Zelensky offers new counter-offensive in case Congress passes more military aid

What a joke. Only rabid Democrats support Ukraine aid. The rest of America is struggling and doesn’t care about Ukraine.

Aid given to Ukraine is just money down the toilet.

I agree. ^^:thup:

Tires are burning in Brussels, just like in Kiev in 2014. Only when it was burning in Kyiv, Europe liked it, but when it was burning in Brussels, for some reason it does not like it.
This is supposed to be a moderately sane Topic .

Your attempted sense of the absurd needs to be signalled for those who might think you are being serious.

Nothing absurd

Most leaders would have packed up and left town when Russia invaded.
Putin was counting on it

The Ukraine Government flees to the west and Putin puts in his own Government.

Why Zelensky is a hero.
He risked his life to save his country
The Russian Federal Security Service has stopped Ukrainian special services from committing a terrorist act in the Zaporizhzhya Region using an analog of a NATO-classified chemical warfare agent "BZ", the Federal Security Service of Russia has said.

The seized preparations, according to the Russian security service, are used to create chemical weapons of mass destruction and were developed in the U.S., RIA "Novosti" reports.

The FSB reported the detention of three Ukrainian citizens.
They also write that the substance was in vials with the inscription "Biosporin" in Ukrainian.

The NATO-classified "BZ" chemical warfare agent was in service with the US and British armies and was used, in particular, by the Americans in Vietnam, Igor Nikulin, a former UN expert on the prohibition of chemical and bacteriological weapons, told RIA Novosti on Tuesday.

According to him, the US and Britain claimed the complete destruction of the stockpiles of the substance.

"However, you can't believe the Anglo-Saxons, none of the inspectors these "gentlemen" did not let anyone into their sites. As its analog can be any chemical similar in formula, which is used in industry, in particular, in the production of paints and varnishes," - said the expert.
Earlier, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, head of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense (RCDBZ) troops of the Russian Armed Forces, told reporters that the United States declared the complete destruction of the stockpiles of the BZ poisonous substance in 1990, but retained its samples and the possibility of synthesizing its precursors. He recalled that the US and its allies had repeatedly used munitions with chemical formulations in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

Chemical weapons are such a thing that production of destroyed stockpiles can be deployed almost instantly, even at civilian chemical plants, and they can produce as much as necessary.
It is not an atomic bomb, where it takes years to enrich uranium and then to distill it into plutonium for the same amount of time, constantly testing it on the way, so that the final product would explode at all.

And the fact that the nazis are willing to use it is serious....
What a joke. Only rabid Democrats support Ukraine aid. The rest of America is struggling and doesn’t care about Ukraine.

Aid given to Ukraine is just money down the toilet.
you are getting fast and loose with the bullshit

It is time for American and Ukrainian evangelicals to come together once again to ensure religious tolerance in Ukraine. As the Apostle Paul wrote, let us extend goodwill to all, especially to fellow believers. As Ukraine struggles for its sovereignty and survival, it also struggles for the freedom to worship, just as Baptists in Louisiana or Minnesota can worship freely and without fear of repression. However, unfortunately for evangelical Christians in occupied Donetsk or Crimea, worshipping carries extreme danger. Russians may call themselves Christians, but their crimes against humanity speak for themselves.
you are getting fast and loose with the bullshit

It is time for American and Ukrainian evangelicals to come together once again to ensure religious tolerance in Ukraine. As the Apostle Paul wrote, let us extend goodwill to all, especially to fellow believers. As Ukraine struggles for its sovereignty and survival, it also struggles for the freedom to worship, just as Baptists in Louisiana or Minnesota can worship freely and without fear of repression. However, unfortunately for evangelical Christians in occupied Donetsk or Crimea, worshipping carries extreme danger. Russians may call themselves Christians, but their crimes against humanity speak for themselves.
Then they should overthrow the anti-Christ (Jew) that is leading them down this destructive path. They don’t want to fight and die for land in eastern Ukraine that has historically been Russia’s. Crimea is not “occupied”, the Russians have been there since the 1700’s. If you are unaware of this then you are profoundly ignorant on this issue and shouldn’t be lecturing anyone about it.
Zelenski did not invade Russia, Putin had invaded Ukraine.
There was a civil war going on in Ukraine since 2014 when the government was overthrown by a coup and the US helped install a puppet regime. They started killing ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine. History has shown if you want Russia to declare war on you, attack Slavic people. Ukraine did that. All of it was pushed by the US of course, because Blackrock wants to get into Ukraine and the warmongers want a war with Russia.

And here you are defending the warmongers.
You call yourself NotfooledbyW , but Biden has the same exact foreign policy as W Bush and John McCain, you’re just too dumb to see it or admit it.
Zelenski did not invade Russia, Putin had invaded Ukraine.
From the Russian point of view it was Zelenskiy who attacked Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, the allies of the Russian Federation.

And no, Kievan regime do repressions against Ukrainian Orthodox Church (for their spiritual unity with Russian Orthodox Church).
There was a civil war going on in Ukraine since 2014 when the government was overthrown by a coup and the US helped install a puppet regime. They started killing ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine. History has shown if you want Russia to declare war on you, attack Slavic people. Ukraine did that. All of it was pushed by the US of course, because Blackrock wants to get into Ukraine and the warmongers want a war with Russia.

And here you are defending the warmongers.
Zelenski did not invade Russia, Putin had invaded Ukraine.

Putin is the warmonger / Zelinski is defending the nation he was elected to defend.
Zelenski did not invade Russia, Putin had invaded Ukraine.

Putin is the warmonger / Zelinski is defending the nation he was elected to defend.
So when are you going to join the war?

You waiting for Biden to announce we are sending troops to fight in Ukraine? That he’ll enact the draft?
You call yourself NotfooledbyW , but Biden has the same exact foreign policy as W Bush and John McCain, you’re just too dumb to see it or admit it.
Biden wanted Bush to allow UN inspectors to finish the search, Bush lied when he said

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.”

Biden had no part in that lie.

Yiu are fooled by Dubya
Biden wanted Bush to allow UN inspectors to finish the search, Bush lied when he said

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.”

Biden had no part in that lie.

Yiu are fooled by Dubya

LOL Bush didn’t invent that lie you moron, the CIA and “intell” agencies did.

The same ones Biden has shilled for his entire life. The same ones Biden still listens to, and empowers more with unlimited power to spy on Americans. Who does the Bush and McCain camp support? Biden or Trump? They all support Biden.

You‘re a fucking joke.
Zelenski did not invade Russia, Putin had invaded Ukraine.
From the other point of view, it was Zelenskiy, who invaded DPR and LPR.

Putin is the warmonger / Zelinski is defending the nation he was elected to defend.
Actually, 73% of Ukrainian citizens voted for the Russian-speaking Jew, who said that the Russians and Ukrainians are "one nation", and who was supposed to make a reliable peace (including, de facto recognition of Donbass independence), not for Ukrainian Poroshenko with his motto "Language. Army. Faith" (who intended to continue the "warm war").
And no. There is no a lot of things left to defend in Ukraine. The state is already ruined.
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So when are you going to join the war?

You waiting for Biden to announce we are sending troops to fight in Ukraine? That he’ll enact the draft?
Sending troops is not the thing that can change the situation. Sending nuclear warheads is. The problem is, that the Russians have more nukes, more options to use them and much lower nuclear barriers.

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