Zelensky: “If Biden imposed sanctions earlier, there would be no war.”

It’s pretty idiotic that anyone would believe that.
What’s so hard to believe?

Jews all over the place are acting like Nazis. How many Jews supported Trudeau’s imprisonment of peaceful protesters?
Wow, Zelensky is saying Biden’s inaction has caused this.

What say the Ukrainian trolls like Toro ? Is Zelensky lying?

Also, if 1.5 million people are fleeing Ukraine, are they “real Ukrainians”? How can people flee their own country when it is being invaded by a dictator?

Zelensky says Biden must do more, and should enact a no-fly zone. So we need to start shooting down Russian aircraft, right? That’s what Zelensky says, so we must obey, right? I mean we all stand with Ukraine, right?

Is Zelensky crazy or should Biden obey his wishes and comply? This is all every confusing for all of us. Maybe a smart guy like Toro or JimH52 could explain it to us.

So why didn't Trump do it? Oh that's right this only started when Biden took office. Smfh.
Anyone else notice the minute the Ukrainian thug criticized Biden there was suddenly talk of the succession? Must be coincidence.
It could be interesting to read what the Jews who participate on this forum think.
Do they too, think they are acting like Nazis?

If you are Jewish, please share with the forum.
Well you are welcome to point out all the Jews on the board that object to how Trudeau treats his political enemies, or how the Biden regime has imprisoned peaceful protesters without a trial for over a year.

Zelensky: “If Biden imposed sanctions earlier, there would be no war.”​

Good thread topic. This has been an issue since the beginning (1919) ---- whether to do pre-emptive sanctions. In general, they never did during the earlier heyday of economic sanctions, they waited until the aggressor actually moved against the victim country.

I'm not clear on why not. Hoping threats will do the trick, probably. Nobody wants to do sanctions against a major economy with a whole lot of oil and wheat!! Sanctions against little countries they did (and successfully) a few times.

Note that our war against Iraq was pure aggression and nobody sanctioned us ----- smaller countries CAN'T stop trading with the biggest economy in the world. And the most powerful. But there is essentially no difference in our war against Iraq and this Putin war against Ukraine, except that Putin wants to add the territory to Russia directly, whereas we wanted to make Iraq a client state. That went poorly.

As soon as Italy won its war against Abyssinia in 1936 (?) they took off the sanctions: so what is the point at all? And the League of Nations disbanded at that point, from sheer ineffectiveness, maybe its ending was part of that. But IMO the sanctions against Russia will be removed by 9AM the day after Russia wins this war -------- because the world economy just can't afford taking Russia out of it.
Well you are welcome to point out all the Jews on the board that object...........
...well, as I posted, those participating Jews would be welcome, and quite frankly, informing to the Board, if they shared their thoughts on being called Nazis on this venue.
Why is he talking to our Senators directly? And talking shit about Biden while doing it. Every time you turn around this administration looks completely inept and confused.
"Never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to fuck everything up"

Barack Obama

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