Zimmerman Prosecution Imploding, Analysts Say

The case is politically motivated, Obama made it so by saying Treyvon could be his son. The prosecution has no case. The Defense should ask the judge to direct a not guilty verdict

I don't see that happening. No judge is going to face the angry mob alone. But she did acquit him of M2, and his current charge can be punished with prison and/OR a fine. If he is convicted, I put my money on the fine. I really don't foresee prison time for Zimmerman.
The case is politically motivated, Obama made it so by saying Treyvon could be his son. The prosecution has no case. The Defense should ask the judge to direct a not guilty verdict
OMG it did? It became human. The case will be made by the prosecution doing closing augments. I he walks incompetent representation should allow an appeal. I was never sure WHO the prosecution was.

Obama is George Zimmerman's president too. He should have stayed out of it.
The case is politically motivated, Obama made it so by saying Treyvon could be his son. The prosecution has no case. The Defense should ask the judge to direct a not guilty verdict

I don't see that happening. No judge is going to face the angry mob alone. But she did acquit him of M2, and his current charge can be punished with prison and/OR a fine. If he is convicted, I put my money on the fine. I really don't foresee prison time for Zimmerman.

But she did acquit him of M2

she did i missed that
911 calls and the end results convince me that Zimmerman planned from the moment he saw the child to kill him.

So he called 911 and then got in fight and ended up under TM first ?

Why didn't he just shoot him ?

Obviously the pale white Zimmerman was beating TM's fists with his face. Cleaver trick to convince people he was being beat up. Letting TM jump on top was all part of the act.

Fabulous illustration! Or is that you siggy?
The case is politically motivated, Obama made it so by saying Treyvon could be his son. The prosecution has no case. The Defense should ask the judge to direct a not guilty verdict

I don't see that happening. No judge is going to face the angry mob alone. But she did acquit him of M2, and his current charge can be punished with prison and/OR a fine. If he is convicted, I put my money on the fine. I really don't foresee prison time for Zimmerman.

But she did acquit him of M2

she did i missed that

I could be mistaken. I wasn't watching closely at that point.


She acquitted him of 'depravity.' Not M2. Your post. Sorry. My bad. (Contrary to popular belief, I'm not perfect!)
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Six women, five of them mothers, will be deciding this case. You got a toss up as to whether they are going to consider how they would feel if their child was shot to death, or how they would feel if their child was being beaten by another street thug.

Depend on what the jury believe what "beyond a reasonable doubts is" My bet is on the jury.

The next time you feel your life is on danger as your head is getting pummeled and you are starting to cough on your own blood, think twice about how you react because if you survive, experts will tell you your life was never in danger.

I generally don't play cop. Actually? I never play cop.

If I call 911 on a person? That's the beginning and end of it.

It's a shame TM didnt think that way. He wouldnt be taking a dirt nap had he not taken the law into his own hands.
Six women, five of them mothers, will be deciding this case. You got a toss up as to whether they are going to consider how they would feel if their child was shot to death, or how they would feel if their child was being beaten by another street thug.

Of course it would be different if they were all fathers! Or grandfathers. Or brothers. Or uncles.

Katz, I'm disappointed in you.

Everyone has family. One thing that is NOT allowed in a trial is the 'golden rule' argument. If you put yourself in the shoes of either party, you are at that point no longer objective. And women have as much ability to be objective as men. Yea, even mothers.
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Six women, five of them mothers, will be deciding this case. You got a toss up as to whether they are going to consider how they would feel if their child was shot to death, or how they would feel if their child was being beaten by another street thug.

Of course it would be different if they were all fathers!

Katz, I'm disappointed in you.

There is no reason to consider fathers because there are no fathers on the jury. There are, in fact, five mothers.
I love it when people who've made up their minds ahead of time attack other people for having made up their minds ahead of time.

And you haven't? You've already decided to try and convict Zimmerman based off of your preconceived biases. When the DA for Sanford refused to convict Zimmerman for lack of evidence, Governor Rick Scott succumbed to political pressure and replaced him with Angela Corey, who not soon after issued a warrant for his arrest. Nobody had to make up their mind to know this case was a farce! Well that is except maybe you and your liberal friends. The term "lynch mob" aptly describes you and your party.
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Six women, five of them mothers, will be deciding this case. You got a toss up as to whether they are going to consider how they would feel if their child was shot to death, or how they would feel if their child was being beaten by another street thug.

Of course it would be different if they were all fathers!

Katz, I'm disappointed in you.

