Zika...this is what happens when conservatives control congress


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Florida Governor Confirms Zika Transmission In Miami Beach
“Expect more Zika infections in the days and months to come,” CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden said.

Obama warned of this and our congress as usual ignored his please for more funding. Instead, they'd rather spend all thier time and energy investigating Hillary, along with the FBI of which Hillary was cleared....look for a epidemic until the winter months hit...again, our do nothing congressional landslide last election at its worst!!
But. . . the problem is the same, the masses are ignoring the clear and present danger posed by blood suckers, both those on the wing on the summer air, and those in Washington. :lmao:
Zika......this is what happens when a Dem. Prez has repeatedly failed to reach out to Congress and form a relationship.

There; fixed yer' title for ya'.........
Zika can cause flu like symptoms, possibly a rash and most won't even know they have it.
Zika......this is what happens when a Dem. Prez has repeatedly failed to reach out to Congress and form a relationship.

There; fixed yer' title for ya'.........
You white motherfuckers are not gonna rewrite history.......Bohner tried to reach out to Obama and you white motherfuckers got rid of his ass. History no matter how you racist white bastards try to lie about this shit, will show that the american congress and senate would rather see a black man fail at everything that put the country first....let it be written, let it be done. And know that we will never ever ever ever forgive you white roaches for the hell you put this black man through....I pray God the wrath of hell in the form of Trump gets elected to put you white bitches to rest once and for all....because no republican president ever has left office without this country being totally fucked up, not ever! And its always you white mf's that get the best shit fuck of their tenure....
Zika......this is what happens when a Dem. Prez has repeatedly failed to reach out to Congress and form a relationship.

There; fixed yer' title for ya'.........

Not to mention that he is titular BOSS of the CDC and can set their priorities for them with a phone call. Plenty of money there. It's a blame game. Because we LET IT into the country in the 1st place.

Who's taking the blame for that? Why didn't warnings go out SOONER for travelers?

The government sucks at flexibility and has the course correction agility of a flying pig. This stuff gets away from them and all the energy goes into political cross-blaming. When the SOLUTION is to cut govt back to it's FUNDAMENTAL PRIORITIES --- and protecting the borders against disease is one of those.
obama brought zika here deliberately. The mosquitos that carry zika do not cover large amounts of territory. obastard kept bringing in people that had zika to help with transmission and probably trapped and shipped in the actual mosquitoes too.
You white motherfuckers are not gonna rewrite history.......Bohner tried to reach out to Obama and you white motherfuckers got rid of his ass. History no matter how you racist white bastards try to lie about this shit, will show that the american congress and senate would rather see a black man fail at everything that put the country first....let it be written, let it be done. And know that we will never ever ever ever forgive you white roaches for the hell you put this black man through....I pray God the wrath of hell in the form of Trump gets elected to put you white bitches to rest once and for all....because no republican president ever has left office without this country being totally fucked up, not ever! And its always you white mf's that get the best shit fuck of their tenure....

"Waaaah. Waaaah. The Republicans threw out a Treasonous bastard who refused to live up to his campaign promises and instead preferred to bend over and let the monkey in the Oval Office ass fuck him and the entire country."

That's your complaint rant in a nut shell. Cry me a river, bro.
Zika is just a code word for ebola. IMHO

very different symptoms and effects.
Ebola is very contagious, zika not so much short of sex and mosquitoes.

Ebola leads to death in most cases. Zika can kill but rarely except for the babies born with brain damage, who live perhaps a year or two. If they did live longer they would face costly and risky brain surgery every few months.
Zika is just a code word for ebola. IMHO

very different symptoms and effects.
Ebola is very contagious, zika not so much short of sex and mosquitoes.

Ebola leads to death in most cases. Zika can kill but rarely except for the babies born with brain damage, who live perhaps a year or two. If they did live longer they would face costly and risky brain surgery every few months.

Are you seriously trying to compare outbreaks? Mr. Authority! :lol:

Ebola, bleeding from the pores

Zika, most don't even know they have it, or it might seem like a flu.

Zika and ebola are not like each other at all.

not code words for each other
congress does not control nature or mosquitoes
They don't control HIV either, yet when warned of its spread, a majority congress ignored the warnings and we saw how that turned out. The public good is being paid with tax dollars for leadership to act...and as usual they dropped the ball...which is typical of conservative white fucks
congress does not control nature or mosquitoes
They don't control HIV either, yet when warned of its spread, a majority congress ignored the warnings and we saw how that turned out. The public good is being paid with tax dollars for leadership to act...and as usual they dropped the ball...which is typical of conservative white fucks

Congress was near evenly split back in the '80 during the early year of the HIV/AIDs spread.
FLASHBACK: The Hill: Senate Democrats block Zika agreement ahead of recess.

Senate Democrats on Tuesday blocked a deal providing funding for the fight against the Zika virus, virtually guaranteeing that Congress won’t get legislation to President Obama’s desk this month.

In a 52-48 vote, the Senate fell eight votes short of moving past a procedural hurdle against the House-Senate conference report on a military and veterans spending bill, which includes $1.1 billion to fund the Zika virus research.

Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) broke with his party and backed moving forward with the deal. GOP Sens. James Lankford (R-Okla.), Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) voted against the Zika deal. McConnell’s “no” vote allows him to bring the measure back up for another vote.

The vote leaves the current fight over the Zika virus at a standstill with days left before the July 4th recess.

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