Zimmerman has No Regrets


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Only in a life or death scenario can you have mental clearness to know that you cannot feel guilty for surviving,” he said. “Had I had a fraction of a thought that I could have done something differently, acted differently, so that both of us would have survived, then I would have a heavier weight on my shoulders.”

I couldn't help myself! Just seeing this made me click on the story with the absolute certainty of sharing it here. For no other reason than to “beard the lion” so to speak. Noweto sit back and watch the responses to this pour in.

Read the story with a link to the video @ George Zimmerman No regrets Hot Air

And then I found this:

Zimmerman blames Obama for racial tension after Trayvon Martin death @ Zimmerman blames Obama for racial tension after Trayvon Martin death Las Vegas Review-Journal

Think these will stir things up?
According to gz, he's not at fault or responsible for anything he did.

Still the same lies, rationalizations and excuses for his own actions.

Poor little victim.

Only in a life or death scenario can you have mental clearness to know that you cannot feel guilty for surviving,” he said. “Had I had a fraction of a thought that I could have done something differently, acted differently, so that both of us would have survived, then I would have a heavier weight on my shoulders.”

I couldn't help myself! Just seeing this made me click on the story with the absolute certainty of sharing it here. For no other reason than to “beard the lion” so to speak. Noweto sit back and watch the responses to this pour in.

Read the story with a link to the video @ George Zimmerman No regrets Hot Air

And then I found this:

Zimmerman blames Obama for racial tension after Trayvon Martin death @ Zimmerman blames Obama for racial tension after Trayvon Martin death Las Vegas Review-Journal

Think these will stir things up?

Zimmerman, like all murderers, will have to some day contend with the truth. And blaming Obama and Trayvon is not going to play well with this conscious. No racial tensions stirred here, no more animosity, just a human being waiting on Zimmerman to someday sub-comb to the facts and he will....all sinners sooner or later meet up with justice, its called Karma and lord knows, we're all patient.
What could he regret, not being killed by a black thug?

Treyvon was not a thug, he was simply a black teen minding his own business and was stalked by a murdering fat pig. Now you can feel better, calling this dead child out all you want, but the facts, no matter how no guilty this murderer was found, are facts. I hope and pray the someday, you not run across this Zimmerman on a dark raining night, minding your own business....ya see Karma always always always find fools like you!!
I'm sure O.J Simpson didn't regret getting off with killing two white people. ONE his wife
What really happened was this. The unarmed black teenager carrying Skittles and a can of iced tea goaded Zimmerman to stalk him all the way through a public area to within 75ft. of his house. Zimmerman had no other choice but to follow a single solitary figure walking home in the rain to his house. I can`t believe what chickenshit racist goons most of you are!
What really happened was this. The unarmed black teenager carrying Skittles and a can of iced tea goaded Zimmerman to stalk him all the way through a public area to within 75ft. of his house. Zimmerman had no other choice but to follow a single solitary figure walking home in the rain to his house. I can`t believe what chickenshit racist goons most of you are!

Kudos, cause we all know, had this been a blonde blued white kid, murdered like this, all hell would break lose. But some people hold no value of blacks, thus the bs rant.
I'm sure O.J Simpson didn't regret getting off with killing two white people. ONE his wife
OJ, is where he needs to be, behind bars locked away. Contrary to popular beliefs, some of black folk, myself included.....contend, that OJ is guilty and was guilty of murdering two innocent white people that day in 94!! Feel better?
Amazing that a guy with numerous arrests is treated like a hero and the dead kid with no run ins with the police is a "thug"

What could he regret, not being killed by a black thug?

Treyvon was not a thug, he was simply a black teen minding his own business and was stalked by a murdering fat pig. Now you can feel better, calling this dead child out all you want, but the facts, no matter how no guilty this murderer was found, are facts. I hope and pray the someday, you not run across this Zimmerman on a dark raining night, minding your own business....ya see Karma always always always find fools like you!!
If I ran into Zimmerman nothing would happen. Now if I ran into another black thug, it would just add to the list of dead black thugs.
Only in a life or death scenario can you have mental clearness to know that you cannot feel guilty for surviving,” he said. “Had I had a fraction of a thought that I could have done something differently, acted differently, so that both of us would have survived, then I would have a heavier weight on my shoulders.”

I know that Karma is a bitch, and killing someone you were told to stay away from is not justifiable..The poor boy will run out of public funds and he can go back to his abusive relationships where he earns little income...
What could he regret, not being killed by a black thug?

Treyvon was not a thug, he was simply a black teen minding his own business and was stalked by a murdering fat pig. Now you can feel better, calling this dead child out all you want, but the facts, no matter how no guilty this murderer was found, are facts. I hope and pray the someday, you not run across this Zimmerman on a dark raining night, minding your own business....ya see Karma always always always find fools like you!!
If I ran into Zimmerman nothing would happen. Now if I ran into another black thug, it would just add to the list of dead black thugs.

That's what it's all about for you.Killing blacks. Gee, I wonder why people on the left believe this was Zimmy's mindset as well?
What could he regret, not being killed by a black thug?

Treyvon was not a thug, he was simply a black teen minding his own business and was stalked by a murdering fat pig. Now you can feel better, calling this dead child out all you want, but the facts, no matter how no guilty this murderer was found, are facts. I hope and pray the someday, you not run across this Zimmerman on a dark raining night, minding your own business....ya see Karma always always always find fools like you!!
If I ran into Zimmerman nothing would happen. Now if I ran into another black thug, it would just add to the list of dead black thugs.
What could he regret, not being killed by a black thug?

Treyvon was not a thug, he was simply a black teen minding his own business and was stalked by a murdering fat pig. Now you can feel better, calling this dead child out all you want, but the facts, no matter how no guilty this murderer was found, are facts. I hope and pray the someday, you not run across this Zimmerman on a dark raining night, minding your own business....ya see Karma always always always find fools like you!!
If I ran into Zimmerman nothing would happen. Now if I ran into another black thug, it would just add to the list of dead black thugs.

With an attitude like yours, if you ran into a blind retarded 2 year old, you'd get a bullet, cause yous crazie!!

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