There is no reason to consider fathers because there are no fathers on the jury. There are, in fact, five mothers.

Your misogyny is showing. I edited that post. You might want to jump back and see what I said.
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I don't see that happening. No judge is going to face the angry mob alone. But she did acquit him of M2, and his current charge can be punished with prison and/OR a fine. If he is convicted, I put my money on the fine. I really don't foresee prison time for Zimmerman.

But she did acquit him of M2

she did i missed that

I could be mistaken. I wasn't watching closely at that point.


She acquitted him of 'depravity.' Not M2. Your post. Sorry. My bad. (Contrary to popular belief, I'm not perfect!)

from what i posted

if so sorry

i was just guessing prior to her ruling

as to what she was going to rule

i will go back and watch it
But she did acquit him of M2

she did i missed that

I could be mistaken. I wasn't watching closely at that point.


She acquitted him of 'depravity.' Not M2. Your post. Sorry. My bad. (Contrary to popular belief, I'm not perfect!)

from what i posted

if so sorry

i was just guessing prior to her ruling

as to what she was going to rule

i will go back and watch it

OK, I was kinda busy and thought you had heard it. I did not. Sources say she denied motion for acquittal. The trial will go forward. (She's not going to face the angry mob alone.) I wonder how many in this trial will end up in witness protection?
The case is politically motivated, Obama made it so by saying Treyvon could be his son. The prosecution has no case. The Defense should ask the judge to direct a not guilty verdict
OMG it did? It became human. The case will be made by the prosecution doing closing augments. I he walks incompetent representation should allow an appeal. I was never sure WHO the prosecution was.

So the state should just keep retrying him until he's guilty?


Good thing we have the 5th Amendment, right?

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation
Of course it would be different if they were all fathers!

Katz, I'm disappointed in you.

There is no reason to consider fathers because there are no fathers on the jury. There are, in fact, five mothers.

Your misogyny is showing. I edited that post. You might want to jump back and see what I said.

Yeah I just hate women. All women, even myself!

If there were all fathers on the jury you would have a point. The reality is, and sorry to burst your what if bubble, there are really no fathers on the jury. Just mothers. If there were fathers on the jury they would not think about whether or not it was their child. They would be thinking "what if it was ME being assaulted by a street thug".
There is no reason to consider fathers because there are no fathers on the jury. There are, in fact, five mothers.

Your misogyny is showing. I edited that post. You might want to jump back and see what I said.

Yeah I just hate women. All women, even myself!

If there were all fathers on the jury you would have a point. The reality is, and sorry to burst your what if bubble, there are really no fathers on the jury. Just mothers. If there were fathers on the jury they would not think about whether or not it was their child. They would be thinking "what if it was ME being assaulted by a street thug".

Having had to be out on Nashville in a gang infested area at 10:30 at night to get to my car after my Advanced Psychopharmacology class, I am perfectly capable of thinking 'what if it was ME being assaulted by a street thug.' And I have two children both of whom lived in downtown Atlanta for a fair amount of time. I can even think, 'what if it was THEM being assaulted by a street thug.' (Actually, my son WAS mugged and his paycheck taken after he got off work one night.) If you are a female, you have just become a discredit to your gender. The Golden Rule argument is not allowed in court. So NO ONE should be thinking 'what if it was me or mine' be it about the prosecution OR the defense. And you will not see either side telling the jury to put themselves in the shoes of anyone.
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The case is politically motivated, Obama made it so by saying Treyvon could be his son. The prosecution has no case. The Defense should ask the judge to direct a not guilty verdict
OMG it did? It became human. The case will be made by the prosecution doing closing augments. I he walks incompetent representation should allow an appeal. I was never sure WHO the prosecution was.

Are you on LSD?
Six women's opinion, five of them mothers, is all that counts here at the end of the day.

Well, no it is not. All 5 could vote guilty and Z still not be guilty. Only thing that would happen was a hung jury.

If there is a not guilty verdict I expect the libs here to not rant – after all they were VERY convinced that Z had no chance in hell because of those mothers. I doubt that is what is going to happen though. If there is a not guilty verdict, we are going to see threads for weeks about how terrible the justice system is, the terrible jury and terrible prosecution etc etc. Not many are going to simply accept that real justice was done. I doubt the same can be said if there is a guilty verdict though…

I have to admit though; I am not innocent of such things. I will admit that I still feel OJ is quite guilty and that there were mountains of evidence against him. Same for Michael and Casey. This case is different though, the evidence on the prosecutions side is really lacking.

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