Your state and who you're voting for?


Interesting. I THINK you are the first one here to vote for her at least publicly. Eh its a vote Clinton won't get so. I assume that would have been your first pick the dem candidate?
I assume that would have been your first pick the dem candidate?

Not necessarily, the democrat party is too far right for my tastes. Though on social issues I have much in common with them.
jesus what are you a communist or something? Is Bernie Sanders to far right?
I would have considered voting Bernie had he won the nomination.
Interesting. I THINK you are the first one here to vote for her at least publicly. Eh its a vote Clinton won't get so. I assume that would have been your first pick the dem candidate?
Well since Jill has never won any election ever, it's possible that Tehon is literally the first and only person to have every voted for Jill.
Interesting. I THINK you are the first one here to vote for her at least publicly. Eh its a vote Clinton won't get so. I assume that would have been your first pick the dem candidate?
Well since Jill has never won any election ever, it's possible that Tehon is literally the first and only person to have every voted for Jill.
Eh at least he/she has the guts to vote for someone different....I don't agree but at least Stein is honest lol.
Then how can you believe trumps going to win if all the trump supporters don't even like it.

I love it trump said he'd appoint anti abortion judges. And 18 year old girl that doesn't vote can't complain.

I'm not voting for either, just like my older brother and sister.

But none of us want to see Hillary win.

It's not a belief, it's a hope.
I don't want to see Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell legislation passed and I don't want to see the judges trump would appoint
Good thing is Trump is NOT your typical republican so doubt much is going to get pass that Ryan and McConnell want passed.

It will be great if McConnell has to move to a broom closet in January and Pelosi once again has the title of Madam Speaker. Then and only then can government on the Federal Level once again function as a deliberative body, not one which votes on every issue on party line alone.
Every GOP establishment career politician has been an absolute lapdog for Obama doing everything he has said, you dumb fuck… LOL
That's just not reality sorry.

I think what you mean is when Republicans finally stopped obstructing?

The Republicans in Congress Are Surrendering to Obama
You are voting for a clown that doesn't even know what Aleppo ...

LOL - yeah. Let's 'compare and contrast' Trump and Clinton's neverending list of gaffes and scandals to Johnson's proven track record as a non-partisan leader. You really wanna go there?
They both know what and where Aleppo is. Johnson has obviously smoked too much weed.

Heh... that's one point for each of them. Shall we tally up the rest?

It's really kind of hilarious that you mouth-breathers will follow along with these obviously crooked fuckers, yet write off a decent candidate because of an off-hand media meme. Goddamn we have a bunch of idiots in this country.
I know all about Johnson. I voted for his goofy ass in 2012. The simple fact he picked a anti gun nut as his VP was all I needed to know about Johnson. Trump is the perfect response to the last 8 years not 4 years of a moron like Johnson that's just barely different from Obama and Clinton and loves these trade deals that SUCK and loves open borders.
Good thing is Trump is NOT your typical republican so doubt much is going to get pass that Ryan and McConnell want passed.

It will be great if McConnell has to move to a broom closet in January and Pelosi once again has the title of Madam Speaker. Then and only then can government on the Federal Level once again function as a deliberative body, not one which votes on every issue on party line alone.

Check your fax machine, you seem to have missed a couple of messages.

Pelosi is retiring

Really? Does she know this, since you seem to be the only one to state she is?

Must have had her confused with Boxer.

But this is still laughable, considering her time as Speaker

" Then and only then can government on the Federal Level once again function as a deliberative body, not one which votes on every issue on party line alone."

I guess you are confused on more than that one issue. You may and probably disagree, but Pelosi was an effective leadere; Bohener/Ryan and McConnell are, to paraphrase Pence, Ideologues, conservatives and Republicans and not representatives of The People.

We have to pass it so we know whats in it?

She was 'effective' because she only needed one or two republican votes to get things passed.
Interesting. I THINK you are the first one here to vote for her at least publicly. Eh its a vote Clinton won't get so. I assume that would have been your first pick the dem candidate?
Well since Jill has never won any election ever, it's possible that Tehon is literally the first and only person to have every voted for Jill.
If that were true I would still be good with it. I have no intention to vote for the neo liberal/con you promote.
LOL - yeah. Let's 'compare and contrast' Trump and Clinton's neverending list of gaffes and scandals to Johnson's proven track record as a non-partisan leader. You really wanna go there?
They both know what and where Aleppo is. Johnson has obviously smoked too much weed.

