Youtube Being Censored, We Can't Question the Government on Youtube

The last time I bothered replying to your economically illiterate ass was in a thread regarding FDR. You did not believe that his Socialist policies created and extended the Great Depression, in fact you seemed to support the vast majority of the policies he put in place. The only thing I recall you disagreeing with was his imprisonment of Japanese people based on their race. Supporting FDR's policies not only makes you a Socialist, but makes you economically illiterate
FDR gave us the endless Great Depression every bit as much as Obama turned a 6 month recession into the 8 year Great Recession.

Youtube's Terms of Service have been changed so that nobody can discuss anything that they have decided is a "Hoax". Youtube is getting more and more strict with people it doesn't agree with.

Yep, a massive purge is going on and the number of channels I subscribe to are being dumped at an incredible rate. This started right after Trump was elected. First they started de-monetizing videos (even though they still sold advertisement on them) and now they are flat out censoring...especially channels that have brought up all the questions of the Florida shooting. Conservatives are having their channels deleted for "content" strikes as in three of them. They are going back in the history of those that posted before and looking for reasons to give them community strikes. Google is CIA and youtube is owned by Google. They are doing the same thing on FB and Twitter...conservative voices are being censored BIG time.

I believe another mass casualty event is on the horizon. Houston and Dallas are two potential targets because they are "conservative". The deep state has to hit again while the iron is hot.

Just beat you into the ground with it.. You need LINKS to anything I mentioned -- then you're too slow and stupid..

So you have no such data. Exactly.

See, this is what I just pointed out with what's called a rhetorical question. One for which you have no answer.

I gave you an EXTENSIVE LIST of examples of fake news and useless conspiracies. They are all MORE then adequately documented. Even here on USMB. Stop trolling me...

I just checked- you have posted 16 times in this thread- I saw no post with an 'extensive list of fake news and useless conspiracies'

Like I said before- I would be glad to compare the accuracy of the NY Times to Trump's tweets.

The greatest purveyor of fake news within the United States is our President.

Your loss -- it's there. Search for WashPo with my name on the post... :19: Fake news? Thy name is WashPo/CNN/NYTimes... AND their fucking "fact checkers"...

It's NOT SOMEBODY ELSE'S CLAIM, Sparkles. It's YOUR claim. Ain't OUR job to go do YOUR homework. Burden of proof, etc.

Once again --- you made an ass-sertion that you can't back up. Therefore it's dismissed as empty.

What's NOT funny is you dismissing my claim that the Russian Hookers Peeing on Trumps bed story as "fake news"... Or you insisting the "intel report" that contained it and was MARKETED AND PROMOTED by the Hillary/DNC/FBI/CIA/DIA cabal as NOT "fake news".. Shows you're credibility for honesty and alertness to fraud is in the damn crapper....

This is why finding HONEST brokers to DETECT fake news is fucking difficult. And GOOGLE shouldn't be in the biz of being that honest broker..

And ---- you're trying to avoid those realities by personally attacking me for your gullibility and lack of candor..
And he foresaw the NSA Big Brother Domestic spying system as well didn't he? We're hosed. The 2 parties are tanking my country and Dem/Rep partisans in the media/content biz are screwing with my ability to speak..

What can't you speak about on the internet?


Ask Google. They tell US at USMB what content we can't allow if we want their ad service. And it's CLEAR (if you read the OP) that they are acting against folks that don't follow THEIR political advocacy. Like I said theres a diff between content rules and CENSORSHIP based on political biases.

IN FACT --- since Google is NOT "the media" or journal or political advocacy group, it's not THEIR SPEECH that's being restrained. It's different because they are USING political advocacy to restrain the speech of others.

At SOME POINT -- they should be required to register as a political advocacy organization or acted on as monopolizing the available marketplace of ideas..

So you can't actually name a single thing you can't talk about on the internet.

Not one single thing.

Of course I can.. This OP names a couple. If we expand the topic to Twitter and Facebook, there's ALL KINDS of politically biased freezing, shadow banning, sanctioning of accounts goin on.. Aren't you paying attention to these free speech issues? Or is it because they are NOT going after "your kind" of content yet??

Of course I can.

Then why won't you?

Name the thing you are prevented from talking about on the internet.

Remember though- just because FB or Twitter or Youtube or USMB have policies restricting what you can post on their sites- doesn't mean you are prevented from posting on the internet.

