Zelensky says Russian forces have put explosives at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant

It's pretty disgusting that the people who support Putin on here don't care at all about human life or crimes against humanity. I know it's their job and they get paid to write that stuff, but still.
It's pretty disgusting that the people who support Putin on here don't care at all about human life or crimes against humanity. I know it's their job and they get paid to write that stuff, but still.
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If anything happens to the Zaporizhzia nuclear plant, the Nazi Zelensky and helpers , will be the only ones

responsible for that crime against humanity! :mad-61:
If anything happens to the Zaporizhzia nuclear plant, the Nazi Zelensky and helpers , will be the only ones

responsible for that crime against humanity! :mad-61:
Sorry to disappoint but even XI from PRC has called Putin to fix this situation....telling him that China is a little upset because of this. That they will retaliate if he continues with playing around with nuclear weapons or making a dirty bomb out of this plant. Even Russia spokesperson has admitted that they themselves have placed the explosives there.

The whole world is upset with Russian lies and manipulation. But you seem to be supporting them. Why?

I will be pleasantly surprised if this doesn't end in a full nuclear exchange. Life as we know it has ended....even if somehow a miracle happens and Russia doesn't start WW3 and leaves Ukraine....Russia is no longer economically viable. No one is willing to risk investment capital. Russia is also broke and in debt more than they can ever hope to repay.
So we will have 1,000s of nuclear weapons with no government to guard them. Free for the taking by every tin pot dictator and PMC that decides to hold them hostage or exercise extortion.
This is the nightmare of nuclear weapons and energy. The classis reach exceeding grasp scenario. This was always predictable. It was always evident. Vested interests ruled over common sense. No wonder we see the same tendency in so many less important facets of human society.
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Sorry to disappoint but even XI from PRC has called Putin to fix this situation....telling him that China is a little upset because of this. That they will retaliate if he continues with playing around with nuclear weapons or making a dirty bomb out of this plant. Even Russia spokesperson has admitted that they themselves have placed the explosives there.

The whole world is upset with Russian lies and manipulation. But you seem to be supporting them. Why?

I will be pleasantly surprised if this doesn't end in a full nuclear exchange. Life as we know it has ended....even if somehow a miracle happens and Russia doesn't start WW3 and leaves Ukraine....Russia is no longer economically viable. No one is willing to risk investment capital. Russia is also broke and in debt more than they can ever hope to repay.
So we will have 1,000s of nuclear weapons with no government to guard them. Free for the taking by every tin pot dictator and PMC that decides to hold them hostage or exercise extortion.
Yes - and NATO should have thought about all this shit, before they enacted it.
Yes - and NATO should have thought about all this shit, before they enacted it.
Spilt milk at this point.

Not gonna do anything constructive.

Even if somehow we don't all have to deal with a nuclear winter in the next few weeks....it's still coming.

Russia is broken. The government has spent themselves into such massive debt that they cannot rejoin the world economically if they ever wanted to. Not even in 20 years....

This is in part due to their nationalizing of once private industries. No more investors that are willing to even think about investing in Russian oil and gas. It's not even over sanctions which won't lift due to reparations that will never get paid.

Russia can't pay its debts and can't earn money to even start. With 1,000s of nuclear weapons up for grabs for every tin pot PMC that wants to hold the world hostage.

That's the reality of what we are facing. There's no coming back from this at this point.
Spilt milk at this point.

Not gonna do anything constructive.
Not at all - since NATO never thought about all this shit, before they enacted it - they actually need to rethink their position and mistakes - URGENTLY.
How does the saying go - better late then never.
If anything happens to the Zaporizhzia nuclear plant, the Nazi Zelensky and helpers , will be the only ones

responsible for that crime against humanity! :mad-61:
Fuck you, GRU bitch.

There is no reason for Ukraine to purposely lose territory, as a huge part of Ukraine would become uninhabitable.

Ukraine would be by far the country worst affected by this.

And the Russian war criminals control the power plant, not Ukraine, but you're too stupid to know that.

Furthermore, there is no military reason to bomb the plant, as there are only a few Russian soldiers left there.
One of the dangers of nuke plants that some of us have always warned about. They give an enemy a tempting target deep within a country's infrastructure and population.
Except five of the six reactors were switched off last September and now power is on just to keep the plant ticking over . Moscow guessed the evil of Kyiv and the US before they realised themselves
World leaders respected Trump!
Kim, Putler, ISIS , who else ?


bad news

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Sorry to disappoint but even XI from PRC has called Putin to fix this situation....telling him that China is a little upset because of this. That they will retaliate if he continues with playing around with nuclear weapons or making a dirty bomb out of this plant. Even Russia spokesperson has admitted that they themselves have placed the explosives there.

The whole world is upset with Russian lies and manipulation. But you seem to be supporting them. Why?

I will be pleasantly surprised if this doesn't end in a full nuclear exchange. Life as we know it has ended....even if somehow a miracle happens and Russia doesn't start WW3 and leaves Ukraine....Russia is no longer economically viable. No one is willing to risk investment capital. Russia is also broke and in debt more than they can ever hope to repay.
So we will have 1,000s of nuclear weapons with no government to guard them. Free for the taking by every tin pot dictator and PMC that decides to hold them hostage or exercise extortion.
Would be not astonishing if the Russians had done so. What need the countries 1000 miles around this nuclear power plant when the Russians will cause an INES 7 catastrophe in Zaporizhzhia? And how to react? Is this the same as an attack with nukes? Do we have the duty in such a case to wipe whole Russia from this planet? How to avoid this? How to bring Russia to a behavior which we could call reasonable? Russia has to end this stupid, senseless and criminal war and has to go home.

NATO and the US need to make it very clear. Any attack on the plant resulting in a catastrophic release of radiation will be considered as a nuclear strike, and an act of war on NATO. Waiting for it to happen and then condemning it should be the last option.
If anything happens to the Zaporizhzia nuclear plant, the Nazi Zelensky and helpers , will be the only ones

responsible for that crime against humanity! :mad-61:

Are they the ones who have planted explosives at the plant? Are they the ones who have controlled the plant for months? What would be the motive? Do tell.
Are they the ones who have planted explosives at the plant? Are they the ones who have controlled the plant for months? What would be the motive? Do tell.
If Hitler or the Mikado had an atomic bomb in 1945, would they have used it?
And why didn't the U.S.A., which had an atomic bomb, use it in the Philippines in August 1945, for example?

How much propaganda and russophobia distorts people's ability to think...
If Hitler or the Mikado had an atomic bomb in 1945, would they have used it?
And why didn't the U.S.A., which had an atomic bomb, use it in the Philippines in August 1945, for example?

How much propaganda and russophobia distorts people's ability to think...
Yes, they most definitely would have used it. Hitler and Japan both were desperate for another win.

There was a reluctance to use nuclear tech to begin with....they weren't exactly sure what was going to happen. They also didn't want everyone to know about it either.

After the two bombs were dropped Everyone knew and capitulated. Wasn't exactly needed to be dropped in the Philippines. (They are expensive)
Also we were running short on fission materials. (More was in the works but breeder reactors only breed so fast)

And we also wanted to start work on fusion bombs. (Orders of magnitude more powerful....also more complicated)
It's pretty disgusting that the people who support Putin on here don't care at all about human life or crimes against humanity. I know it's their job and they get paid to write that stuff, but still.
Are you trying to match the Midget War Criminal for stupidity? As for twerps like you accusing everybody who thinks differently as being paid bots-- childish and therefore immature . It is as irrelevant as me suggesting that you are employed by the Stupid Peoples Club to divert a thread . Except I would not descend to that level .Even though the facts seem to support that view .

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