Heh... that's one point for each of them. Shall we tally up the rest?

It's really kind of hilarious that you mouth-breathers will follow along with these obviously crooked fuckers, yet write off a decent candidate because of an off-hand media meme. Goddamn we have a bunch of idiots in this country.
I know all about Johnson. I voted for his goofy ass in 2012. The simple fact he picked a anti gun nut as his VP was all I needed to know about Johnson. Trump is the perfect response to the last 8 years not 4 years of a moron like Johnson that's just barely different from Obama and Clinton and loves these trade deals that SUCK and loves open borders.
It will be great if McConnell has to move to a broom closet in January and Pelosi once again has the title of Madam Speaker. Then and only then can government on the Federal Level once again function as a deliberative body, not one which votes on every issue on party line alone.

Check your fax machine, you seem to have missed a couple of messages.

Pelosi is retiring

Really? Does she know this, since you seem to be the only one to state she is?

Must have had her confused with Boxer.

But this is still laughable, considering her time as Speaker

" Then and only then can government on the Federal Level once again function as a deliberative body, not one which votes on every issue on party line alone."

I guess you are confused on more than that one issue. You may and probably disagree, but Pelosi was an effective leadere; Bohener/Ryan and McConnell are, to paraphrase Pence, Ideologues, conservatives and Republicans and not representatives of The People.

We have to pass it so we know whats in it?

She was 'effective' because she only needed one or two republican votes to get things passed.

Wrong! She was effective because 1) she can count votes and 2) she allowed her caucus to debate issues internally; plus, she didn't have a caucus which signed the Norquist no tax contract, which has added in growing the massive debt your side of the aisle always blames on the Democrats.

BTW, there is a great difference between a policy of fiscal conservatism, and a policy of fiscal responsibility. Austerity kicks the can down the road, responsible people paint the house and repair the roof before weather & UV destroys the house.
You are voting for a clown that doesn't even know what Aleppo ...

LOL - yeah. Let's 'compare and contrast' Trump and Clinton's neverending list of gaffes and scandals to Johnson's proven track record as a non-partisan leader. You really wanna go there?
They both know what and where Aleppo is. Johnson has obviously smoked too much weed.

Heh... that's one point for each of them. Shall we tally up the rest?

It's really kind of hilarious that you mouth-breathers will follow along with these obviously crooked fuckers, yet write off a decent candidate because of an off-hand media meme. Goddamn we have a bunch of idiots in this country.
maybe if anybody had ever heard of johnson, but we havent.
has nothing to do with his name, has more to do with it looks like he just popped up out of nowhere.
Interesting. I THINK you are the first one here to vote for her at least publicly. Eh its a vote Clinton won't get so. I assume that would have been your first pick the dem candidate?
Well since Jill has never won any election ever, it's possible that Tehon is literally the first and only person to have every voted for Jill.
Eh at least he/she has the guts to vote for someone different....I don't agree but at least Stein is honest lol.

"guts"? Too bad the brain wasn't involved in the decision.
California and Florida ...... My family are solid Hillary. I guarantee Hillary will in Florida and California.
Last Saturday Oct. 15 we celebrated my birthday and my closest confidant birthday here in Palm Spring. Mostly close and extended relatives.
One of my cousin who live in Scottsdale, Az which is a Clinton rally organizer. During the party ( too much red wine ) he stood up on top of the table............
WHO ARE HERE VOTING FOR HILLARY? One of my relatives counted wrote it down 47.
The rest will not vote.

On the side...... my estimate. Trump is lucky if gets 10 to 15% of Hispanic votes. Right now the poll is 19%.
Interesting. I THINK you are the first one here to vote for her at least publicly. Eh its a vote Clinton won't get so. I assume that would have been your first pick the dem candidate?
Well since Jill has never won any election ever, it's possible that Tehon is literally the first and only person to have every voted for Jill.
Eh at least he/she has the guts to vote for someone different....I don't agree but at least Stein is honest lol.

