I live in that Trump belt, but I have a degree and I read and I'm doing okay financially and I have already voted for Clinton. But there's no Hillary yard sign in front of my home because I fear retribution from the hillbilly class.
Damn shame. How far do you think the hillbillies will go in their retribution against you?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Let me put it this any, in2008 I had three different Obama signs swiped. In 2012, my flower beds were trampled when the sign burglars took another Obama sign.
Sorry for your troubles. I'm sure that a Trump trouncing will make you feel better.
I'm not looking for solace from a Trump defeat. I'm looking for relief that demagogues and petulant man-choldten will never sit in the Oval Office.

Having had BO, then the Hildebeast if she wins things won't change,
I live in Ohio. In northeast Ohio. There is a solid Trump belt from Youngstown southward along the river and down into Appalachian Ohio. In Cleveland and Columbus and, hopefully Cincinnati there are solid Clinton blocks.

In other words, where people are educated and wealthy, they are going for Clinton. Where the hillbillies live, the poor and the uneducated, Trump is winning.

I live in that Trump belt, but I have a degree and I read and I'm doing okay financially and I have already voted for Clinton. But there's no Hillary yard sign in front of my home because I fear retribution from the hillbilly class.
Damn shame. How far do you think the hillbillies will go in their retribution against you?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
probably as much as the "educated" liberals destroying trump signs and defacing their property......reason im voting for Rufus T.Firefly.....everyone loves that guy......just sayin.......
Because they are gonna pick someone on very few ballots? Bout as much chance of that as there is Johnson winning!

So you think Trump is such a disaster that the GOP congress will pick Hillary over him?
Not hardly. The only reason Trump is a disaster for congress is because shit will FINALLY change. They don't want that.
How exactly will things change with Trump at the helm?

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So, nothing. You were trying to rationalize why you'd choose Trump over Johnson. You're going to have to do better than "Aleppo" to make your case. "I haven't heard of him" is a lazy excuse.
so you would vote for someone you never heard of? seriously? thats pretty foolish.
ok, maybe not in this election but still.

No. I'm saying anyone who hasn't at least heard of Gary Johnson, that doesn't have a basic idea of his ideology and values, shouldn't vote at all, because they are simply too ignorant of what's going on.

a vote for johnson in my case is a vote for hillary and I am just not able to live with myself should that happen.

In my view, a vote for either of them is a vote for a candidate who would do lasting harm to our nation.

If you really think Trump represents what you want from government then you should vote for him. But if you're voting for him simply because you think he'll do "less harm" than Clinton, I'd suggest you think hard about what you're doing. At some point, we have to say "no".
I live in Ohio. In northeast Ohio. There is a solid Trump belt from Youngstown southward along the river and down into Appalachian Ohio. In Cleveland and Columbus and, hopefully Cincinnati there are solid Clinton blocks.

In other words, where people are educated and wealthy, they are going for Clinton. Where the hillbillies live, the poor and the uneducated, Trump is winning.

I live in that Trump belt, but I have a degree and I read and I'm doing okay financially and I have already voted for Clinton. But there's no Hillary yard sign in front of my home because I fear retribution from the hillbilly class.
Damn shame. How far do you think the hillbillies will go in their retribution against you?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Let me put it this any, in2008 I had three different Obama signs swiped. In 2012, my flower beds were trampled when the sign burglars took another Obama sign.
Sorry for your troubles. I'm sure that a Trump trouncing will make you feel better.
I'm not looking for solace from a Trump defeat. I'm looking for relief that demagogues and petulant man-choldten will never sit in the Oval Office.

Having had BO, then the Hildebeast if she wins things won't change,
What do you want to change? Wages are going up unemployment down.

We do need wages to go up faster though. Maybe ceo's need to profit share more.
I'm not voting for either, just like my older brother and sister.

But none of us want to see Hillary win.

It's not a belief, it's a hope.
I don't want to see Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell legislation passed and I don't want to see the judges trump would appoint
Good thing is Trump is NOT your typical republican so doubt much is going to get pass that Ryan and McConnell want passed.

It will be great if McConnell has to move to a broom closet in January and Pelosi once again has the title of Madam Speaker. Then and only then can government on the Federal Level once again function as a deliberative body, not one which votes on every issue on party line alone.
Every GOP establishment career politician has been an absolute lapdog for Obama doing everything he has said, you dumb fuck… LOL
That's just not reality sorry.

I think what you mean is when Republicans finally stopped obstructing?

The Republicans in Congress Are Surrendering to Obama
GOP Establishment have been slaves to Obama, doing whatever he tells them to do, playing dead, rolling over, he tells them to jump they ask how high. Fact
I don't want to see Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell legislation passed and I don't want to see the judges trump would appoint
Good thing is Trump is NOT your typical republican so doubt much is going to get pass that Ryan and McConnell want passed.

It will be great if McConnell has to move to a broom closet in January and Pelosi once again has the title of Madam Speaker. Then and only then can government on the Federal Level once again function as a deliberative body, not one which votes on every issue on party line alone.
Every GOP establishment career politician has been an absolute lapdog for Obama doing everything he has said, you dumb fuck… LOL
That's just not reality sorry.

I think what you mean is when Republicans finally stopped obstructing?

The Republicans in Congress Are Surrendering to Obama
GOP Establishment have been slaves to Obama, doing whatever he tells them to do, playing dead, rolling over, he tells them to jump they ask how high. Fact
Have you been paying attention for the passed eight years? Would you Conservatives der could ngress in lock step with the administration? Have you read a headline or glanced at a poll or watched a news segment?

The one thing congress does is provide obstruction. They shut down government in a fit of political pique. They have driven their own approval numbers into the single digits with their obstruction.
Good thing is Trump is NOT your typical republican so doubt much is going to get pass that Ryan and McConnell want passed.

It will be great if McConnell has to move to a broom closet in January and Pelosi once again has the title of Madam Speaker. Then and only then can government on the Federal Level once again function as a deliberative body, not one which votes on every issue on party line alone.
Every GOP establishment career politician has been an absolute lapdog for Obama doing everything he has said, you dumb fuck… LOL
That's just not reality sorry.

I think what you mean is when Republicans finally stopped obstructing?

The Republicans in Congress Are Surrendering to Obama
GOP Establishment have been slaves to Obama, doing whatever he tells them to do, playing dead, rolling over, he tells them to jump they ask how high. Fact
Have you been paying attention for the passed eight years? Would you Conservatives der could ngress in lock step with the administration? Have you read a headline or glanced at a poll or watched a news segment?

The one thing congress does is provide obstruction. They shut down government in a fit of political pique. They have driven their own approval numbers into the single digits with their obstruction.
Na, The GOP establishment has done everything Obama has ordered them to do. Fact

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