Youtube Being Censored, We Can't Question the Government on Youtube

seems to me there's a lot of room between *not child porn* and nothing wrong

but that's just me

I wish it was only you, but there's a whole political party full of your ilk. How the fuck have as we as a society, sunk so low?
seems to me there's a lot of room between *not child porn* and nothing wrong

but that's just me

I wish it was only you, but there's a whole political party full of your ilk. How the fuck have as we as a society, sunk so low?

what party is that, bubba?

You know that party you constantly make fun of?

The other one.

the whigs?

Lets not get off topic here. We were talking about what a degenerate piece of human waste you are.
awful nice of you to say... i love the holier than thou types who claim to never be insulting while constantly being insulting...
"They tell US at USMB what content we can't allow if we want their ad service."

flacaltenn can you give examples of what you'd like to allow, but are unable to allow, due to restrictions imposed by google..?
“Youtube Being Censored”

By whom?

YouTube refusing to host rightwing lies and hate isn’t ‘censorship.’

“We Can't Question the Government on Youtube”

It’s neither the role nor responsibility of YouTube to accommodate those who wish to question government – that’s done through the political process and in the courts; the right of the people to question government exists solely between the government and those governed, having nothing to do with private hosting sites.

Now, if government were to enact a law making it illegal for YouTube to host rightwing lies and hate, then you would have a case of actual censorship, and a valid thread topic.
“Youtube Being Censored”

By whom?

YouTube refusing to host rightwing lies and hate isn’t ‘censorship.’

“We Can't Question the Government on Youtube”

It’s neither the role nor responsibility of YouTube to accommodate those who wish to question government – that’s done through the political process and in the courts; the right of the people to question government exists solely between the government and those governed, having nothing to do with private hosting sites.

Now, if government were to enact a law making it illegal for YouTube to host rightwing lies and hate, then you would have a case of actual censorship, and a valid thread topic.

Great job, just proved that you are exactly what I have claimed you are......a good little commie! :)
It's not a giant leap. Naturally, if they are censoring people, those they censor and those that want to see the censored content will have a lower opinion of the platform and those censoring the platform, and would likely go elsewhere. In other words, their reputation would be damaged among those people, and they'd be losing those viewers.

It's completely justified. The videos being censored are discussing the Florida shooting, suggesting that the survivors are being led by the leftists on their crusade to disarm America, and some of those in the government may have staged the shooting. Most of the channels getting strikes and being banned are Anarcho-Capitalist channels, which question the government with nearly every video they make.
And your second paragraph includes examples of rightwing misinformation, fake news, and lies - such as the lie that 'the left' is seeking to 'disarm' America.

It's perfectly appropriate for YouTube to refuse to propagate those lies.

^You can read one example of the bill here, recently proposed by politicians in New Jersey. Not to mention the left has jumped on every mass shooting, blaming the gun used and stating that they shouldn't have been able to get one.

So is Youtube preventing any video's that mention S548?

She responded to Jones' outright lie. You struggle at keeping up as the convo switches gears.

Still looking for the lie.

- such as the lie that 'the left' is seeking to 'disarm' America.

It's completely justified. The videos being censored are discussing the Florida shooting, suggesting that the survivors are being led by the leftists on their crusade to disarm America, and some of those in the government may have staged the shooting. Most of the channels getting strikes and being banned are Anarcho-Capitalist channels, which question the government with nearly every video they make.

So what does S548 say? Does S548 seek to 'disarm America'?

No. The bill as it says- would 'strengthen' a ban currently in place in New Jersey. It doesn't call for the banning of all hand guns or all shotguns or all semi-automatic weapons.

This bill would strengthen the State’s current assault weapons ban by revising the definition of an assault weapon to include: rifles with detachable magazines and one military style feature; semi-automatic shotguns with one military style feature; and semi-automatic pistols with one military style feature. The current definition of an assault weapon sets forth a list of prohibited firearms and specifically includes any firearm that is “substantially identical” to any of the enumerated firearms. Under State regulations, a semi-automatic firearm is to be considered substantially identical to an enumerated firearm if it meets certain criteria. This bill codifies these regulations while expanding the number of firearms that would be considered assault weapons by adding criteria and reducing the number of criteria that must be met from two to one.

While I am certain you can find some person who claims to be on the 'left' who actually does want all guns banned- we can also find some person who claims to be on the right who actually thinks everyone should own machine guns.

I have no issue with anyone owning a machine gun as long as they can pass the Federal Requirements to obtain one...

As for strengthening gun laws to ban other firearms, well when that fails what new law will help strengthen this law?

Also youtube banning of video's and channel's from their site is their business but I do understand the OP opinion on this and if youtube had done this to silence the left anti-gun movement many on the left would be screaming about youtube oppression of free speech.

So yes Youtube has the right to censor their content just like Wal-Mart and Dick's Sporting Goods have the right to stop selling certain products, but what could happen is it will drive their customers to other companies and in then end ruin their business.

Finally, as Flacaltenn has been trying to tell you ( I believe ) the reality is companies like Google own too much of the internet and can regulate to the point that you can read only what they want you to read while blocking the opinions of others if you want their business and use their product and in a true and free society all opinions can be seen, read and questioned without the worry about being blocked.

So let stop pretending we live in a free society where you can read all the fake news you want, well you can as long as Google approves of it message...

I mean I can google shemale porn until my eyes fall out but youtube will block conspiracy theories about shootings?
Another thing I'd like to point out is that when you take a picture with a cell phone, unless you intentionally strip all the info from it, all kinds of info gets embedded into it, the GPS location, time, date, time zone, right down to the model of phone and maybe (I'm not sure) but even your serial and phone number.
“Youtube Being Censored”

By whom?

YouTube refusing to host rightwing lies and hate isn’t ‘censorship.’

“We Can't Question the Government on Youtube”

It’s neither the role nor responsibility of YouTube to accommodate those who wish to question government – that’s done through the political process and in the courts; the right of the people to question government exists solely between the government and those governed, having nothing to do with private hosting sites.

Now, if government were to enact a law making it illegal for YouTube to host rightwing lies and hate, then you would have a case of actual censorship, and a valid thread topic.

Great job, just proved that you are exactly what I have claimed you are......a good little commie! :)

On the contrary, C just took a rare stand for private property and free markets. And you didn't even notice.

This is one of those threads that really shines a light on hypocrisy and stupidity.
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