Youtube serches keep opening in new tabs

They're suppose to open in a new tab.
Can we make it stop?

It's really fucking annoying.

*Goes hunting for a greasemoney script*

Uuhhh, if you don't click on a youtube link then nothing will happen.
How am I to search youtube without entering the search into the search box and pressing ENTEER/ clicking 'Search'?

I really don't wan to have to use Google and the Site: command for everything
Solution: Google Chrome

Google Chrome , a solution looking for a problem.

What OS are you using and what exactly do you mean they open in new tabs?
Exactly that. When I click on 'search' @ youtube, the results open in a new FF tab (meaning they might be trying to open in a new window, as I set FF to open new windows in tabs instead)
I was having the same problem and it was infuriating. My problem was that I installed Youtube Enhancer script for greasemonkey and one of the options enabled by default was "search results go in a new page". I don't know why in the hell anyone would A) have that enabled by default or B) claim it as an "enhancement".

Anyways the script is completely sweet and I recommend, and if you're having this problem you may want to re-check your FF add-ons and greasemonkey scripts one more time real good.

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