Zimmerman less credible than first thought.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Listening to him tell his side of what happened makes me feel he is less credible than I first thought. He said Trayvon threatened his life when he saw the gun. Unbelievable because Trayvon did not have the gun. I believe he threatened Trayvon’s life because he had the gun. And I believe Trayvon saw the gun before Zimmerman said the saw it.
He said Trayvon had one hand over his nose and the one hand over his mouth? Unbelievable because one hand would have been sufficient to cover his mouth and nose.
When Trayvon saw his gun, he reached for it but Zimmerman suddenly sprouted hands and he got the gun first. Hands that Trayvon had pinned down all the time? What was he doing with his hands when Trayvon was doing all the things to him that he said he was doing. Punching him, covering his mouth with one hand and coverning this nose with the other hand., pinning his hands down, taking his head in his hands and banging his head into the sidewalk.and repeately punching him? Trayvon only had two hands.
Zimmerman had a scratch on his nose, how did he get a scratch from a punch?
Where was his hands the entire time this was going on before he pulled his gun and shot him. His jacket would not have moved up but would have moved down toward the ground if he was laying down.
He said; "I know you have a gun "now" because you shot me," Did Trayvon ever see the gun?
Zimmerman, the worse liar I ever heard. Listen carefully.
Video shows George Zimmerman

He left out the part where he was and what he was doing before the confrontation.
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New video raises doubts about Fla. gunman's story

The Associated Press
March 29, 2012
MIAMI — Newly released police video of a handcuffed George Zimmerman may be important for what it doesn't show: No obvious cuts, scrapes, blood or bandages. No clearly broken nose. No plainly visible evidence of a life-and-death struggle with Trayvon Martin.

New video raises doubts about Fla. gunman's story


Video the next day did not tell the story of the day before. Bandages on his head and nose the day after but not the day before?
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Zimmerman said he got out of his vehicle to try to find a street address for them

Zimmerman called police. He said he struggled to find an address to help describe where Trayvon was.

“At this point the guy walked around my car. He had his hand in his waistband. I didn’t hear anything. I had my windows up and it was raining. And I was on the phone with the nonemergency dispatcher,” Zimmerman said. “And then he disappeared back through a cut through between the houses.”

911 Operator: "Are you following him?" Zimmerman: "Yeah."
Zimmerman said he followed Trayvon’s path, partly to make it to his home street so he could tell police where the teen was.

Read more here: Zimmerman told police Trayvon Martin’s last words were: “You got me.” | Top Stories | Bradenton Herald

He was familiar with the complex because it was often burgularized. LIAR.
Zimmerman passed a voice stress by pollice. Simple show he is a sociopath with no remorse. Not that he was not lying. A normal person under the same stress level would have shown stress.
ZIMMERMAN PASSED POLICE VOICE STRESS TEST. « GILL REPORT – The official website of the Steve Gill Show

Profile of a Sociopath.
Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.


Why I Believe George Zimmerman is a Sociopath

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What do you mean less credible than you first thought?

You guys thought he was lying out his ass. How can you be less credible than lying?

You all need to get your stories straight.

And since when did the Zimmerman incident get separated along party lines?

You wing nuts have out-done yourselves.
How the fuck can you believe someone who admit they have a bad memory and every time they open their mouth it get them deeper and deeper in shit. ZZ is a a babbling psychopath sociopath racist. and so is anyone who believe the shit that comes out of his lying mouth.
How the fuck can you believe someone who admit they have a bad memory and every time they open their mouth it get them deeper and deeper in shit. ZZ is a a babbling psychopath sociopath racist. and so is anyone who believe the shit that comes out of his lying mouth.

Why not just skip the trial and hang him up by his balls ?

Would that make your racist ass happy?
Racist liberal shitheads who support Trayvon have no credibility.

I don't think that Jew-Hispanic is a saint. But, the bottom line is that only someone with shit-for-brains could doubt he shot that Afro in self-defense.
FBI interviews with dozens of friends, coworkers and neighbors of George Zimmerman found no evidence that the accused murderer of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin was a racist, according to new documents released on Thursday.[...]
FBI agents investigating whether race was a factor in the shooting spoke with Sanford police officers, Zimmerman’s bosses and colleagues, friends, neighbors and others to determine if he had ever shown any racial prejudice.
In one interview detailed in the evidence, Sanford Police Detective Christopher Serino, the lead investigator in the Martin case, told the FBI he did not believe Zimmerman’s shooting of Martin was motivated by race.
“Serino believed that Zimmerman‘s actions were not based on Martin’s skin color (but) rather based on his attire,” according to a report.
Serino told investigators that members of local gangs, who called themselves “Goons,“ frequently wore ”hoodies,” or hooded sweatshirts, and he believed Zimmerman “took it upon himself to view Martin as acting suspicious.”
Martin was wearing a hoodie and returning from a convenience store when Zimmerman called a 911 dispatcher and said the teen looked suspicious and then followed him.
The FBI has been probing the handling of Martin’s death for any civil rights violations, but the agency hasn’t released any findings.
Zimmerman’s ex-fiancée told FBI agents that he had never exhibited any prejudices. She “observed Zimmerman as he socialized and played basketball with white, black and Hispanic men,” the FBI report said. “Zimmerman’s friends were from all of these racial groups.”
The only exception, however, were when he once went on MySpace and was critical of Mexicans, saying when he lived in Virginia they pulled out knives and messed with people’s cars.
“I don’t miss driving around scared to miss Mexicans, walkin on the side of the street, soft as wanna be thugs messin with peoples cars when they aint around,” one entry said.

FBI Report Officially Exonerates George Zimmerman for Being a Racist | TheBlaze.com
He got those cuts and bruises from other prisoners or the cops just roughed him up.
Racist liberal shitheads who support Trayvon have no credibility.

I don't think that Jew-Hispanic is a saint. But, the bottom line is that only someone with shit-for-brains could doubt he shot that Afro in self-defense.
That azz wipe GZ is gonna get the needle.Aint nobody gonna save him.
He has a poor memory, he forgot about hundreds of thousands he had when he was before the Judge; he made 1 million bond in a flash. America's new PT Barnum, the suckers are STILL sending him big $$$$$$.
That azz wipe GZ is gonna get the needle.Aint nobody gonna save him.

Zimmerman has already been saved from the needle when the FBI announced that they concluded they don't think Zimmerman thinks Afros are pieces of shit. No thought crime so he won't be put down like an animal. (Once again, kuddos to Zimmerman for putting down a rabid animal).
How the fuck can you believe someone who admit they have a bad memory and every time they open their mouth it get them deeper and deeper in shit. ZZ is a a babbling psychopath sociopath racist. and so is anyone who believe the shit that comes out of his lying mouth.

Hol crap! We agree on something! Yes, I also believe that Zimmerman has given multiple accounts of his story and there seem to be a number of holes in them. He can't get his account straight, and that will come back to haunt him.

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