"guts"? Too bad the brain wasn't involved in the decision.
Care to elaborate?
Interesting. I THINK you are the first one here to vote for her at least publicly. Eh its a vote Clinton won't get so. I assume that would have been your first pick the dem candidate?
Well since Jill has never won any election ever, it's possible that Tehon is literally the first and only person to have every voted for Jill.
Eh at least he/she has the guts to vote for someone different....I don't agree but at least Stein is honest lol.

"guts"? Too bad the brain wasn't involved in the decision.
Care to elaborate?

In context it's a clear and concise statement. Why you can't comprehend that is, well, surprising.
Interesting. I THINK you are the first one here to vote for her at least publicly. Eh its a vote Clinton won't get so. I assume that would have been your first pick the dem candidate?
Well since Jill has never won any election ever, it's possible that Tehon is literally the first and only person to have every voted for Jill.
Eh at least he/she has the guts to vote for someone different....I don't agree but at least Stein is honest lol.

"guts"? Too bad the brain wasn't involved in the decision.
Care to elaborate?

In context it's a clear and concise statement. Why you can't comprehend that is, well, surprising.
You think the decision to vote for Stein is stupid. I am curious as to how you determined my personal choice to be such, obviously you must have some insight.
You are voting for a clown that doesn't even know what Aleppo ...

LOL - yeah. Let's 'compare and contrast' Trump and Clinton's neverending list of gaffes and scandals to Johnson's proven track record as a non-partisan leader. You really wanna go there?
They both know what and where Aleppo is. Johnson has obviously smoked too much weed.

Heh... that's one point for each of them. Shall we tally up the rest?

It's really kind of hilarious that you mouth-breathers will follow along with these obviously crooked fuckers, yet write off a decent candidate because of an off-hand media meme. Goddamn we have a bunch of idiots in this country.
maybe if anybody had ever heard of johnson, but we havent.
has nothing to do with his name, has more to do with it looks like he just popped up out of nowhere.

So, nothing. You were trying to rationalize why you'd choose Trump over Johnson. You're going to have to do better than "Aleppo" to make your case. "I haven't heard of him" is a lazy excuse.
I want to know if your opinion matters. If you're in Ohio or Florida I care more than if you are in California or Alabama.

I'm Michigan going for hillary.
How do you think Michigan is going to vote?

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You are voting for a clown that doesn't even know what Aleppo ...

LOL - yeah. Let's 'compare and contrast' Trump and Clinton's neverending list of gaffes and scandals to Johnson's proven track record as a non-partisan leader. You really wanna go there?
They both know what and where Aleppo is. Johnson has obviously smoked too much weed.

Heh... that's one point for each of them. Shall we tally up the rest?

It's really kind of hilarious that you mouth-breathers will follow along with these obviously crooked fuckers, yet write off a decent candidate because of an off-hand media meme. Goddamn we have a bunch of idiots in this country.
maybe if anybody had ever heard of johnson, but we havent.
has nothing to do with his name, has more to do with it looks like he just popped up out of nowhere.

So, nothing. You were trying to rationalize why you'd choose Trump over Johnson. You're going to have to do better than "Aleppo" to make your case. "I haven't heard of him" is a lazy excuse.
so you would vote for someone you never heard of? seriously? thats pretty foolish.
ok, maybe not in this election but still.
a vote for johnson in my case is a vote for hillary and I am just not able to live with myself should that happen.
I live in Ohio. In northeast Ohio. There is a solid Trump belt from Youngstown southward along the river and down into Appalachian Ohio. In Cleveland and Columbus and, hopefully Cincinnati there are solid Clinton blocks.

In other words, where people are educated and wealthy, they are going for Clinton. Where the hillbillies live, the poor and the uneducated, Trump is winning.

I live in that Trump belt, but I have a degree and I read and I'm doing okay financially and I have already voted for Clinton. But there's no Hillary yard sign in front of my home because I fear retribution from the hillbilly class.
Damn shame. How far do you think the hillbillies will go in their retribution against you?

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