Youtube censors Infowars!

I just searched it and found it immediately.

Now Youtube did ban the unrated video for "Blurred Lines." That's on Vimeo and I highly recommend it :razz:
The concept people don't seem to understand is that an internet server is allowed to do what ever the hell it wants and terminate any account it cares to. Freedom of speech does not extend to private companies that supply information. It only becomes censorship when the government orders companies to shut down information against their policy or will.
[ame=]Operation Paul Revere: Contest Entry - George Washington's Revenge [HD] - YouTube[/ame]

It's still on YouTube...
This ain't a Constitutional issue. You tube ain't part of the government. If you get it for nothing don't bitch when they decide to can it.
First amendment is first if's and's or butt's.

Quote me the part of the First Amendment that applies to a private organization.

First Amendment means we can say what we want WHERE we if they want to ban them for violence or threats etc then that's fine...

No, it doesn't.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The First Amendment lists things that Congress isn't allowed to do. They don't say anything about YouTube, or anything about "saying what you want, WHERE you want."
So let's youtube censor people by falling through a huge crack in the first amendment...its quite obvious we need to redo the constitution because its scum like them and morons like anti gunners who just can't seem to grasp the wording of it...needs to be put in Obvious plain English for all
So let's youtube censor people by falling through a huge crack in the first amendment...its quite obvious we need to redo the constitution because its scum like them and morons like anti gunners who just can't seem to grasp the wording of it...needs to be put in Obvious plain English for all

It is in plain english for all. The first amendment puts restrtaint on public officials and space. What people do with their private property, and yes, youtube is a private domain, is their business. Well, at least unless it involves restrictions on a special interest group. Such as refusing sales to blacks or the like.

It's a plain and simple concept.
So the first amendment was already assaulted by forcing private business to cater to everyone...interesting...well whatever...that's why there are other video uploading sites.

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