You're on your own

Everybody is right here, except those that think there is never a reason or justification to own and/or defend yourself with a gun.

Yes, if you can barricade yourself from the intruder, by all means do so. Yes, if you can escape from the house or apartment when somebody is breaking in, by all means do so. Yes, if there is no imminent threat, you wait for the police to arrive.

But if somebody ignores a verbal warning or warning shot and is breaking in my front door, I'm going to shoot him. And if that means the police have something to tag and bag when they finally do arrive, well I would count it as a good thing that it wasn't me or a loved one.

The best defense against a break in is a big dog.

Second a 12 gauge shot gun. The *click clak* alone sends criminals a runnin'

Well, since everybody isn't in a position to have a big dog, I think the shotgun is a pretty safe bet. I don't think somebody breaking in my door after I give him a verbal warning AND a warning shot is going to be deterred much by:

Everybody is right here, except those that think there is never a reason or justification to own and/or defend yourself with a gun.

Yes, if you can barricade yourself from the intruder, by all means do so. Yes, if you can escape from the house or apartment when somebody is breaking in, by all means do so. Yes, if there is no imminent threat, you wait for the police to arrive.

But if somebody ignores a verbal warning or warning shot and is breaking in my front door, I'm going to shoot him. And if that means the police have something to tag and bag when they finally do arrive, well I would count it as a good thing that it wasn't me or a loved one.

The best defense against a break in is a big dog.

Second a 12 gauge shot gun. The *click clak* alone sends criminals a runnin'
The *click clak* alone sends criminals a running
That and all you have too do is point a shotgun is a misconception.

Myth: “The sound of a pump racking is enough to scare away an intruder.”

Fact: If you are racking your pump investigating a suspicious noise, you’ve made a tactical error. You may have escalated a situation from a simple peeping tom or snooping thief into a full scale home invasion by engaging their fight or flight reflexes. You’ve also announced your location to anyone that may have been trying to find you. Learn to load your weapon silently or leave it with a round in the chamber, whichever you’re comfortable and can safely do.

Survival Shotgun Series ? Myths Explained
Exactly what is the point of this thread?

That people need to protect themselves and the cops "advice" is to lock yourself in the bathroom and yell for help while their swilling coffee and doughnuts.

Ridiculous hyperbole.

As George Costanza correctly notes, it depends on the nature and context of a given situation, and some situations clearly don’t call for an armed response.

Sound and comprehensive firearms training involves knowing when to use a gun and when not to.

If a person breaks into my house despite of the ridiculously loud alarm and my two barking dogs I am safe to assume an armed response is warranted.
That people need to protect themselves and the cops "advice" is to lock yourself in the bathroom and yell for help while their swilling coffee and doughnuts.

Ridiculous hyperbole.

As George Costanza correctly notes, it depends on the nature and context of a given situation, and some situations clearly don’t call for an armed response.

Sound and comprehensive firearms training involves knowing when to use a gun and when not to.

If a person breaks into mu house despite of the ridiculously loud alarm and my two barking dogs I am safe to assume an armed response is warranted.

Exactly. The scenario I painted is that I have two frail elderly people in the house. Maybe a child sleeping in a back room. Fleeing the scene is not much of an option. I give a verbal warning. I fire a warning shot. The assailant is still breaking in my front door.

I'm going to shoot and will not make any effort to prevent the shot from being lethal.
Ridiculous hyperbole.

As George Costanza correctly notes, it depends on the nature and context of a given situation, and some situations clearly don’t call for an armed response.

Sound and comprehensive firearms training involves knowing when to use a gun and when not to.

If a person breaks into mu house despite of the ridiculously loud alarm and my two barking dogs I am safe to assume an armed response is warranted.

Exactly. The scenario I painted is that I have two frail elderly people in the house. Maybe a child sleeping in a back room. Fleeing the scene is not much of an option. I give a verbal warning. I fire a warning shot. The assailant is still breaking in my front door.

I'm going to shoot and will not make any effort to prevent the shot from being lethal.
Warning shots are very bad thing too do.
1. you have given your position away
2. they will return fire.
If a person breaks into mu house despite of the ridiculously loud alarm and my two barking dogs I am safe to assume an armed response is warranted.

Exactly. The scenario I painted is that I have two frail elderly people in the house. Maybe a child sleeping in a back room. Fleeing the scene is not much of an option. I give a verbal warning. I fire a warning shot. The assailant is still breaking in my front door.

I'm going to shoot and will not make any effort to prevent the shot from being lethal.
Warning shots are very bad thing too do.
1. you have given your position away
2. they will return fire.

No problem because I will have already changed my position. And if they return fire, it only gives me additional justification to shoot them. However, a warning shot is a pretty definite message to not come any further into the house. Nobody can say I didn't give them every opportunity to change their mind and avoid being shot.
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Exactly. The scenario I painted is that I have two frail elderly people in the house. Maybe a child sleeping in a back room. Fleeing the scene is not much of an option. I give a verbal warning. I fire a warning shot. The assailant is still breaking in my front door.

I'm going to shoot and will not make any effort to prevent the shot from being lethal.
Warning shots are very bad thing too do.
1. you have given your position away
2. they will return fire.

No problem because I will have already changed my position. And if they return fire, it only gives me additional justification to shoot them. However, a warning shot is a pretty definite message to not come any further into the house. Nobody can say I didn't give them every opportunity to change their mind and avoid being shot.

There is one major thing I forgot. When you shoot your warning shot where will the projectile go?
Warning shots are very bad thing too do.
1. you have given your position away
2. they will return fire.

No problem because I will have already changed my position. And if they return fire, it only gives me additional justification to shoot them. However, a warning shot is a pretty definite message to not come any further into the house. Nobody can say I didn't give them every opportunity to change their mind and avoid being shot.

There is one major thing I forgot. When you shoot your warning shot where will the projectile go?

In my case it goes through the upper part of the front door that will already be damaged beyond repair at the time I fire. No chance it will hit anybody on the ground. The next shot will be to stop, and if necessary, kill the intruder. And I think I'm a good enough shot I won't miss either time.
No problem because I will have already changed my position. And if they return fire, it only gives me additional justification to shoot them. However, a warning shot is a pretty definite message to not come any further into the house. Nobody can say I didn't give them every opportunity to change their mind and avoid being shot.

There is one major thing I forgot. When you shoot your warning shot where will the projectile go?

In my case it goes through the upper part of the front door that will already be damaged beyond repair at the time I fire. No chance it will hit anybody on the ground. The next shot will be to stop, and if necessary, kill the intruder. And I think I'm a good enough shot I won't miss either time.

ok if that works for you fine.
What should you do wen bad guys show up?

You put your hands next to your holster, and say, in your very best John Wayne voice, "...looks like you are in for a bad day, Pilgrim..." and then yell, "....fill your hand, you SONOFABITCH!" and fast draw, and drill them all full of lead before they know what hit them. then, you blow the smoke away from the barrell, and reholster your gun, and walk slowly toward your horse, mount, and ride into the sunset.
It's my house. My home. My pets are in there with me. So is my husband. It will be a cold day in hell that I retreat from my own abode because some schmuck decided to break in and intrude in MY domain.
They will get what's coming to them. If I go to jail over it, so be it.

Wow - an Internet Tough Gal. Don't see those too often . . . :Boom2:

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