You’re probably going to be poor


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
You’re probably going to be poor

Decades of policies in which the market and capitalism are the be-all, end-all alpha and omega, gutting our manufacturing sector, trickle-up CEO bonuses and tax breaks…. AND we actually try to stop women from using birth control and ending unwanted pregnancies -- making more people who will only know welfare and food stamps because there are NO JOBS… we shipped them overseas and into Mexico.

We're number….1? No, we suck.

Goddamn America.

The findings suggest that for many Americans, a steady income and a stable career trajectory are not necessarily the norm. Using data from households collected between 1968 and 2011, Rank finds that over the course of a lifetime, Americans' economic situations can shift drastically. In a previous study published in his bookChasing the American Dream, Rank found that a striking 54 percent of Americans at one point fell below the U.S. poverty line.

“Taken together,” Rank said in a Washington University press release, “These findings indicate that across the American life course there is a large amount of income volatility.” In other words, when it comes to going through hard times, the question may not be “if,” but rather “for how long?” While 60 percent of people will experience poverty for at least a year, the new study says, around 25 percent are likely to experience five or more years of poverty, while about 12 percent are likely to go through five years of extreme poverty.

“Poverty is often thought of as a ‘them’ issue,” says Rank. “What these findings indicate is that poverty is an ‘us’ issue. It’s something that many of us, not just some, should be concerned about.”
You’re probably going to be poor

Yep. Capitalism, when unregulated and without sound government policies, does not have a middle class. There are a few merchants, a few rich capitalists, the rest trying to survive.
You’re probably going to be poor

Yep. Capitalism, when unregulated and without sound government policies, does not have a middle class. There are a few merchants, a few rich capitalists, the rest trying to survive.
Sucks to be you.
Hazel, ask yourself a honest question. In which country would you rather be poor?

If you name a few then I suggest you pack your bags and go be poor in that country.

But before you go could you tell us about the economy of the country you are going? Such as, is it capitalism or socialism or communism or fascism?

Were not the left just crowing about how well the stock market is doing under Obama?

Where is the praise for Obama and the sharp increase in housing prices and sales?

Hazel, one thing, and one thing alone makes one poor, lack of motivation. Period.

Jobs and Gates didn't finish college and look at their companies now, they didn't get the government to help them, they built that.
I did think of this and what would make me poor.

1. A prolonged stock market crash would definitely put the hurt to me and a whole lot of other folks, depends on the bond market and how long the government stretches out the recovery. If the government does like it did in 2008 I and everyone else is pretty much screwed. That alone would not make me poor, only not as well off.

2. The government taking over my life savings and retirement pension in the name of the common good. This would definitely make me poor and everyone else who worked their asses off their whole life.

Other then that I think I have taken all the right steps to protect me and my family. The only thing that can screw it up is the government.

Those of you who cry for more regulations where were you for the last 8 years? Especially the years that the government was controlled by the democrats? Oh right, there was Wall Street Reform passed under Obama, and yet the left is still unhappy.
Sadly, there are people out there who are this miserable, and they're trying very hard to make everyone else as miserable as they are.

So, they lower standards and expectations, enable bad behaviors and award participation medals, knowing damn well it's hurting the recipient.

It appears to be working.

Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable - The College Fix


What I have seen is that the new generation wants more, I can't blame them, but not work for it. The hours I used to work to get where I am doesn't seem to appeal to them, and I don't blame them.
Sadly, there are people out there who are this miserable, and they're trying very hard to make everyone else as miserable as they are.

So, they lower standards and expectations, enable bad behaviors and award participation medals, knowing damn well it's hurting the recipient.

It appears to be working.

Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable - The College Fix


What I have seen is that the new generation wants more, I can't blame them, but not work for it. The hours I used to work to get where I am doesn't seem to appeal to them, and I don't blame them.
I have multiple business owner clients who can't believe how hard it is to find good, young employees. There are always going to be young people who are willing to work hard, submerge their ego and do what they're told, but they're getting much tougher to find. Now more and more of them are expecting jobs, pay and advancement significantly beyond their skill/value level, and there can be no surprise about that.

Of course, that's real world business stuff, not the business theory taken as gospel by so many.

You know what else I think is a down fall of the working class? The smart phone. When I started there were no PC on every desk. No smart phones to preoccupy our free time. I can't imagine what I could do if I weren't posting on this message board. I might actually read a book or something.

So when I started there was a core of us that studied our job and tried to improve ourselves. Now it seems to me that free time, at work, is spent on a smart phone or the internet. The new generation expects everything handed to them. I don't really mean that in a bad way, they are just as smart as everyone else. It is just that they don't seem to be motivated.
Sadly, there are people out there who are this miserable, and they're trying very hard to make everyone else as miserable as they are.

So, they lower standards and expectations, enable bad behaviors and award participation medals, knowing damn well it's hurting the recipient.

It appears to be working.

Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable - The College Fix


What I have seen is that the new generation wants more, I can't blame them, but not work for it. The hours I used to work to get where I am doesn't seem to appeal to them, and I don't blame them.
I have multiple business owner clients who can't believe how hard it is to find good, young employees. There are always going to be young people who are willing to work hard, submerge their ego and do what they're told, but they're getting much tougher to find. Now more and more of them are expecting jobs, pay and advancement significantly beyond their skill/value level, and there can be no surprise about that.

Of course, that's real world business stuff, not the business theory taken as gospel by so many.


Me thinks that is why they are importing workers who are happy to have a job.
The reason that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poor is that the rich keep doing the things that made them rich and the poor keep doing the things that made them poor.

This could easily be corrected but we have a certain class of politicians; democrats, that owe their careers to the ignorance of the poor and helping them to be no longer poor is something that isn't in the best interest of the democrats. So ignorance, bad habits, and poor choices are either celebrated or those people are told it isn't their fault. Anything to keep them poor and democrat.
You’re probably going to be poor

Decades of policies in which the market and capitalism are the be-all, end-all alpha and omega, gutting our manufacturing sector, trickle-up CEO bonuses and tax breaks…. AND we actually try to stop women from using birth control and ending unwanted pregnancies -- making more people who will only know welfare and food stamps because there are NO JOBS… we shipped them overseas and into Mexico.

We're number….1? No, we suck.

Goddamn America..

Embrace the American Spirit ... Explore the world around you for opportunities.
Find what it is you love to do and stop making excuses not to do it.

The government does not hold the key to your happiness and wellbeing ... They own the shackles around your neck, hands and feet.


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