You can start your own web-page and post whatever you want. You can post most any crazy crap on Infowars or WND- as long as it is anti-left.

So name the thing that cannot be named.

Since you say you can.

I did.. Did you READ the OP and watch the video? You wouldn't be able to make the "not a shred of evidence" claim if you did. OR -- if you've been following the reporting of obvious political bias at Twitter and Facebook..

Can't discuss with folks who are THAT ENTIRELY clueless to the context of this issue..
In reality, my exposure to Google is much larger than most. Because my electronic product design biz has suffered thru a NUMBER of Android developments for our customers. Experience with Google micromanaging their development tools and developers convinced me to tell everyone here we're not doing Android ANYTHING ever again. They'd change the rules and tools MONTHLY.. Not giving a damn about developers on their platforms.

THEN -- there's the matter of website advertising. Reason for a LOT of USMB "free speech" restraint is because of Google MONITORING the "quality" of this site and all others that Google serves ads to... They have 80% of the web by the "short and curlies"...

While THEY index porn, violence, and all KINDS of offensive material -- they DENY the rights of ad clients...

So umm, what's the latest, best Android OS? :rolleyes:

It's the one coming out tomorrow.. Always. Seems like these guy are purposely moving the goalposts to keep developers from having stable products. Would be like M-soft putting out 6 new Windows versions every year and REQUIRING you to rewrite code and change your tools..

We dropped any desire to put Android platforms in products sometime around "JellyBean"..
If people use Twitter, at least use also.

There are YouTube alternatives, but honestly, they aren't as good. Still, get used to and use the alternatives.

I routinely use Bing now, and prefer it for several reasons.

By giving conservative friendly sites your business, you help them grow while doing your part to reign these monopolies in.
In reality, my exposure to Google is much larger than most. Because my electronic product design biz has suffered thru a NUMBER of Android developments for our customers. Experience with Google micromanaging their development tools and developers convinced me to tell everyone here we're not doing Android ANYTHING ever again. They'd change the rules and tools MONTHLY.. Not giving a damn about developers on their platforms.

THEN -- there's the matter of website advertising. Reason for a LOT of USMB "free speech" restraint is because of Google MONITORING the "quality" of this site and all others that Google serves ads to... They have 80% of the web by the "short and curlies"...

While THEY index porn, violence, and all KINDS of offensive material -- they DENY the rights of ad clients...

you and usmb are free to not do business with them, just as they are free to index whatever the fuck they want.

if you don't like the terms and conditions, don't do business with them- not exactly rocket surgery

or, you could whine about it and bewail the denial of nonexistent *rights* by a private business

your choice, snowflake

Not really.. NEW WRINKLE... Because the OWN the most popular browser, NOW Google just announced that it will put in their own AD BLOCKERS into Chrome. Which MEANS -- THEY can go to war with OTHER ad providers and make certain that THEIR services never GET THRU Chrome..

I know you don't take much seriously. But this is a hell of lot more complicated and serious than you make it out to be..

Google Chrome's Ad Blocker: Friend or Foe of Online Advertising?

Pretty soon, they WILL be the landlord of the internets.
In reality, my exposure to Google is much larger than most. Because my electronic product design biz has suffered thru a NUMBER of Android developments for our customers. Experience with Google micromanaging their development tools and developers convinced me to tell everyone here we're not doing Android ANYTHING ever again. They'd change the rules and tools MONTHLY.. Not giving a damn about developers on their platforms.

THEN -- there's the matter of website advertising. Reason for a LOT of USMB "free speech" restraint is because of Google MONITORING the "quality" of this site and all others that Google serves ads to... They have 80% of the web by the "short and curlies"...

While THEY index porn, violence, and all KINDS of offensive material -- they DENY the rights of ad clients...

you and usmb are free to not do business with them, just as they are free to index whatever the fuck they want.

if you don't like the terms and conditions, don't do business with them- not exactly rocket surgery

or, you could whine about it and bewail the denial of nonexistent *rights* by a private business

your choice, snowflake

Not really.. NEW WRINKLE... Because the OWN the most popular browser, NOW Google just announced that it will put in their own AD BLOCKERS into Chrome. Which MEANS -- THEY can go to war with OTHER ad providers and make certain that THEIR services never GET THRU Chrome..

I know you don't take much seriously. But this is a hell of lot more complicated and serious than you make it out to be..

Google Chrome's Ad Blocker: Friend or Foe of Online Advertising?

Pretty soon, they WILL be the landlord of the internets.

i take the first pretty seriously and this has nothing to do with it.

it's a business decision- no more, no less

i see you've decided to whine about how unfair it all is

In reality, my exposure to Google is much larger than most. Because my electronic product design biz has suffered thru a NUMBER of Android developments for our customers. Experience with Google micromanaging their development tools and developers convinced me to tell everyone here we're not doing Android ANYTHING ever again. They'd change the rules and tools MONTHLY.. Not giving a damn about developers on their platforms.

THEN -- there's the matter of website advertising. Reason for a LOT of USMB "free speech" restraint is because of Google MONITORING the "quality" of this site and all others that Google serves ads to... They have 80% of the web by the "short and curlies"...

While THEY index porn, violence, and all KINDS of offensive material -- they DENY the rights of ad clients...

you and usmb are free to not do business with them, just as they are free to index whatever the fuck they want.

if you don't like the terms and conditions, don't do business with them- not exactly rocket surgery

or, you could whine about it and bewail the denial of nonexistent *rights* by a private business

your choice, snowflake

Not really.. NEW WRINKLE... Because the OWN the most popular browser, NOW Google just announced that it will put in their own AD BLOCKERS into Chrome. Which MEANS -- THEY can go to war with OTHER ad providers and make certain that THEIR services never GET THRU Chrome..

I know you don't take much seriously. But this is a hell of lot more complicated and serious than you make it out to be..

Google Chrome's Ad Blocker: Friend or Foe of Online Advertising?

Pretty soon, they WILL be the landlord of the internets.

i take the first pretty seriously and this has nothing to do with it.

it's a business decision- no more, no less

i see you've decided to whine about how unfair it all is


At least I'm not the one who's known for having his head in the sand. You're an ostrich right?? :banana:

A GREAT business decision is based EXACTLY on the type of NEW info I just educated you with. It's NOT "whining". It's intelligent analysis for MAKING that kind of decision of how to select any possible alternatives to services that Google is RAPIDLY making non-competitive..
Youtube censors so-called conspiracy theory videos, but lets absolute filth like this stay up on their platform:

In reality, my exposure to Google is much larger than most. Because my electronic product design biz has suffered thru a NUMBER of Android developments for our customers. Experience with Google micromanaging their development tools and developers convinced me to tell everyone here we're not doing Android ANYTHING ever again. They'd change the rules and tools MONTHLY.. Not giving a damn about developers on their platforms.

THEN -- there's the matter of website advertising. Reason for a LOT of USMB "free speech" restraint is because of Google MONITORING the "quality" of this site and all others that Google serves ads to... They have 80% of the web by the "short and curlies"...

While THEY index porn, violence, and all KINDS of offensive material -- they DENY the rights of ad clients...

you and usmb are free to not do business with them, just as they are free to index whatever the fuck they want.

if you don't like the terms and conditions, don't do business with them- not exactly rocket surgery

or, you could whine about it and bewail the denial of nonexistent *rights* by a private business

your choice, snowflake

Not really.. NEW WRINKLE... Because the OWN the most popular browser, NOW Google just announced that it will put in their own AD BLOCKERS into Chrome. Which MEANS -- THEY can go to war with OTHER ad providers and make certain that THEIR services never GET THRU Chrome..

I know you don't take much seriously. But this is a hell of lot more complicated and serious than you make it out to be..

Google Chrome's Ad Blocker: Friend or Foe of Online Advertising?

Pretty soon, they WILL be the landlord of the internets.

i take the first pretty seriously and this has nothing to do with it.

it's a business decision- no more, no less

i see you've decided to whine about how unfair it all is


At least I'm not the one who's known for having his head in the sand. You're an ostrich right?? :banana:

A GREAT business decision is based EXACTLY on the type of NEW info I just educated you with. It's NOT "whining". It's intelligent analysis for MAKING that kind of decision of how to select any possible alternatives to services that Google is RAPIDLY making non-competitive..

no, i'm a human. my avatar is an emu.

wrong twice in one sentence, well done

you didn't educate me with anything, and yes, saying that youtube is censoring its videos against rw sources, as you claimed earlier, is whining.
“YouTube strictly prohibits sexual content involving minors and we have multiple systems in place to take swift action on this content,” the company said in a statement. “We actively work with NCMEC and others in the industry to prevent child sexual abuse imagery from ever being uploaded to YouTube "

YouTube videos of children

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